Why do cats snort

Snorting cat

Cats, like us, can also feel very uncomfortable. They cannot speak, but they can convey a message to us with their body language, and that is something they do often, not only when they are calm, but also when there is something that bothers them.

Of all the messages they send us, there is one that is especially striking: the snort. Have you ever wondered why cats snort? 

These animals they need to have their entire environment controlledAs soon as something suddenly appears, they may feel really uncomfortable or snort, because for them that new "something" that has come out of nowhere represents a threat. But they also hiss in other situations, such as when there is a young cat who insists on playing but he does not want to, either because he is tired or for any other reason.

Are they snorting at us? Yeah right. They can do it if they feel cornered, or if we "force" them into our lap even if they don't want to. The question is, why? Why do they snort?

Angry cat

The snort is a kind of warning. Cats are fantastic predators, but the truth is that whenever they can, they avoid conflict, especially when their »opponent» is a loved one (whether they have two legs or four legs). It is their way of saying "leave me alone", "stay away." If we ignore it, it will most likely take action, that is, scratch or bite.

Be careful, that a cat bufe does not mean that it is aggressive, since feline aggressiveness as such does not exist, since you have to think that, behind aggressive behavior hides fear, insecurity, fear that something will happen to him. In addition, there is always, always a reason why he acts like that, whether it is psychological or physical (health problems), so if your furry hisses at you, it is important that you find out why he does it. Only then can you prevent him from doing it again, only then can you make him happy.

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      Monica sanchez said

    Great 🙂

      Laura said

    I just picked up two kittens from the bush, they have only been at home a day, when I try to get closer they snort at me, I don't know what to do, I would appreciate any advice you can give me. Thanks.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Laura.
      I recommend you to be patient. Play with them, for example with a rope, and give them wet kitten food. Surely they will soon gain confidence in you.
      A greeting.