What are feline pheromones?


Cats, like many other animals including humans (although we seem to be losing it with the perfection of verbal language), are guided by pheromones to better communicate with their fellows.

Thanks to them, they can know, for example, if there is an intruder in their territory, or how we feel at that very moment. But, What are pheromones really? Let's find out  .

What is a biosimilar

Pheromones are chemical substances that are produced in the exocrine glands thus activating various reactions in the body. Although we cannot perceive their smell, the nose detects them. From there they will be sent to the hypothalamus, which is a very small hormonal gland located in the center of the brain. Once they get there, it responds through the nervous system and the endocrine system.

How do they detect them?

With Jacobson's organ, which is located right on the upper palate. Have you ever observed your cat opening its mouth in a rather curious way? Surely you have, because that is how it can detect pheromones  .

What are they for?

Pheromones are very useful to cats, as for example for:

  • know when a cat is in heat
  • know if there are any tenants in your territory
  • calm down
  • detect stress and / or tension
  • be happy

The sensitivity of cats

Cats are very sensitive animals, not only because of their character but also as a consequence of their highly developed sense of smell, which allows them to make better use of pheromones. But precisely for that it is very important that they be provided with a good home, where they can be calm and lead a good life.

This will prevent them from having health problems (be it physical or mental).

For the sake of your cat, do not expose him to contact with a sick cat

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