Our beloved cat can sometimes do things that we do not like very much, such as biting or scratching us. However, although it can be taught not to do so, we must bear in mind that it is a feline, that is, a predatory animal that in its natural state would hunt rodents and small birds for food.
When he has nothing to do, he can behave in a way that in our eyes is inappropriate, and that is when we can ask ourselves why does my cat attack my feet.
The needs of the cat as a species
The cat that lives with us is not, and should not be considered, a whim. It is not an object of decoration, and not something that can be returned without further ado when we get tired of it. We are talking about a living being with feelings, and who also has a very bad time when he is abandoned, especially if he has been separated from a loved one.
However, it often happens that we adopt it and, apart from ensuring that it has water and food, we do not worry about anything else. We think that since it is an independent animal, it can be happy on its own. And the truth is that this would only be the case if that animal had never had contact with humans and was already an adult. If you live in a house or flat from a young age, you will need to have some kind of contact with people.
Why am I counting this? Well, surely you are taking good care of your furry, but We all know that at certain times of the year (Christmas, birthdays) pets become gifts of children especially, who have asked their parents to have a dog or a cat. A few months, most of those puppies will be abandoned (In 2017 alone, some 33.335 cats were taken to the shelters in Spain, according to the graphics of the Affinity Foundation. To this number must be added those that were left on the roads, garbage containers, etc.).
The reasons are several:
- I move to an apartment that does not accept pets (If you really love your cat, the normal thing would be to look for another apartment, right?)
- There is someone allergic to cats in the family (Today many things can be done to alleviate symptoms, such as the ones we tell you this article)
- He relieves himself off the tray (be careful, he could have an infection. Take him to the vet)
- Misbehaves / bites / attacks (ask yourself if you're treating him right)
In this article we are going to focus on the last point. Cats that bite, that attack. And for that, we are going to review the needs of the cat as a species, that is, as a feline, as felis catus.
Follow a carnivorous diet
All cats are carnivoresThey are hunters, predators, and the domestic cat (not domesticated ) begins to perfect its hunting techniques from the time it is a kitten. First it will hunt with its mother and siblings, and then, if it is given the opportunity to go outside, it will also hunt with live animals (insects, birds, and rodents). If it lives with people inside a house without being able to have contact with the outside, it will depend solely and exclusively on its family for food.
He needs animal protein to run, play, sleep, ... in short, to lead a normal life and to be healthy. For this reason, it is very important to give him a meal free of cereals and by-products, and to always leave the feeder full. Thus, in addition, it prevents him from having anxiety about food, since this furry eats little but several times a day.
Control their territory
Every day you will see that it goes through all the rooms of the home and that it rubs against some furniture and / or things that are considered to be his. This he does because, like all felines, he needs to leave his pheromones - usually facial - over and over again in order to let others know that it is his.
But also it's something that makes you feel safe. Knowing what is in every corner of your home gives you a sense of stability and tranquility with which you can lead a completely normal life. Therefore, it should not surprise you that he wants to climb on the furniture or that the doors are open.
Being alone at times and in company
The cat is a feline that usually spends time alone, which is why it is considered lonely but it is not entirely true. If you take care of or have ever spent time -with- a feline colony, you will know that even the most distrustful do not stray too far from the group. The males can go several meters, but they always come back.
And if they are home, home cats, you may not see them all morning (for example), but if you call them they will likely go. In this sense, they are quite similar to humans: we like to spend time alone, although if we are presented with a situation in which we know we are going to enjoy ourselves and have a good time, we say goodbye to that loneliness quickly.
If there's one thing cats do for a long time, it's sleep. If you have a kitten, you will notice that it spends between 18 and 22 p.m. sleeping, and if it is an adult, around 16 p.m.. He does not sleep all those hours at once, but takes little naps.
For this purpose, we must provide you with a safe, comfortable place, and where you can be relaxed. It is recommended that it be in the same room where we sleep, since feeling our body odor is something that relaxes you. But in practice, he will decide where to nap.
Play (rather hunt)
Even if it is never going to go out, every cat worth its salt needs to hunt something, be it a ball, a stuffed animal, an insect, ... whatever. If you do not, you will feel frustrated and bored, and may behave in a way that we do not like. (like attacking us "for no reason"). To avoid problems, it is very important to play with it daily, at least one hour divided into several short sessions - of about 20 minutes - a day.
Getting him to be well, to be happy, is not difficult, but it requires commitment on our part. You, as your cat's caregiver, must make sure that it exercises, that it discharges all the accumulated energy. The whole family will win.
But if their needs are not taken into account, soon it will be possible to speak that the feline has ...:
The cat-tiger syndrome
It is very common in cats that are bored and / or that they do not spend enough time with their family (either because humans work and spend many hours outside, or because they do not pay attention to the animal).
This »attack» could be considered as a wake-up call, as a way of saying that you want to spend time with the human. In no case should you think that he does it to punish you, because he does not understand those things. All he knows is that he feels bad, bored, perhaps frustrated and / or depressed, and wants attention.
Why is my cat brutally attacking me?
Cats that brutally attack people do so for several reasons:
- why are feral cats adopted. Remember that feral cats are those that were born and raised on the street, without human contact. These furry ones must stay outside to be happy.
- because they feel threatened. Cats always warn before attacking: snorting, wagging the tail from side to side hitting the ground, bristling of hair, showing teeth, growling. If these signals are ignored, they will attack.
- because they have not socialized well. The socialization period is between 2 and 3 months of age. During that time, humans must pet them, pick them up, etc. all without overwhelming them, but quite often. So as adults they will not fear humans, they will even seek their company; otherwise, they will feel nervous and insecure.
Why does my cat attack only me?
Sometimes we live with a cat that only attacks us, and not our partners for example. Why? Well, there is no single reason. It could be that at some point we have made you feel bad, or that we came from petting a dog or another cat and that smell has displeased you so much that you could not help getting nervous and tense.
These situations they are solved with time, with a lot of patience, respect and affection. We must avoid making sudden movements, and if we know that they do not like the smells of other animals, wash our hands well as soon as we get home. Grain-free cat treats and cans will also help.
Why does my cat hiss and attack me?
That happens when we have forced him to do something he did not want. For example, when we want to hold him for much longer than he wants. You should not force him to do anything, ever. It is a cat. It is an animal that, although it is domestic because it can live with humans, it has not been domesticated at all. In part, it is still wild (beware: this does not mean that it is dangerous at all, but that you simply need to do what you want and when you want).
He decides how to get along with us, depending on how we treat him. With this in mind, it is essential to understand their body language and respect it in order to build a beautiful friendship between the two of you.
Why does my cat attack my other cat and / or my dog?
It may be that or they have not socialized with other animals during their youth, that the introductions were not done well or that, simply, a conflict has arisen (over food, toys, or other things) that they have not been able to resolve peacefully .
If it happens more times, the ideal is to consult with a feline ethologist or dog trainer that works positively.
What to do to prevent it from attacking me?
Besides spending time with him playing and keeping him company, it is very important that you teach him not to bite or scratch you. To do this, whenever you see that he intends to do so, you have to stop the game immediately, removing his toys from him.
In case it has bitten your hand or foot, do not move it. If you move it, what will happen is that the feline will have more desire to bite and / or scratch you; But if you keep it still, it will let you go straight away.
You have to be very patient and be very constant, but you will see how soon you will get your friend to behave well.
I hope that everything you have learned from this article has been useful to you, and that you can enjoy the company of your furry friend more than before .
Very interesting. The pity is that with so much advertisement I could hardly read anything. Less publicity please