What to do if my cat limps

Orange cat limps

Did you just get up and have found your furry that cannot walk well? If so, you probably want to know what to do if my cat limpsTherefore, as it may be an urgent case, we are going to see step by step everything you need to do so that your friend recovers as soon as possible.

But, first of all, the first thing we have to do is calm down. Yes, I know, it is very difficult to do it when your friend is in pain, but it is very important. These animals know perfectly how we feel, and if they perceive a certain tension it will not be easy for them to remain as calm as possible, which is what we will need to be able to take care of them. So, take a breath, hold it for 10 seconds and breathe it out little by little. Do you feel any better? Yes? So let's get started and see why my cat limps.

Although first of all, we always recommend that you give your pets a chondroprotector that will protect their joints and help avoid this type of situation.

To have everything more organized, let's know what to do in case of slight lameness, and in cases of severe lameness.

Mild lameness

Limping cat

When we speak of slight lameness we are referring to those in which the animal can walk without feeling too much pain. You may complain, but it is not a very loud complaint. He will lick his paw, but the pain will not prevent him from moving it. The cat can have this type of lameness when a human - or a large dog - has stepped on it unintentionally, or when it has an injury to the pads of its paws.

To do? Well, a remedy that you can use is to apply pure Aloe vera gel to the affected area, and let a day pass to see how it evolves. If the next day we see that he is more swollen or that he begins to complain more, we will take him to the vet. If we do not have a way to go, or if it is closed, in the next section I will explain how to bandage the leg.

Severe lameness

Cat that cannot walk due to a limp

When we speak of severe lameness we refer to those in which the cat cannot use its paw. It hurts him a lot, and therefore his complaints are loud. It can become aggressive towards us if we try to touch the affected paw.

Causes of a cat being lame

If my cat limps, there are many causes that may have caused this injury, among the most common we find:

  • Fractures
  • Tumors
  • Bruising
  • Leg injuries
  • Joint problems

In these cases, it is best to examine the animal well to have an idea of ​​what is the cause of your lameness, since depending on what it is, you will have to act in one way or another. Thus, examine the painful area conscientiously, and look for something (a pimple that has stuck, a foreign object, etc.). If you see that it has micro-cuts on its legs, don't worry: these wounds usually heal on their own; Now, if you notice any external element that should not be there, such as the stinger of a wasp, you can carefully remove it with tweezers. Take him to the vet if you suspect he has a tumor, or if you seemingly see that everything is fine but the cat complains a lot.

Lame cat

Only if we have noticed that it has a broken leg, and Only in very extreme cases, in which we do not have the financial means at this time, will we do it. How? Thus: while one person holds the cat, the other must bandage the paw with bandages or, if you do not have it, you can also use a cloth that you normally use to dry the dishes. Don't forget to secure it with adhesive bandages.

Related article:
My cat is fractured

In very serious cases, in which we see that the leg has come off, it is urgent to go to the veterinary professional. We can splint it, but really, it is much better for the specialist to do it, because if we do it wrong, the cat could end up lame forever.

How to bandage a cat's paw

Cat with bandaged paw

Here are the steps to bandage a paw to a cat who is limping and cannot walk well:

  1. Prepare the material you will need: bandages, cotton, a splint (the ideal is to buy plastic, but if it is urgent you can choose to use wood or similar), adhesive dressings, towel (or cloth). You can find all this in the first aid kits.
  2. Cover the animal with the towel or cloth, to prevent it from biting or scratching. It is important not to cover it completely, but to put it on its side, and put the cloth over it, without covering its head.
  3. Now, we proceed to make four rolls with the cotton (they are made by taking a piece, and rolling it between the fingers). Once done, you have to put them between the toes of the affected paw to prevent its claws from getting stuck.
  4. Then, while a person is holding him, he wraps his affected leg with a bandage.
  5. Then you must put the splint, which has to be the same length as the leg. Secure it with an adhesive dressing.
  6. Finally, you have to put three layers of bandage on it, starting from the fingers up, and a layer of wide adhesive sold in pharmacies.

Once your leg is bandaged, you will gradually feel better. But if you see that it gets worse, feel free to take him to the vet.

Caring for a cat with a bandaged paw

Grooming a cat with a bandaged paw

It's not easy, but it is important that the cat is kept calm, preventing it from moving excessively. To do this, we can play classical music -with a low volume-, light candles that carry orange essential oil or sit next to him to pamper him. That way we can keep him calm, at least for a while.

Courage, he will surely recover soon 😉.

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      Monica sanchez said

    Hello Danna.
    In principle it does not have to be anything serious. If you see that it does not improve in a couple of days, or if it worsens, then I would recommend taking it to the vet.
    A greeting.

         Valery said

      Hello my kitten is limping and I do not know why you could tell me what to put on it or what to serve it please

           Monica sanchez said

        Hi valeria.
        Do you know if he has fallen from somewhere or has had an accident with a car?
        If you see that he complains a lot, you could try to bandage his leg as indicated in the article, but if he does not improve in a couple of days it would be highly recommended to take him to the vet.
        A greeting.

             Carlos Jose said

          Hello, I have a problem with my kitten, I have seen that it limps a little but not so much so I checked the paw in which it limped and I saw that the pad of that paw was detached as if it had opened

               Monica sanchez said

            Hi Carlos Jose.
            I recommend you take him to the vet to be cured. It is the best.
            A greeting.

           Clara said

        Hello, I woke up and I just saw my cat catching, we tried to check her leg (it is a hind leg) but she does not let us touch it, it is clearly seen that one of her fingers is bent backwards and does not move the leg, She doesn't want to eat either and I already spend several hours lying down, I don't know what to do and I don't have vets nearby?

             Monica sanchez said

          Hi Clara.

          We recommend contacting a veterinarian, even by phone. I am not a veterinarian.

          Cheer up.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Cati.

      Do not worry. Aloe vera is not toxic to cats. Yes, it can cause some diarrhea if the pulp closest to the rind is used, but nothing that does not correct itself in a short time.


         Michelle Rojas Saavedra said

      Hello, my cat is one year old and just today he woke up with his lame paw, every time he walks he does not rest it on the ground, I tried to check the area but the only thing I noticed was that his pad and his fingers is where I feel intense pain since it complains just by rolling it, I wanted to see if you could help me to know more or less what it has, please, thanks regards

           Monica sanchez said

        Hi Michelle.
        I'm sorry, I do not know. It could be that something has gotten into it (a thorn, for example), or that it has a collection of pus.

        It's best to see a vet. Cheer up.

      Maura said

    Hello… What pain medication can you give him while he recovers?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Maura.
      I recommend that you ask your vet which one is the most suitable for your cat. I'm not a veterinarian and I can't help you with that, I'm sorry.
      A greeting.

