Cats are furry ones to which, although more and more people live with some of them, today they are still the animals that are most abandoned. In the shelters and shelters there are many feline lives that are looking for a family that loves them, not for a few months, but forever.
However, it is still necessary to create awareness about the responsibility that having a feline at home requires. They are allowed to have litters without knowing that the vast majority of those kittens will end up living on the streets. Therefore, from here we are going to do our bit by telling you why adopt cats.
They are more autonomous than dogs
Cats have a more autonomous personality than dogs. If they have food, water, a litter tray and someone to visit to keep them company from time to time, you can go on vacation for a few days. because you know nothing is going to happen to him.
Yes, never confuse being independent with being antisocial. These animals need contact with their family; They need to be cuddled and cuddled every day. What's more, in the event that you have to spend a lot of time away from home, it is better to have two cats than one.
They like to play and have fun
Especially kittens. Anything that moves or can move attracts your curiosity. They enjoy playing, something they will do with the first thing they find: a ball, a rope, a stuffed animal, ... even with a cardboard box they will have a great time. They are very curious and will not hesitate to explore their entire territory in search of fun.
It is beneficial for health
Purring has a calming effect, not only on cats, but also on us. Reduces stress, anxiety and insomnia, helping us sleep much better. And that's not to mention that stroking a cat, or simply watching it sleep, can be very reassuring.
Save a life
Adopting a cat is actually saving a feline's life. Shelters and shelters are saturated with abandoned cats and dogs. Offering a cat a home is a very important reason to adopt.
Do you know other reasons why it is better to adopt?