Why does my cat ignore me

Naughty cat

The cat is an animal more independent that the dog, to the point that many times, when it is called, it ignores us, and that is when we have to offer it some food that it loves or its favorite toy in order for it to approach us to be able to pet it. And yet sometimes we don't get it.

Don't you recognize our voice? Have we done what has bothered you? If you want to know why does my cat ignore me, in this article we will try to give you the answer.

It does recognize the human voice, but it does what it wants

That's the good news and the bad news. According to a study published in the journal Animal Cognition, and mentioned in The Independent, the cat does recognize the voice of the human who calls it, but does not always go to it. Why is a mystery. The study authors say that it is because they have been domesticated for a short time, about 9500 years, compared to 15000 that the dog has. But it may also be because that is simply his character.

The cat is a generally solitary feline, which does not live in social groups unless its life depends on it, as it happens in cities and towns, where feline colonies made up of several cat members are formed. On the other hand, the dog does live with his family always, so he has become more dependent.

But don't worry: he loves us

Domestic cat

Proof of this is the purr that is heard when it relaxes and we caress it, when he gets on our lap when we are working with the computer so that we focus our attention on him and not on the monitor, the gifts that it brings us If we let it go outside

So even though it is the way it is, he also has emotional needs. The only thing that will be up to him is to decide when he wants to be petted and when he doesn't  .

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