When do cats meow

Meowing cat

Cats have different ways of communicating: one is through their body language. It is incredible what they can convey with their tail, eyes and ears. But the one that usually catches our attention is his oral expression; that is to say, the meow, not in vain, human beings are animals that, in general, we communicate through words, and that, because of this, we need to listen.

And of course, this is something our furry ones learn right away. In fact, if we observe a feline colony they do not usually meow, but our cat can do it often to communicate with us. But, Do you know when cats start to meow?

When and why do cats meow?

Cats usually meow from an early age

Cats usually start meowing very early while they are still babies. The meow serves to attract the attention of their mother, who is not far from them. As they get older, they learn to use a type of meow depending on the situation that comes their way, so that when one of these furry babies begins to live with us, we will immediately realize that they will use it in very specific circumstances, for example :

  • To tell us that you are hungry.
  • To greet us.
  • To express pain.
  • So that we pay attention to him.
  • So we don't leave him alone.
  • To let us know that you can't go somewhere.
  • To tell us that he misses his mother (very common in baby kittens that have been separated before two months of age).
  • So we can clean the sand for him.

My cat meows a lot and is restless

There are cats that are very talkative, and others that only meow a lot on certain occasions, such as when they are sick or want to go out. To 'avoid it' or to stop meowing, what you have to do is simply pay attention to them. Do not ignore them, otherwise they will continue meowing until they get tired, and then they are left in a corner frustrated and / or bored.

The main symptoms of disease in cats are: apathy, loss of appetite and / or weight, fever, vomiting, or even relieving themselves off the tray, which is typical of urine infections. At the slightest suspicion, it is important to take them to the vet because it is known by all that an early diagnosis will serve to make it more likely that the recovery can be total and in a short time.

In the case of what happens is that they are cats that want to go out, we must try to play with them, inside the house. Entertain them, spend time with them.

My cat meows when he goes to the door

Meowing cat

Cats, from a certain age (six months or so) tend to want to go outside. And it is normal in them since reach sexual maturity very early: Cats can go into heat and have their own puppies when they are 5-6 months old, and male cats will not hesitate to go looking for them as soon as they detect their scent.

But also, it must be borne in mind that if they are animals that never go out but leave home one day out of confusion, it could be the case that they enjoy their departure and want to repeat. So, the best thing to do is castrate themIn other words, remove the ovaries and uterus from cats, and testicles from cats, if possible before the first heat. With this we will get them to become -normally- more homemade.

In addition, it will be necessary to entertain them with toys such as balls, stuffed animals, ropes, cardboard boxes, etc., every day, half an hour in the morning and another half at night (there are cats that need to play more. If that is the case with yours, spend another half hour at noon, or lengthen the morning and evening sessions).

My cat meows when he goes to the sand

If the cat meows before, during and after going to the litter box, it can be for several reasons:

  • Is constipated, and therefore you may feel pain or discomfort when defecating.
  • Have a urine infection, which causes discomfort, itching or pain when urinating, and small urination.
  • You have calculations that cause pain when urinating or defecating.
  • The sand is dirty, or you don't like it.
  • The sandbox is dirty, it is small and / or you do not like the place where it is placed.

Taking this into account, what we must do first of all is take him to the vet. You always have to rule out first that the animal may have a disease, since everything else can be easily solved. If the professional says that it is fine, perfect, and if not, he will give you the treatment that he considers appropriate.

With regard to the sand and the litter box, cats they tend to prefer a litter that releases as little dust as possible and is unscented. Also, you should be in a quiet room, away from your garbage and your food (no one likes having their bathroom close to where they eat). Every day you have to remove all the stools, and once a week or every month -depending on the type of sand- we will do a thorough cleaning of the tray.

Cat tray
Related article:
What types of cat litter are there?

Old cat meows a lot

Es normal. As the cat ages, it is common for it to lose visual acuity as well as hearing ability. And that's not to mention that they often feel disoriented, especially at night when the family sleeps.

Ideally have patience, give him a lot of love, and keep him a lot of company. Once a year we will take him to the vet for a check-up to make sure that he is well, or that, in case of illness, he can be treated as soon as possible.

Old cat
Related article:
How to care for an old cat

Angry meowing cat

When a cat meows in anger we must leave it alone. If we see that he is about to fight with another cat, we will make a loud noise, for example, a loud slap in the air, or giving a sharp blow to the table, to scare them and thus get them away from each other.

If it is outside, the fastest and most effective way is to run in their direction, but I only advise doing this in dead-end streets, or areas near (or in) the field. Not in cities and towns. In busy areas it is better to try to direct their attention to food that we throw to the side, or in a trap cage if what we want is to get them out of there and take them to be castrated or to a safer place.

What if my cat doesn't meow?

There are cats that do not meow

Absolutely nothing happens. There are cats that never meow, or that their meows are so low that they can hardly be heard. It is normal, and we should not be concerned. Of course, if we begin to notice that he is hoarse or that he is losing his voice, we must take him to the vet to take a look.

I hope it has been useful to you.

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      Edith torres said

    My fluff kitten meows when she is hungry or when she wants to be cared for ... I adore my fluff. She is the one who comforts us after my cat Tommy left home ... we don't know what happened to him but we are very sad.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Edith.
      Cats are very special. I'm sorry for your loss.
      Cheer up.

      Camila meneses said

    Hello!! I am a bit worried .. months ago my kitten died, she drank water but it was difficult for her to poop and she screamed loudly, she had 4 kittens and one of them is 3 months old, she is very playful but when she does poop it costs her a little bit, although she drinks water, I really do not know what you have please..something I can give you or some diagnosis of why it may be that way. Thanks!!

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Camila.
      I'm sorry that your kitten is like this, but I'm not a veterinarian and I don't have the power to make a diagnosis.
      It is best to take her to the vet for examination.
      Greetings and encouragement.

      Pedro pineda said

    Hello Monica.

    Thank you very much for the information you share about our furry friends, we recently adopted our first shelter kitten, she is approximately 3 months old. I think it could do
    good to have a girlfriend. Do you think it is a good idea? or should we wait a while.

    Warm greetings from Mexico City.

      Arthur said

    Hi, I have a 2-month-old kitten that meows a lot while in her cage, I suppose she wants us to take her out, but we don't have time to take care of her all day.

    They gave it to us and we took it out only in the afternoon, which is when we have time, we played with it and others, but at night we left it in its cage, with its bed, sandbox and other things (it is a 4-meter cage). the end .. we give him good nutrition and he does not lack anything in terms of accessories and vaccines.

    A vet told us to let her meow, until she gets tired and learns that by meowing she will not get anything .. since they are like children, example: if we go and pay attention to her, she will know that we will meow, and she will freak out .. It's true?

    Suggestions to get you used to us and our lifestyle? Or flat out, am I looking for another family? regards!

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Arturo

      There are several things you have to keep in mind:

      -no cat likes to sleep or eat with his litter box next to him,
      -It is not good that they are caged, even if it is only at night. They are animals that need to be loose around the house, all day to explore their territory, smell different smells, play, ...

      Here the thing is: do you love him? I mean, are you fond of him?

      Maybe someone else will tell you something else, but my opinion is that if you really want her, try to modify your lifestyle a little so that she can lead a life more like a cat, and not a caged animal. Nobody likes being in a cage.

      Anyway, what the vet told you is like that. Ignored behavior tends to disappear. But you have to think about why this behavior has been generated to see if there is something that could be done differently. For example, the cat meows because she wants to go out, and she has reasons for it, because she does not want to be locked up.

      So, knowing this, how can you improve your situation?

      I think it's something you have to think about.

      A abrazo.