When special dates approach, such as birthdays or Christmas, we all would like to be able to give the best gift to our loved ones, but it is not a good idea to give a cat, or, really, any animal. Even if we do it with our best intentions, furry animals are not objects.
Usually, if we don't like a gift, we exchange it, but not a cat. A cat is a living being, that feels and suffers, and that needs a series of care in order to be happy. For all this, and for more things that I am going to tell you next, The ideal will be to let each one decide whether or not to live with an animal.
A cat cannot be a whim
Many parents buy a cat for their children, either because they have been asking for it for a long time or because they would like them to live with one. What usually happens after a few months? The kitten grows. Spider. Bite Hurts. He does not get the proper education, and then the adults get rid of the furry.
A cat can live 20 years (or more)
If each of us already has a hard time knowing where and how we will be in, for example, 10 years, can you imagine how difficult it is to know how that loved one will be in two decades? It is impossible. Life can take many turns. If they can't keep a cat in good condition, and / or if we don't know if they like them or not, let's not give them away.
A cat can get sick
It is the law of life. You can fall ill, you can have an accident. At those times, you will need veterinary care. Will that person provide it? Will you take him to the vet?
A cat needs affection
It is not true that the cat is independent. You need affection, company and to feel that you are really part of the family. It cannot and should not be treated as an object, but as what it is: a cat. Only people who have great respect and admiration for these animals and can really keep them can receive a cat as a gift.
Unless you know in advance that you certainly can and do want a feline, don't give cats away.
I have to give the kittens that my cat had yes or yes, since I already have many, would that be bad?
Hi Isidora.
No, if they go to good homes, no. But so that your cat does not have more kittens, the ideal would be to castrate her.
A greeting.