      Lucia said

    My cat suddenly began to hiss and growl when she brushed against the pillow or anything, as if she was scared or hurt. She neither does it to me nor does she remove her nails when I examine her, she does not complain at all anywhere, but sometimes when she touches her with her foot when she is lying down, for example, she does the same thing. I noticed that he has a slight limp on his left foreleg, and he hasn't played all day and hardly moved. He does not get into bed, nor does he try, and he loves being in bed. What happens?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Lucia.
      You may have hit yourself falling or something. At first it does not seem serious, but if you see improvement tomorrow, take it because it could have a sprain.
      A greeting.

      Vaire said

    My 3-year-old cat fell from a third floor 3 days ago and the vet did X-rays and everything was fine, nothing broken, just some wounds under the eye and on the nose. I saw her limping when she fell, but the vet checked her and said nothing about it. Yesterday I took her to the vet and she had to put a micralax laxative because she was not defecating and defecating. He does not move, he spends the day in his bed and does not want to play. I have noticed a limp in the left front leg that sometimes supports the leg and sometimes not. I am worried because according to the vet he has nothing, but now it turns out that he has a limp and I am tired of going to the vet so that every day I go they charge me to discover something new. Let's see if I can gather more information from here and heal it myself. I think I'll try tonight by putting aloe vera of the plant all over the leg. Any more ideas?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Vaire.
      I'm very sorry for what happened to your cat 🙁. But I'm not a veterinarian and I can't help you like a professional would.
      Even so, I can tell you that it is normal for her to be listless for a few days, and that it hurts.
      Aloe vera will not do you any harm, it may even do you good. But you have to be consistent, and wear it every day for it to take effect.
      Still, if you can, get Arnica cream from a herbalist. It is used to relieve muscle pain and is natural.
      Greetings and much encouragement.

      Vaire said

    Thank you very much I will try aloe. I will not allow him to die but I am afraid that he was misdiagnosed and I cannot financially afford to go to the vet so much. I also orally administered a syringe of these without a needle that they gave me to try not to make a ball in his stomach and when I administered it he started sneezing for 10 seconds and I was scared. Nor do I know the reason. Let's see if the veterinarian on Avenida del Mediterráneo 14 will answer me in a gmail, who are the ones who treated me, and also if some nurse teachers know how to examine an X-ray of my cat, and also to see if tomorrow she defecates or I introduce another micralax Or if not tomorrow I go to another vet in Madrid, although I don't trust much.

      Vaire said

    And sorry for so many messages, but ... For my cat's limp, how do I apply aloe vera and more or less in what quantity? Oral route, on the entire leg, on the pad,…?

      Monica Sanchez said

    Put a little cream, all over the leg.
    A greeting.

      Alba said

    Hello, my cat showed a paw when I opened the sofa of my bed and when I closed it I did not realize it and his leg got caught for a second. He screamed on the spot but I touch his leg and move his joints and he doesn't complain… What he walks without stabbing his leg has been this morning June 5, 2016. But he's 2 months old and I don't know what to do because I don't have money for a vet . I do not know ... If he does not complain, is it that he has nothing serious or do I have to take him to the vet? I do not know what to do…

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello alba.
      If it was only a second in principle I wouldn't worry, less if he doesn't complain.
      Of course, if you see that it gets worse, I would recommend taking it.
      A greeting.

           Alba said

        Hello Monica.
        Thank you. It was a matter of 3 days and I was already playing running and like nothing. Hahaha
        It was more the scare than anything else poor.
        That goes well. Thank you

             Monica sanchez said

          Hello alba.
          If we love them too much hehehe
          I'm glad it was nothing 🙂
          A greeting.

      Vanesa said

    Good Morning. My cat fell from a third floor 3 days ago, he is lame and does not scream but he has been improving but I notice a ball on his injured leg, I do not know whether to take him to the vet or keep waiting, I am afraid that he is decomposed and that he will get used to the pain ..Thank you so much.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Vanesa.
      Just in case, I would recommend taking him to the vet for an examination. Is not more.
      A greeting.

      Adelaide said

    Hi, I'm desperate because my 4 to 5-month-old cat had problems with her hind legs overnight. She walks with difficulty, complains a lot, has a hard time getting up, sleeps and eats little and drinks a lot of water. She does not go out on the street and that is the most that worries me if you can help me. I will thank you. I do not have the resources to take her to a veterinarian.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Adelaide.
      Are your legs swollen or just limping? If you have them swollen, you may have abscesses of pus, which will eventually disappear; but if not, it may be that a blow has occurred, which will most likely improve in a few days.
      A greeting.

           Adelaide said

        Hello, my cat does not have her legs swollen or hurt. People tell me that it is hip dysplasia. I hope it is not that.

             Monica sanchez said

          Being so young, I highly doubt that it is hip dysplasia, but that could only be confirmed (or denied) by a professional. All the best.

      angel said

    My kitten does not move on both legs from behind, help me, what can I do if you please?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Angel.
      You may have a spinal, or nerve injury. It could also be that he has thrombi in the aorta at the level of the extremities that is leaving them without blood supply.
      In any case, it is necessary to see a veterinarian.
      Greetings, and encouragement.

      Brenda diaz said

    Good morning, I am working in a very remote part of Colombia where there is no medical assistance of any kind.
    and I found a cat with 3 babies of which were in complete health, until today I went to see how they were and I noticed that one of the babies was hanging a back leg and was not using it and was showing pain, can you know what to do ? I would greatly appreciate it.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Brenda.
      You can try to bandage it with gauze and then put a ribbon on it so that it does not take it off.
      A greeting.

      Valeria Enriquez de los Santos said

    Hello, my 3-month-old kitten fell from a height of about a meter and 70 centimeters, apparently she did not fall well and cannot hold herself with her four legs, she meows a lot, and does not walk well, I am desperate, what can I do of while you took her to the vet?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi valeria.
      You can put a bandage not too tight but it is well adjusted. If you have Aloe vera plants, or pure gel, before bandaging the leg, you can give it a massage by first smearing the gel of this plant.
      A greeting.

      Monica sanchez said

    Hello Romina.
    Have you looked if something has been nailed? If there is nothing, it may be the beginning of arthritis. To confirm this, I would recommend taking him to the vet.
    A greeting.

      Shirley salazar said

    Hi Monica, I am very worried because I just discovered that my cat has a ball on its paw, but it does not seem inflammatory because if it were, its ball would be hard, but the one it has is watery as if it had a bag of water under its skin What do I do, help me, please?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Shirley.
      I recommend you take him to the vet. It may be nothing more than an abscess, but in case it should be examined by a professional.
      I'm sorry I can't help you more 🙁.
      A greeting.

