The infectious diseases They are one of the biggest concerns for those of us who live with catsThese conditions, often silent and progressive, can seriously compromise the health of our pets if we do not act in time. Knowing the most common infectious diseases in cats and how to prevent them is key to ensuring the well-being of our felines.
Cats, regardless of their edad, if they do not receive proper care, they can have a immune system weakened, unable to fight virus, bacteria and other pathogens. We will cover in depth the most common diseases, their symptoms, methods of transmission and preventive measures to protect our colleagues.
La rage It is an extremely dangerous viral disease that affects the central nervous system Cat flu. This disease, which is transmitted primarily through bites from other infected animals, is almost always fatal if not treated promptly. The most common symptoms include: sudden changes in behavior, irritability, depression, and in advanced cases, generalized paralysis, coma and finally, death.
La vaccination It is the most effective method of preventing this disease. In many countries, including Spain, the rabies vaccine is mandatory. It must be administered to cats from six months of age and reinforced annually.
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
La Feline Infectious Peritonitis, known as FIP, is caused by a feline coronavirus that, in some cases, mutates and causes this serious disease. There are two forms of presentation:
- Wet form: Causes fluid buildup in the abdomen or chest, resulting in difficulty breathing and weight loss.
- Dry form: It affects multiple organs, causing diverse symptoms such as paralysis, disorientation y loss of vision.
Early signs often include fever, loss of appetite and listlessness. Although there is no definitive cure for FIP, supportive measures can be taken to improve the quality of life of the affected cat. Hygiene and avoiding overcrowding are key factors in reducing the risk of infection.
Feline Viral Panleukopenia
La panleukopenia, also known as feline parvovirus, is a highly contagious disease that primarily affects young, unvaccinated cats. This virus drastically reduces the number of white blood cells, weakening the immune system. immune system of the animal. In addition, it destroys the intestinal mucosa, which causes symptoms such as severe diarrhea, vomiting, dolor abdominal and loss of appetite.
La vaccination Early and regular vaccination is essential to protect cats against this disease. In addition, hygiene measures must be taken in extreme cases where there are sick cats, since this virus is extremely resistant in the environment.
Feline leukemia
La feline leukemia, caused by a retrovirus, is one of the most serious diseases a cat can contract. This virus, by weakening the immune system, immune system, may cause tumors, anemia, recurrent infections and less resistance to other diseases.
The contagion occurs mainly through bodily secretions such as saliva, urine and feces. Cats that share food bowls, water bowls or even groom each other are at higher risk of infection. Vaccination is the best weapon to prevent this disease, and it is recommended that cats be tested before living with others.
Feline leukemia virus
Feline Calicivirus
El calicivirus It is a respiratory disease that, although not usually fatal in adults, can seriously affect a cat's quality of life. Its most characteristic symptoms include the appearance of mouth ulcers, conjunctivitis, sneeze y general discomfortIn severe cases, it can lead to pneumonia.
Transmission occurs through direct contact with fluids from a sick cat or contaminated surfaces. vaccination From the first weeks of a kitten's life, it is essential to protect it against this disease. Hygiene and isolation of infected cats are also recommended measures.
Feline Chlamydia
La feline chlamydia It is a respiratory infection that can be complicated by eye problems. Its main symptoms are: persistent conjunctivitis, rhinitis and, in some cases, affectation of the genital organs. Although the vaccine can help prevent it, it does not guarantee complete immunity against this disease.
Treatment includes the use of antibiotics specific and ongoing veterinary care. It is important to prevent contact between healthy and sick cats to avoid spreading the disease.
Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis
La rhinotracheitis, caused by the feline herpesvirus, mainly affects the upper respiratory tract. Common signs include: sneeze, cough, excessive salivation y breathing difficultiesIn severe cases, it can lead to secondary infections and persistent eye problems.
La vaccination and a clean environment are essential to prevent this disease. Infected cats should be isolated and treated under the supervision of a veterinarian.
Taking care of our cats' health involves not only being alert to changes in their behavior or appearance, but also prioritizing preventive measures such as vaccination and a proper hygiene. If you suspect any illness, going to the vet is essential to ensure an early diagnosis and effective treatment. Remember, a healthy cat is a happy cat.