Does your furry eat less during the summer? Do not worry: if you see that he leads a normal life, and that he does not show any symptoms that could indicate that he is in poor health (such as diarrhea, vomiting or fever), in the heat the cats do not eat as much, so they can end thinning a bit.
Even so, when you see that your feline does not seem to eat as much as the rest of the year, it is inevitable to wonder why does my cat eat little in summer, truth? To make you calmer, I am going to give you a series of tips so that your friend can spend these months with his stomach as full as possible.
Cats are much less active during the summer. High temperatures force them to stay in cool corners, resting, so they don't need to eat as much. But to avoid problems, it is important that you do the following:
Change the water every day
You probably already do, but if not, during the summer it is much more important to change it every day, and even a couple of times a day to encourage the cat to drink. And this has a simple explanation, and that is that no feline likes to drink from places where the water is stagnant. For this reason, it is possible that your four-legged companion decides to drink from the tap, something that, by the way, you should not let him do if he has a lot of lime.
Give him wet feed
During this season, especially on the hottest days, it can be difficult for you to eat the amount of food you need. But this has a solution: offer cans of high-quality wet food that do not have cereals or by-products. Not only will they feed you, but they will also keep you hydrated as they contain a minimum of 70% moisture.
Make sure he goes to the bathroom every day
If you see that you feel discomfort when urinating and / or defecating, or if your stools are accompanied by blood, take him to the vet as soon as possible, as you could have an infection.
So your friend will surely make the most of the summer.