      Monica sanchez said

    Hi Abiel.
    See if they have something stuck in their pads, a splinter or glass. If they have nothing, they probably have a sprain or a small fracture.

    Allow two days to see if they recover, and if not take them to the vet to have their legs examined.

    A greeting.

      Alexandra Rodriguez said

    Good afternoon, my month and a half kitten this morning was limping. I touch his leg and it hurts a little, I looked if he had something stuck and he has nothing, but he still doesn't support it. I have massaged his leg and at times it hurts and screams. I have put a hot salve on it; I am very worried. Do you know if I should take him to the vet? Or how long should I wait for the ointment to take effect?
    I am too worried and I think it was that I fell ill in one of his data.

    Thanks for your attention.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Alejandra.
      Being so small it is best to take him to the vet. It may just have a bump, but being of growing age, it doesn't hurt to take a look at it.
      A greeting.

      Martha Suarez said

    Good afternoon I would like to consult I have a 5 month old cat started with pain in the right leg limping I took him to the vet they took an X-ray the result was that it is necessary to operate to be able to scrape the bone I would like to know what consequences my cat will have when he is operated on thanks

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Martha.
      I don't think it has any serious consequences. Normally, they are very superficial scrapes, which the bone itself does not take long to recover.
      Anyway, if you have any questions, better ask the vet.
      Greetings, and encouragement, you will see how it will be nothing.

      Karen said

    Hi! They put a line on my cat 5 days ago they said it was the maximum he would have to have, today we wanted to remove it since it is day 5 and it bites, its hairs are very stuck to the tape, we could cut the tape but no more, it is not left, that we sustain it. How do I remove it ??? I wait for an answer !!!!!!

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Karen.
      Try to reassure him, with words spoken in a soft tone. You can try giving him some treat for cats -in case he can already eat solid food-, and if not, I recommend getting Feliway in a diffuser, since it is a product that will help him to be calm.
      Wrap the cat in a blanket or towel, gently but firmly, so that it cannot move much while you remove the line.
      Cheer up.

      Diana said

    -One day I was at school and they had abandoned 3 kittens about 7 or 8 months old; they had already taken two but one was left alone. A week and 4 days had passed until a friend told me that animals that stay for 2 weeks or more kill them at that school. I felt very sorry for him because he was a very affectionate kitten with everyone, so I brought him home. Six days later, the kitten I named Toby had climbed up a very ruined tree and then didn't know how to get down. I didn't know what to do but then it occurred to me to go find the ladder to lower it. Apparently while I went to look for the ladder Toby got desperate and went down on his own, causing him to fracture his leg. It's been 3 days with the little leg picking up and hanging, that's when I realized that the bone had really been broken. I went to the pharmacy and bought the wooden sticks and the band to tie the leg, in fact today it was that I tie it. Now my question is, how long do you have to be with the band on?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi, Diana.
      Toby was very lucky that you found him 🙂. Congratulations.
      When you see that his leg is well supported on the ground, you can remove the bandage. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a month, depending on the severity of the fracture.
      Greetings, and encouragement.

      wendy said

    Hi! Good morning, my cat gave birth to two kittens two and a half weeks ago, one of the kittens apparently injured her leg and it is bent and does not straighten it, which prevents her from getting up (front leg) and looks swollen… Please tell me what could I do because I don't have to take him to a vet ...

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Wendy.
      You can try to sell it as explained in the article, using thin wooden sticks and gauze or bandages.
      Cheer up.

      Abigail said

    Hello, I have a 4-month-old kitten a week ago she fell out of the window… she used to jump around to get inside, she's not there. Very tall but she started to limp, she runs and plays and eats and does the bathroom well as if she had nothing to do, I go to the vet but she says I don't think it's a fracture because otherwise. I did not give her medicine for the pain but I look at her the same and it makes me sad to see her like this and I don't have the resources to take her back again. They charge a lot, tell me what to do. Thank you?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Abigail.
      Have you looked to see if it has something stuck or caught in the leg? I imagine the vet will have taken a good look at her by now, but just in case.
      In any case, if you lead a normal life, you will most likely have a sprain that ends up healing itself.
      A greeting.

      Abigail said

    Hopefully, because it makes me sad she runs and plays with her brothers as if she had nothing but I feel ugly. Seeing her like this but if I already rebuke her even today I will look good at her pillow again… But what is good to help her recover soon? Look at what they say about aloe vera, does that have to be natural or purchased from aloe slime? And thank you very much for answering me?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Abigail.
      Aloe vera can help you, indeed. It can be natural or purchased, as you prefer.
      Courage, you'll see how it improves 🙂.

      Carmen said

    Hello, I have a kitten who is almost 2 months old and she fell off the sofa playing, she complains when you touch her paw and she limps a little, sleeps a lot more and plays and eats less

      Monica sanchez said

    Hi carmen.
    You can carefully bandage it using two thin wooden sticks and bandages, but if you can, it should ideally be seen by a vet.
    A greeting.

      Carmen said

    Hello, I am Carmen, I am the one with the two-month-old kitten, the pain and the limping of the right rear leg has happened to the right in front and it is very difficult for her to walk and all the emergency veterinarians are very expensive
    I do not know what to do

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi carmen.
      I'm so sorry that your kitty is getting worse 🙁.
      But she must be seen by a vet. I'm not a veterinarian, and I don't know what she may be having.
      Much encouragement.

      Monica sanchez said

    To you 🙂.

      Karen said

    Hello, my cat is limping, but it seems that another cat bit his paw, he does not complain, he walks normally but he does not let me see his paw, he gets angry, what can I do?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Karen.
      If he walks normally, wait until tomorrow to see how he evolves. Most likely, it will recover on its own.
      If later you see that he is calmer, you can consider putting a little hydrogen peroxide on the wound to clean it.
      Cheer up.

           karen said

        Yes, I did, thank you, Monica, it seems that he is better and if he also heals himself, but when he is asleep I take advantage of cleaning him with hydrogen peroxide

             Monica sanchez said

          That's great. I'm very glad that he's improving 🙂

      Monica sanchez said

    Hello Immaculate.
    Do you know if he has taken a bump or has had a bad fall? Has anyone stepped on it?
    If you see that he does not complain, or not much, and leads a normal life, in principle I would tell you that he will heal himself. But if he complains a lot and does not want to use the sore leg, then it is likely that he has fractured it, so you can try to bandage it, or, better, take it to the vet for examination.
    Greetings and much encouragement.

