Why do cats prefer a person

Pet your cat to make him feel loved

Has it ever happened to you that, no matter how much you did, your cat preferred to be with someone else? To me the truth is something that catches my attention: you give all the love in the world and the furry melts when another loved one caresses him. But everything has its explanation.

We may not like the answer too much, but it is important to know why cats prefer a person so that the day we adopt one, we are not surprised if we are not the chosen ones.

Affection and respect, what should not be missing

It is very important that, if we are going to adopt a cat, it feels loved and respected. It is not about picking him up and having him on our lap all day; not even give him many awards. It is all about taking time to understand their body language, their gestures, their meows and their looks; to respect your personal space and not overwhelm you, much less force you to do things you do not want. In short, we have to take care of the cat as it deserves, no more, no less.

In the family there will always be someone who takes better care of him, or who pays him a little more attention, or who gives him what he wants when he wants (yes, not everything is affection). For example, I love my cat Susty very much, I pamper her, I say nice words to her, I even buy her cans of high-quality food from time to time. But do you know who he goes with when he comes? With my mother. Why? Because she is the one who often opens the door so that he can go outside, and the one who often opens the cans.

How to be the chosen person?

Well, I don't think you have to compete for the love of a cat. Simply, you have to provide all the care it needs, and let the feline himself decide who he wants to go with at that time. Because the furry have that: in the morning they may want to go with your mother, at noon with the children, and at night with you. But, yes, do not forget to pay attention to him throughout the day and night so that he feels loved by you.

Cat with human

Thus, your furry will be happy with you.

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      gonzalo said

    Hello: in my case our cat Nina has my wife as her favorite "companion". I agree with this article, my wife has become "his favorite" based on dedication and hours of company.
    He talks to her, combs her hair, feeds her, understands her… they have a connection.
    Of course, the rest of us respect the "decision" of our cat.