Why does my cat attack me

Angry cat

The cat is an animal that can surprise us, both for better and for worse. Often, especially if we do not have much experience treating these felines, we can be quite upset that it comes up to us from behind and bites us or does not scratch, or that we are quietly caressing it and it suddenly growls at us.

In order not to find ourselves in this type of situation again, it is important to understand why does my cat attack me, that is, we have to find out the cause of this behavior.

Why does a cat attack?

The cat is, in general, a peaceful animal that only attacks if it is in heat or for territory. The problem is that, when living with us, he has had to adapt to living in a house or in an apartment, that is, the possibility that he had before going out on the street or leaving the nucleus of tension has disappeared. Therefore, that tension builds up, and that's when it can attack us, apparently, for no reason, but it is important to know that there is always a cause.

Thus, seven types of aggression are distinguished, which are:

  • By game: Being a predatory animal, it is normal for it to "attack" its prey, but it can also bite and scratch our hands and feet if we have not taught it not to do so.
  • Because of fear: if he feels threatened, he will put his ears back, his body will lean back and his hair may stand on end. If it cannot flee, it will attack.
  • By territory: the cat is territorial, and if someone you don't know comes to see you, it could attack you or mark around the house.
  • Re-directed aggression: It consists in that a cat stressed by something or by someone does not attack the person or the animal that bothers it, but attacks its caregiver.
  • He doesn't want us to caress him anymore: Not all cats are equally affectionate, so when we see that he is getting nervous, wagging his tail from side to side, hissing or growling, we have to stop petting him.
  • Protect their young: Mother cats are usually very protective, to the point that, if they feel that some of their little ones are in danger, they will attack the person or the animal in order to keep them safe.
  • For sickness: There are certain diseases, such as rabies or arthritis, that can cause a drastic change in the behavior of the cat, causing it to become more sensitive.

What to do?

Uncomfortable cat

Each cat is unique, so each case is different. The first thing we have to do is take him to the vet to find out if he is sick or not and, if he is, treat him. But if it turns out it's okay then you have to be very patient and take care of it with respect and affection (but without weighing you down).

If the situation is serious, I recommend that you contact a feline ethologist.

Cheer up!

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