      Estrella said

    Hello, my kitten is strange, since this afternoon, she has a posture as if it were about poop, she walks like this and it does not hurt at all, she cannot go up the steps well or down it, she cannot with her back legs, she may be constipated, she is already about ten years old.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Star.
      It could be that she was constipated, indeed. Try giving it a small tablespoon of vinegar. This will help you relieve yourself.
      But if 48 hours pass and you can't do it, or if it worsens, you should see a vet.
      A greeting.

      Flour said

    My cat (I do not know for what reason) has started to take hold of the right front leg, it does not support it, but when it is going to jump somewhere if that force then I try not to support it too much, it usually goes up to places it does not very high (table, sink ...) Could it be that jumping from there would hurt? Do I take him to the vet or wait for me ..? Since he just started fucking today, 01-10-16 in the morning

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Meel.
      You can wait a couple of days to see if it improves. Small bumps are often given that end up healing on their own.
      Of course, if in 48 hours it does not improve then I would recommend taking it to the vet.
      A greeting.

      Jonathan Fernando said

    Hello, my cat is lame in one leg but I think he is also injured in his private parts because he observed that some blood comes out of his parts and it hurts a lot and he does not want to eat or drink anything that I can do

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Jonathan.
      My advice is that you take him to the vet. I know that I can get to repeat myself a lot, but when a cat is bleeding, when it does not eat or drink, it is suffering a lot and needs to be examined by a professional, otherwise its life could be in danger.
      Much, much encouragement, really. Hopefully it gets better soon.

      Denise said

    Hello, thank you for your article. My problem is that my cat cannot be cured. A front paw has been injured for a few months, specifically, it does not have the pad on one finger and there is something injured on the front as well, next to the nail. We have tried to put hydrogen peroxide on it, pervinox, a special cream that the vet gave us so that it heals more quickly, but the problem is that once he realized that we put some liquid on him, he goes away and freaks out. Then he comes back, but we cannot continue the treatment, because he lives licking the injured paw, which makes him never recover. One day we sedated him with a few drops and more or less he allowed his leg to heal for that day, but he didn't like it at all, still sedated and everything. We also ask the vet for pills, but he only eats balanced food, and he notices what the pill bits are and dodges them. It is not about eating meat or something else, practically. If I can get him to eat a little meat with a few pieces of pill, this is it. The next day he doesn't want to.

    It is very complicated because nothing is allowed to be done. I appreciate any suggestions.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Denise.
      It occurs to me that perhaps you could take it - gently but firmly - wrap it with a towel (except for the bad leg), and clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide or betadine and wrap it with a strong bandage, but without hurting it. .
      To prevent the bandage from being removed, and only if it does not go outside, you could put an Elizabethan collar on it until it heals.
      You will not like it at all and you will feel very uncomfortable, but this way the little leg can be cured.
      Cheer up.

      Monica sanchez said

    Hello Juana.
    I'm sorry for what they did to your kitty, but I can't recommend any medication because I'm not a veterinarian.
    I recommend that you take it to a specialist for treatment.
    Cheer up.

      Itzel Diaz said

    Hello. My one and a half year old cat has a bruised paw, he doesn't let himself be touched, he doesn't want to eat, he only ate very little when I brought food to him and he just wants to sleep. I don't know how to check it or what to do.
    Thank you

         Itzel Diaz said

      I just noticed that maybe he was bitten (he's a bit adventurous), he has a little hole in it, and he apparently has pus. What is advisable to do?

           Monica sanchez said

        Hi Itzel.
        Try to take it and wrap it with a towel, except for the bad leg, and clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide. If you can, try to get betadine -in pharmacies-.
        For him to eat, try giving him wet feed, since it is more odorous and will attract him more than dry feed.
        If it does not improve, or if it worsens, my advice is that you take it to the vet to examine it. I do not think there is anything serious, but a visit to the specialist does not hurt.
        Greetings, and cheer up!

      Lupita ruiz said

    Hello, I came to this page to find something that works for me, my kitten limps a little when walking, she does not have any loud moans, but I think it hurts to support her right front paw. I've already checked it but I can't find anything, but when I touch its paw, it starts to complain and on one occasion it wanted to bite and scratch me. I can't review it well because of that. Is it necessary to take her to the vet quickly?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Lupita.
      From what you count, it doesn't seem serious. I recommend you wait a couple of days, since maybe you just had a bad fall or hit something.
      But if it does not improve, or if it worsens, then you should see a vet, as it could have a sprain.
      A greeting.

      Marggie giron said

    Hello, I have a kitten that out of nowhere in the morning started to limp with her right back leg and it hurts a lot because she cannot stand up and complains a lot, I already checked her and she has nothing on her leg, she is barely 5 months old, answer me Please, I don't know what to do.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Marggie.
      You may have hit or had a bad fall.
      My advice is to take her to the vet. If you complain a lot it is because it must hurt a lot, and having five months, it is better to act quickly so that you can heal as soon as possible.
      Cheer up.

      Ana Durazo said

    My kitten who is going to be just one year old stayed outside all night (she lives inside my house) and in the morning she came in she had a very swollen paw, you can't see any scratches and she can move it but I don't know what's wrong with her. I can do

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Ana.
      The most advisable thing is to take it to the vet to have it checked.
      A greeting.

      genesis said

    Hello, good afternoon, my name is Génesis, I am writing to you from Venezuela. I am very concerned. I have a kitten that is about 9 months old is what I calculate since I picked her up from the street when she was just a baby. The problem is that today about 3 hours ago my boyfriend threw it because he was annoying him while he ate and in that he hurt one of his hind legs, I noticed that later the kitten limped a little, but as the hours passed I could see that She did not stay still on one side, and when she sat down she was somewhat shaky, it is as if she was disoriented and she approached me and bit me, I do not know if it could be that she is suddenly pregnant and with the blow I affect her. Because her tummy is a bit bulky. Or it has to do with something else, I am very worried, at the moment she is sleeping but when she gets up it is as if she was drunk or something like that ... I have cried a lot when I saw her like this, I don't want her to die .. Please help me. What can you have? Right now I can't take her to the vet because it's too late they work until a certain time, but it's Sunday. I await your prompt reply!

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Genesis.
      How is your kitten doing? I hope it is improving.
      If not, you should take her to the vet. You may have a fracture or worse.
      Much encouragement.

           genesis said

        Hello, if indeed I took her to the vet early today, the Dr told me that she had more like symptoms of poisoning, because of the dilated pupils and that. So I gave her an injection for that, she told me that little by little her eyes had to return to normal because she was disoriented as if she didn't see anything, I have her already at home she is a little calmer and less aggressive, she already ate and drank milk, however, he still has dilated pupils and he still cannot walk very well or remain stable. Could it be something else? I want some other opinion that can help me I am worried that his eyes are like this and that he cannot fully support himself to walk.

