If we take into account that a cat can go into heat up to three times in a year and that with each pregnancy she can bring from one to fourteen kittens, we will immediately realize that feline overpopulation is a real problem. A problem that is far from being solved, since there are many people who want to raise their cats and then do not know what to do with the little ones, who will end up either in a shelter or, more frequently, living on the street.
To try to solve it we can opt for the castration of the animal, but When to neuter a cat? If you have just acquired one and you don't know when to have it undergo surgery to remove its reproductive glands, we will clear up your doubts in a moment .
There are different opinions on when it is best to neuter a cat. There are those who think that it should be done when it has already had some heat (around 6-7 months), or when it has finished growing (1 year). Well, that It will depend on a single person: yourself and where you have the cat. Let me explain: if you have him inside the house without being able to leave you can wait until a year, but if he leaves, with six months he can become a father / mother and there is even the risk that he will not return home.
Taking this into account, it is highly recommended to take him for neutering at five or six months, before I have the first heat. It is a way to avoid that the male cat gets used to marking the house with urine, and that the cat meows desperately at night. In addition, if they go out, they will not be far from their home (mine never go more than one or two streets away), so you can always have it close by.
Neutering a cat is a way to take care of it. It is an operation from which he recovers quickly and, really, it is very worth it, not only because you prevent him from bringing kittens into the world that you know where they would end up, but also because not having heat he will not need to get away home or to defend their territory or to find a partner.
I have a six-month-old cat and she just brought a puppy dog, the first 4 days they even shared the bed and played all day, but suddenly the cat stopped tolerating it and gets very bad when the puppy approaches her to play. The chest huffs and I can't contain it or get close, obviously I separate them and they are each in a different room inside my house, it generates a lot of stress because I don't want them to get hurt and I liked and enjoyed watching them play together, now I lay the puppy down I go to another room to make the kitty upa and pamper her. How can I reestablish the link between the two? I always had dogs and it is my first experience with cats, the kitten came first in March and the puppy 3 months later, can you help me with this? Thank you
Hello Caterina.
Try covering their beds with a cloth, and swap them out for a few days. With this, you will get the kitten to accept the puppy's smell again, which will help them to become friends again.
When it stops hissing at the fabric, put them back together. If you see that he growls, it is normal. What you should not do is try to scratch or bite him.
If you have doubts, get in touch again and we will solve them as soon as possible.
A greeting.