Why sleep with cats

Cat and human in bed

Why sleep with cats… That is a very good question. There are many people who think that sleeping with a feline is very unhygienic, because it fills the bed with hair. But, although this may be true, it is also true that it can be avoided in a very simple way, simply by brushing the animal from time to time so that it does not leave a trace.

Spending the night with your best furry friends is very nice. It is one of the best ways we have to show them how much we love them.

As in everything, there are pros and cons that must be taken into account before deciding whether or not we are going to allow our cat to get on our bed.


Spending the night in the company of your best friend will make you strengthen your bondSince these animals can only rest if they really feel safe. When you see that nothing happens next to you, he will know that he can trust you, which will give him a feeling of peace and relaxation that will help him sleep ... and, yes, fall asleep too. The sound of purring helps us relax, so we will fall asleep earlier and sleep better.

And that's not to mention that, in the morning when you wake up, you can take advantage of the opportunity to give your cat the first caresses and cuddles of the day  . Also, if you and/or your cat are prone to coldness, during the coldest months of the year you will find shelter in the other.


If you have an allergy to cat dander, you should not sleep with it or let it enter your bedroom. Spending the night with him can aggravate your symptoms and prevent you from getting adequate rest.

Also, if you decide to let him sleep with you, you should know that during the first few times your cat can move a lot. They will only do this until they get used to your sleeping habits, but it is important to keep in mind that it may take a little time for the furry to adjust.

Cat sleeping with his stuffed animal

And you, do you sleep with your cat?

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      Martha Patricia Galvis said

    Of course Monica, I sleep with mine… .of the 6… there are at least two that always sleep with me and my husband… ..they are fixed hahaha Rayito and Luz Clarita «Luchy»… .some other from time to time at dawn It rises and wakes up with us but I always fix two and when they haven't laid down next to me I miss them…. I don't change those moments for anything in life… .. sleeping with them is wonderful… .as you say, incredible bonds are created… ..

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Martha.
      Thanks for your comment.
      Yes, sleeping with cats is wonderful 🙂. You sleep better, you wake up calmer,… it's amazing.
      A greeting.