             Monica sanchez said

          Hi Genesis.
          I'm sorry your cat is still weak, but I can't help you. I am not a veterinarian.
          What I do recommend is not to give her milk, as it could make her feel bad and make her worse.
          Much encouragement. Sometimes they take a while to improve.

      markus said

    Hello, well, I have a cat that sleeps in my house and at night he goes out for a walk and a few days ago I noticed that he is limping on one front leg, I look at him and I don't see anything strange I could bandage his leg but the loko sure that when it is night he will want to go out and with the bandaged leg he would be vulnerable, I am about to bandage it and not let him go out for a few days but it gets very heavy if I do not let him out he will meow nonstop and I don't know what to do, what do you advise me, thanks, greetings mrks

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Markus.
      The most advisable thing would be to sell it and have it at home for a few days. But it is true that keeping a cat that wants to go out is complicated. Does he lead a normal life? It may just take a little bump and heal on its own.
      Anyway, if you see that it gets worse, take it to the vet to examine it.
      A greeting.

      ima980 said

    Hello everyone, I have a one week old kitten, I looked at him 3 days ago and his back paw was all swollen, he cannot stretch or move it and he has been crying from pain, what can I do.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello ima980.
      Being so small it is better to take him to the vet, as his bones are very fragile and any wrong movement could worsen his pain.
      A greeting.

      Javier said

    Hello, this afternoon my baby kitten that I found on the street, jumped off the couch and fell silent. after that fall he limps a lot and his hind legs next to his tail shake… If you can tell me what it is. I would appreciate it very much .. greetings

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Javier.
      He may have a sprain or a fracture, but without an X-ray of the legs you can't tell, I'm sorry.
      I recommend that you take him to the vet to examine him.
      A greeting.

      Sara Ramirez said

    Hello, my cat is lame, swollen, what do I do?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Sara.
      If it is swollen it is better that you take it to the vet, since if you tried to bandage it, it is likely that it would suffer a lot.
      A greeting.

      karina said

    My cat was playing in front of the house when the neighbor came in the car and he did not whistle and the cat was not able to move away in time, my little cat limps and when I try to stroke him near the ribs he complains about the time of the incident. I can take him to the vet, I don't know what to do, it hurts a lot, he is a very restless cat, he suffers from not being able to lean on his left side, what can I do while I wait to take him to the vet?

      True said

    Hello I am worried about my cat on Saturday I took him to vaccinate and he got scared, he ran away and I chased him in the car about 5 blocks later he stopped and hid in a truck I could take him out and return him home but he is very sad and It is difficult for him to walk and it is difficult for him to climb a chair. I don't think it's some bone because lying down with nine legs very well I think it could be the pads because it licks them but I don't know what to do with it.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Vero.
      Have you looked for any injuries or something that has gotten into the pad?
      My advice is that you take him to the vet for an examination. Most likely it is nothing serious, but it does not hurt to take a look.
      A greeting.

      Sandra Ramos said

    Hello, good morning, today when I woke up I saw my kitten with a swollen paw when I checked it I found a very tight thread, I already removed it, her paw is still very swollen, how can I help you?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Sandra.
      Once the thread is removed, the leg should heal on its own. You can put some Aloe vera cream on it if you want.
      In the event that she does not improve, take her to the vet, but I don't think it's anything serious.
      A greeting.

      John said

    Hi, I'm John, I have a problem, my cat is almost a year old and he limps, he has a finger on one leg that is raised or bent. It hurts and I don't know what to do. I need some advice.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello jhon.
      You can try to sell it to him as explained in the article, but if it hurts a lot it is best to take him to the vet.
      A greeting.

      Trinidad said

    Hello, my cat, I don't know what happened to her but she limps a lot and cries, I don't know what to do or what she has, we already splinted her leg and pulled off the bandage.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Trinidad.
      Perhaps it has fallen from somewhere and has a broken leg.
      If it still hurts, you should take it to the vet.
      A greeting.

      Adria said

    I have a cat that a few days ago began to limp on one leg and we took him to the vet but he didn't see anything serious, he just didn't say he had to rest and he prescribed anti-inflammatories. When we got home the cat stopped limping but today it started again but with the other leg in front. He is 3 years old, do you have any idea what it could be? It does not make noises of pain or anything it just stops supporting the leg well.

    Saludos y gracias

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Adria.
      Have you looked to see if there is anything on the leg (not just on the pads, but also on the limb) that could get stuck? Sometimes they get a tiny piece of dried grass stuck in it and find it very annoying.
      Or maybe a hit has been struck.
      If you lead a normal life, it doesn't seem like anything serious. Let a couple more days go by and if you see that it does not improve, take it back to see.
      A greeting.

      Barbara said

    Hello, my kitten made a rasmillon on her back paw, she limps but does everything normal, although if she complains if I look at her wound but there is no blood, what should I do?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello barbara.
      If you don't have anything and you don't limp a lot, chances are it will heal on its own.
      Of course, if you see that it worsens, take it to the vet to examine it.
      A greeting.

           Goddess said

        Hello Monica, a thorn went through my kitten literally the tip came out in front and the width behind, I think it was only skin because it can walk now that it takes it off, but I'm afraid that the tip of the thorn has stayed inside, Is that very serious or will your skin ultimately expel it?
        -I put alcohol on it so it wouldn't get infected: s

             Monica sanchez said

          Hello DEA.
          If only a small piece is left over time, the body itself will expel it. It's like when we get stuck with a cactus thorn that there is no way to get us out. In the end it ends up coming out.
          Anyway, if you see that it gets ugly or smells bad, do not hesitate to take it to the vet.
          A greeting.

      Yeidy said

    Hello!! We find a little kitten in the street who limps and does not stop meowing, we measure food and water; ate and calmed down, plays at times but catch and continues crying, was it a fracture?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Yeidy.
      You may have a fracture, but only a vet can confirm it with an X-ray.
      A greeting.

      Monica sanchez said

    Hello Gray.
    If he does not support the paw, my advice is that you take him to the vet. Now, if you support her and you see that she leads a more or less normal life, you can try to sell it to her as explained in the article.
    A greeting.

      Marcela said

    Good morning

    My kitten got under my dad's car, and my dad had an emergency, but he didn't notice that the kitten was behind the tire and my dad started the car, moved it, and stepped on its paw with the tire, the Cat kind of limps, because she only steps on the pads of her paw and it hurts, and she doesn't want to stretch it, she's just lying next to me.

