What can a sick cat eat

Cat eating

A sick cat, depending on the disease it has, may stop eating or do so much less frequently than would be appropriate. This is something that is a serious problem, since by eating less you could lose weight, become dehydrated and even, in serious cases, lose your life.

To avoid reaching that situation, we are going to explain what can a sick cat eat. This can help you maintain your weight, which will influence your health.

Take him to the vet

If you suspect that your cat is sick, the first thing you have to do is take him to the vet for examination and treatment. It is very important since, depending on the diagnosis, you may need a vitamin and / or mineral supplement, or you may have to stay in the hospital..

A quiet and safe room for you to recover

When you have a sick furry you have to make some changes at home so that they are as comfortable as possible. Therefore, one of the first things that I recommend is that place it in a room where it has its bed, its feeder and drinker and, if for whatever reason it cannot or does not want to walk a lot, also its litter box.

In this room it is important that you avoid making noise, and that you only go to be with the feline and give it a lot of affection and pampering, because if we cause stress and / or anxiety, it will not eat.

Conquer your feline palate with cans for cats

One way to get him to eat is by offering him cans of wet cat food. Dry feed has hardly any odor, and when you have to chew it, it usually happens that the convalescent animal stops appealing; However, cans are much tastier, easier to eat, and smelly. 

To make things go even better, it is highly recommended give you high quality cans, that do not contain cereals or by-products, as they contain a high percentage of animal protein that will keep you well fed, and enough water to prevent dehydration.

If you do not want to eat, you should try heating the contents of the can a little in the microwave, or even try other foods, such as Yum Diet for cats, or cooked meat (boneless).

Cat eating feed

I hope these tips help you to help your furry friend improve  .

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