    Are you hurt?

    What I can do?

    Att: Marcela

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Marcela.
      If you don't want to stretch it, you may have a fractured one.
      An X-ray could confirm it.
      A greeting.

           Marcela said

        Many thanks!!!

        He is already recovering.

             Monica sanchez said

          I'm glad 🙂

      Marcela said


    Put salt water on his leg, his paw may be fractured, put the bandage on him, and on top of the bandage and on top of the bandage put the salt water every night.

    I hope your kitten recovers, if she does not improve, take her to a vet.


      emily said

    My name is Emilse, my kitten has a hurt, her paw is swollen and she limps. Can I do not the bottom part but the part of the hand that I do?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Emilse.
      You can sell it to her with a bandage, as explained in the article.
      If it doesn't improve, I recommend taking it to the vet.
      A greeting.

      Monica sanchez said

    Hello Marbelys.
    Yes, you can sell it carefully. But if he complains a lot, it is better to have a veterinarian do it since he could have it fractured.
    A greeting.

      mary said

    They neutered my cat and since then he limps from the right leg of the back I have put salt water on him and he does not improve, I already went to the vet and he says that he will recover 20 days have passed and he has not improved

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Mary.
      It's funny what you say. It may be that during the intervention a nerves have been injured. In time it should heal on its own, but I recommend getting a second veterinary opinion.
      A greeting.

      pietra santa corral cynthia xymena said

    Hello good, one day I woke up and my kitten was limping but she was walking she had a small wound, we ignored her but as time went on we saw that she was limping more and her leg swelled up a lot right now we have just washed and disinfected the wound and we put bandages on her that mw do you recommend?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Pietra.
      I recommend you take it to the vet, and more if it is a wound that was made days ago.
      Cheer up.

      Valentina said

    Hello, my kitten came limping from the front paw, her paw is swollen but more on the top, I'm afraid it could be a fracture, she doesn't complain, but she does move her paw away when I try to touch her, what can it be?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Valentina.
      It may be a fracture, as you say. I recommend you take her to the vet to have an X-ray done and tell you what to do.
      Greetings, and encouragement.

      Judit Miraz Zorrilla said

    My cat goes outside and this morning limped a little, now it is more swollen but touched and I only see a lump like a water ball on the elbow. Will it be broken?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Judit.
      He may have hit himself, but it is highly recommended that a vet see him for an X-ray and can tell you what to do.
      Much encouragement.

      Itxuri gonzalez said

    Please, is urgent!
    My cousin tied a garter to my kitten on the back right leg and I found her with her leg very swollen! I do not know what to do! Please help me! When I noticed it, I cut her garter but she wouldn't stop crying, it hurts a lot and she licked a lot, I managed to calm her down and now she's lying down but her leg is still the same, what should I do?
    Att: Itxuri

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Itxuri.
      If she has not improved, I recommend taking her to the vet as soon as possible.
      I'm not a vet, sorry.
      Much encouragement.

      Miguel Angel said

    Incredible article, written with love and with a lot of common sense.

    Thanks from my heart ?

         Monica sanchez said

      Greetings to you.

      Monica said

    Good afternoon, you take my kitten, I took him to the vet, he did an x-ray and he told me that his femur is broken and that he is too small to operate on it ... not even half at all now I wanted to know if I have to do something the poor thing has not moved for two days I need help please ... thank you

         Monica sanchez said

      In such situations, try to keep the kitten in a room, avoiding as much as possible that it moves too much so that the fracture does not get worse.
      You can try to bandage the leg, but not too hard.

      Anyway, I recommend you ask for a second veterinary opinion.

      A greeting.

      Beatriz said

    Hello. My daughter's cat was limping ... I took him to the vet on several occasions and injected him with antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Two days passed and today she was found dead. My daughter doesn't know yet. What could have happened?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Beatriz.
      I'm sorry for the loss of your cat 🙁
      But I don't know what happened to him. I am not a veterinarian.
      Cheer up.

      yensy said

    Good afternoon this morning I got up and my cat sleeps with me and does not leave the room when I woke up I noticed that she was limping, I looked at her paw and her pads and fingers were inflamed but sometimes she supported the paw, I don't know what could be.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Yensy.
      It is best to take her to the vet for examination. A minor blow may have been struck, but that can only be said by a professional.
      Greetings and encouragement.

      Violeta said

    Hello!!! My cat fell 10 days ago and has a lump on her leg and does not support her when walking. I suspect it was fractured. Am I in time to sell the leg to see if it improves?
    I am not taking her to the vet because I have no money.
    Thank you very much

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Violeta.
      You can try to sell it to him yes, to see how it goes.
      A greeting.

      Janet Cisneros said

    Excellent article .. thank you.
    My husband accidentally stepped on my kitten's hand .. she limped .. and swelled horrible! The vet told me to take a X-ray but at the moment I don't have the resources ... he didn't send me anything else.
    She is still in pain and wants to know what you can recommend me to give her oral .. it is desperate! It hurts .. x favlr helps

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Janet.
      We are glad that the article was of interest to you, but I am sorry but I cannot help you.
      I am not a veterinarian, and only professionals can prescribe medications.
      We recommend you consult with a veterinarian, to see what you can give him.
      A greeting.

      Daniela said

    Hello, this morning my kitten woke up very strange, she does not support her back paw and complains a lot, she breathes fast, the strange thing that she is not swollen and no wound is seen; What can be ?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Daniela.
      It may be that you have ingested something toxic and have also had an accident.
      In either case, she should be seen by a vet as soon as possible.
      A greeting.

      Ana said

    Hello good,
    I think my cat has been bitten by an abyssal, since he spends the day in the garden chasing them and his leg is very swollen and he complains if I catch it. What should I do?

      Adriana said

    Hello my kitten was perfectly fine but she wanted to get on a table but at the moment of gaining momentum I don't know what happened, I just yelled! A cry of pain and he ran away and now she is lying down and it seems that her paw hurts but I have no idea what happened! I suppose that when he wanted to take the impulse he bent a little back leg! The truth is very strange because he could not even go up to the table! What I do ? I think it hurts because this lying down doesn't want to move!

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Adriana.
      Yes that is weird yes. Have you touched his paw to see if he has something?
      There may have been a hit; In any case, it is best to take it to the vet for examination. Or wait until Monday to see if it improves.
      A greeting.

      Kiara daniela said

    Hi! Today when I woke up, I saw my cat limping, he did not want to support his front paw when walking or sitting. Now he just wanted to sleep and hugged his paw. but he does not complain of pain, what can I do?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Kiara.
      See if it has a skewer or something that may have stuck in it.
      If you don't have anything, you may have just hit yourself. Should improve soon.
      A greeting.

      Tania quiroga said

    Hello, my cat, I put a bed board on his back leg, it hurts a lot and he limps. Is there any medicine for pain?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Tania.
      I'm sorry, but I'm not a veterinarian and I can't recommend any medications.
      You should not self-medicate your cat either, as human medications could be toxic to him.
      The most advisable thing is to take him to the vet.
      A greeting.

      Yolanda said

    I don't want to scare anyone.

    What should be done is to take the vet, to a good center, which is a better hospital.

    My mother's kitten had a slight limp for about two months on her front paw.

    As her lameness was more evident, they took her to a veterinarian who, without taking X-rays or anything, prescribed anti-inflammatories, which did not produce any improvement.

    We took her to the Mediterranean Veterinary Hospital (in Madrid), they did an X-ray and they gave us the terrible news that it was a tumor.

    They took a good look at her, chest, rest of bones, blood test. There is no extension of the tumor. The only solution was to amputate his leg (after two days they operated on it) up to his shoulder.

    Although he is 16 years old, if he does not appear elsewhere, he has a lot of life ahead of him. It has been 15 days since the operation, and he gets tired when walking, he stands up right away and does not meow.

    Our soul breaks, seeing it like this. I hope it is temporary and takes strength to walk.

    Most importantly, go to a good vet. Forgive me, but many are "shotguns."

    Greetings and long and happy life to you and your pets.

         Monica sanchez said

      Thank you for your comment Yolanda. It sure works for someone.
      I hope the cat improves soon. Much encouragement.

      Nayeli said

    My kitten woke up today with her paw sore and she can't walk
    I can do?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Nayeli.
      The best thing to do is take her to the vet to have an X-ray done and sell it to her, if necessary.
      A greeting.

      Catalina said

    Good morning, my hard cat lost in the street for 3 days, we looked for him and when we finally found him he was lame and with a large part of his lower abdomen, his skin is very red, like a bruise, I touch him and it seems not to hurt and although he walks badly , the leg supports it and it is eating little, I think they could have kicked it, I don't know, please help.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Catalina.
      I recommend you take him to the vet as soon as possible.
      I hope you get better soon.
      Cheer up.

      dwayney said

    I read on one site that breathing problems and a limp in a cat may be related. someone knows if this is true

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Dvianey.
      No, not always. He may have had a broken leg, but the cat's breathing capacity remains intact.
      In any case, if in doubt, I recommend consulting a veterinarian.
      A greeting.

      Tatiana Hernandez placeholder image said

    Hello, today I woke up and saw my kitten fucking, I checked him and saw that he had a small cirvilar wound on the side of his finger (he also has that swollen finger)
    I do not know what exactly happened to him and I do not see something that stands out as if he had it buried, can someone tell me what to do? If I touch his paw he meows and sometimes when he is lying down and pinches his paw too, please any advice I hate to see him like that.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Tatiana.
      Most likely, it is nothing serious and that in a few days it will heal on its own. Now, if you see his limps getting worse or he complains a lot, I recommend taking him to the vet.
      A greeting.

      Artistic said

    Hello, I do not know what to do, my cat is with a swollen paw, it seems that he put his paw in nitric acid because his coat is dyed yellow, I wet him with water but I don't know what to do, he is calm but at times he complains a little and licks Please help me, I don't know what to do ????

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Artist.
      You must wash it with soap and water. If it does not improve, or if it worsens, you will need veterinary help.
      A greeting.

      Andrew said

    Good morning, my cat has been limping for 20 days, I took him to the vet and examined him and said that there was no fracture, that he had possibly been bitten by a dog. He injected it, and that's it. After three days his patica became even more inflamed, more precisely on his elbow. I took him back to the vet and they opened the wound and a lot of pus came out, and they injected him again. Two more weeks have passed and now it is inflamed, but it is not soft like when it had pus, the inflammation is hard. Thank you very much for your comments.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Andres.
      I'm sorry but I can't help you. I am not a veterinarian.
      My advice is that you take him to a second vet, to have an X-ray done to see what is really wrong with him and to put him on treatment, since it is evident that only with what they are doing the cat does not improve.
      Much encouragement.

      Cristina said

    Hello good day!

    Our cat, Manolito, has a sprain, since we have been told that he has a ligament strain.

    We don't know how he did it, we live in a small town, and our cat comes and goes from home as many times as he wants. Yesterday he came lame. We suppose it would be a fight with some other cat or dog in town. They advised us to rest for that leg, and to sell it to immobilize it. Would it be okay to also give him some anti-inflammatory? what would? and the dose? A neighbor has told us that Dalsy has ever given her cat… ?? is this possible to do??

    Thank you very much for your attention, you do a great job !!!

    All the best


         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Cristina.
      The best thing is that you take him to the vet and he will tell you what medicine you can give him. You cannot self-medicate a cat, because of the risk that this entails.
      I'm not a veterinarian, but I hope your Manolito gets better soon.
      Much encouragement. 🙂

      Leandro Zamora said

    Hello my 4-month-old kitten, some thorns were stuck in her right leg and they came out right now the cat's leg is swollen and we don't have to do what to do, they could recommend some homemade medicine because right now the vet is closed

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi leandro.
      Sorry, I am not a veterinarian and I do not have the authority to recommend medications.
      It is best to have it seen by a professional.
      I hope you get better soon.
      A greeting.

      mildret diaz said

    good I have a kitten that suddenly appeared with the back leg all watery and cannot walk the worst case is that she does not scream she has no bruise that could be

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Mildret.
      He must have had an accident. I recommend you take her to the vet as soon as possible.
      A greeting.

      Andrew Oviedo said

    Hello, last night while my father backed up the car, one of the tires passed over one of my cat's hind legs, with my mother we applied basic First Aid by selling the paw, without a splint, and applying a cream, However, every time we touch it or support it, it seems to complain of pain and even bite me when we were bandaging it. I don't know what else to do to help him since we don't have enough money to take him to the vet and the pain still won't stop. I do not know what else I could apply to stop the pain.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Andres.
      I recommend you consult with the veterinarians of barkibu.es
      A greeting.

      Jennifer Letzy said

    A year ago they operated on my cat's knee because he fractured it, the vet told me that if he falls again nothing will happen to his leg.
    But a few days ago he started to fuck, he has been like this for three days, what should I do?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Jennifer.
      I recommend you take him to the vet again to see what has happened to him. You may have nothing but a bump that ends up healing on its own, but you better watch it.
      A greeting.

      Eliana Barrionuevo said

    Hello ... can you help me? My cat went out at night, and returned the next day when I went to look for him, but he came lame from the right front paw, I did not want him to touch him, although apparently the pain was not much, I made him compresses of chamomile water and Come out, today the leg is already settling, but it is swollen almost twice as much as the other, it does not complain of the pain, but I do not know if it is normal or could be something serious, please help

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Eliana.
      I'm sorry your cat came back with a bad paw.
      In principle it is normal for it to swell a little, but it would not hurt if a veterinarian saw it.
      Greetings and encouragement.

      Monica sanchez said

    Hi Osvaldo.
    I recommend you take him to the vet as soon as possible (I am not).
    Much encouragement.

      Abigail Lucero said

    My kitten got kicked and she can't walk she crawls

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello lucero.
      We recommend you take her to the vet as soon as possible. They can help you.
      A greeting.

      Alonso said

    Hello, my kitten had her left hind leg stepped on, it is difficult for her to walk and she complains a lot, in addition, when she is lying down, her forelimbs start to shiver, what can she have and how can I relieve her?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Alonso.
      If she has not improved, I recommend taking her to the vet. I am not.
      I hope you get better soon.
      A greeting.

      Maria Mato said

    Hello, my cat's case is special because it never lets itself be touched, it is from the street but I feed it. One day when he came to get food I saw his leg as dislodged and I do not know how I could help him, when he lies down he lies in a V on his leg and he often complains, wailing.
    What should I do????
    Thank you

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Maria.
      If it is a stray cat, it is best to catch it with a cat cage-trap, and take it to the vet.
      This will give you an injection that will calm you down, and you will be able to treat it.
      A greeting.

      vAyla koMo hEl pApuH said

    My cat has a swollen paw, what do I do: v?

         Monica sanchez said

      I recommend you take him to the vet. I'm not and I can't tell you what it has.
      Greetings, I hope it improves soon.

      AMD said

    Very good,

    My cat was accidentally caught with its paw in a door, it began to limp and complain, I immediately applied a plate to it with a wooden toothpick that I have, I sold it well and, although it limps, it no longer complains.
    The question is, if it is a sprain, how long will it take to recover? luckily no bones or the like came out, so I'm assuming it's a sprain. I will assume that it depends on the severity of the sprain, but it is always good to know a small approximation to be able to remove the bandage, that surely you do not like having it.

    Thank you very much and hopefully answer.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi AMD.

      Well, I am not a veterinarian. But about three or four weeks. In any case, if it worsens, do not hesitate to take it to the vet.


      Jose Daniel said

    Hello, I was playing with my 4-month-old cat, that I would throw her up and catch her but she went too far ahead and hit her right rear leg and she started to limp, what do I do, I'm afraid it's serious

         Monica sanchez said

      Take her to the vet as soon as possible.

      Sonia Gutti said

    We picked up my cat from the street, it has always been delicate when it comes to colds, skin, etc…. He leaves a lot of the house since we live in an open mountain area where there are more cats on the street.
    He came home with a limp, I took him to the doctor to see if it was the leg or pad and he told me that it would be some dick or sudden fall that would be fine soon.
    I went more than 3 times and then I took him to another who, since he was a friend, told me to give him some mascosana capsules that are 100% cissus. With this in a short time he has been doing well.

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Sonia.
      You were right to take him to another vet if the first one did not convince you.
      You should never self-medicate a cat, as it could be dangerous for him.

      Monica sanchez said

    Hi Angelica.

    We recommend taking him to the vet, or calling him on the phone.

    We are not veterinarians and we cannot help you well.

    Greetings and encouragement.

      León said

    Hello! I have a kitten that will be two months from now. This morning, trying to climb the stairs that leads to my room, he must have fallen because I found him with his injured paw (it was damp and there was a pinkish spot on his fur as if it had bled a little). This happened a few hours ago, he has eaten and drank water, he also plays and he does not feel down, but if he limps when walking and barely supports that little leg that was injured, would you remonedarize him to give him aloe?
    Another strange thing is that he has sneezed several times since he was hit. It seems not to affect him but it is rare that he has hit himself and is also sneezing, should I wait a couple of days before taking him to the vet? As with many, I do not have much money for the consultation. Thank you very much in advance (from me, and from Copito)

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Leon.

      How is your kitten doing? When they are puppies they are quite resistant, but if it has not improved, I recommend taking it to the vet.


      Anonimus said

    My cat is limping and has a swollen heart, it has started to happen an hour ago, we do not know what to do, could it help us? When you touch its paw, it makes you aggressive, it sucks it, it bites all the time. What should we do?

         Monica sanchez said


      We cannot help you, as we are not veterinarians. It is highly recommended that you see one.
      We hope you recover as soon as possible.


      Matias Anibal Chaparro said

    Hello my cat one Sunday ate normal well the next day vomiting after that he did not eat again he was like this for 2 days then we called the vet he gave him an injection and gave him a drop then the next day he started to limp and be down and sleeping but Sometimes she ran away for 1 hour and then came back now she is skinny and sleeping all day she no longer responds to my calls neither does she purr anything I need help my cat is about 5 months old

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Matias.

      Must see a vet. We are not and we cannot help you with that.

      We hope it improves as soon as possible. Greetings and encouragement.

      yashira said

    Hello, my cat has a wound on his pad and he woke up with his swollen paw I cleaned him but a little pus came out that I can put on him so that the swelling goes down and heals faster

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Yashira.

      We are sorry but we cannot help you, as we are not veterinarians. Clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide, and if it does not improve, we recommend taking it to see a professional.

      We hope you get well soon. Greetings and encouragement.

      irupe said

    Hello or kitty, a sheet fell down, it is very fallen, it is difficult for her to move a leg, it is more I open her back leg and she complains and her gaze falls… When she gets up she does not support it

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Irupe.

      It is highly recommended that she be seen by a vet as she may have a broken leg.

      Much encouragement.

      is the unknown said

    They stepped on my cat's back leg by chance and his leg came off he walks normal he does not complain but his leg hangs and I do not have money to take him to the vet I am afraid to bandage his leg myself, what if I do it wrong and he remains lame

         Monica sanchez said


      We recommend you contact an animal shelter in your area, so they can help you.

      Greetings, and encouragement.

      Javier said

    Good and for those of us who cannot afford an operation to place the leg that you recommend?

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Javier.

      I am not a veterinarian. Perhaps a vet will give you other cheaper options.

      Cheer up.

      Vanessa said

    Hello, good day, my cat received a step from a neighbor, he does not complain unless one is going to touch him but he does not want to support the paw that was an hour ago, it will be something very serious

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Vanessa.

      I'm sorry for what happened to your cat. I do not think it is serious, but if it does not improve it would be better to see a vet.
