The eyes They are a fundamental part of the cat's body: they need them to see, to be able to better calculate distances,… and also to get from us what they want by giving us that sweet look of good that only they know how to do.
Among all the problems that these precious eyes can have, the most frequent is inflammation of the conjunctiva, which causes a series of discomforts that we are going to see below. Also, we are going to give you tips to treat and prevent conjunctivitis in your cat so that you know what to do if one day you see that his eyes have filled with flushes or are red.
What is conjunctivitis?
Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the lining of the eye that causes a lot of discomfort. It is very easy to detect it since surely we ourselves have had to go through it from time to time. This is often a minor problem, but If it is not treated in time, it can lead to total loss of vision.
The symptoms are practically the same as we have when we have to deal with this infection: itching, difficulty opening the eyes wide, redness, excessive tearing, and also the third eyelid will stick out due to swelling. In very long-lasting cases, the iris can change shape and color.
Types of conjunctivitis
There are 3 types of conjunctivitis in cats:
- Waxy conjunctivitis: which is the one that most often affects cats and the least serious. It is a mild inflammation of the eyeball; you will also see that the eye secretes tears of transparent color.
- Follicular conjunctivitis: in this case, the discharge is mucous. A hardened surface forms in the eye as the lids and the back of the nictitating membrane enlarge.
- Purulent conjunctivitis: It is the complication of waxy conjunctivitis, and the most serious type. It is caused by a secondary bacterial infection. The secretions become mucus or pus and crusts form on the eyelids.
A healthy cat that is properly cared for is unlikely to get conjunctivitis. Now, you are never 100% forewarned and it is that if your immune system is weakened, you may end up with an eye infection. To know how to treat them, it is important to know what caused it. To help you, these are the main causes:
- Diseases that affect the respiratory system (colds, allergies, flu)
- Hypersensitivity to cold or low temperatures
- Dirt in the environment
- Contact with a cat with conjunctivitis
- Cancer of the eye (squamous cell carcinoma, for example)
- Trauma
- Feline leukemia
- Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
Treatment of conjunctivitis in cats
The first thing to do if we have a cat with conjunctivitis is take him to the vet so that you can determine the cause of the problem and thus be able to give you the most appropriate treatment. As we have seen, it can be mild or be a symptom of a really serious disease, so depending on what your friend's case is, some medications or others will have to be administered.
Apart from giving you your medication, at home we can make some changes in your routine that will undoubtedly help you to recover as soon as possible:
Chamomile infusion
Chamomile infusions are very effective in treating conjunctivitis naturally, relieving itching and inflammation. You simply have to make an infusion (better if it is with dry leaves), and let the water temper. Then wash your hands, take a gauze pad and moisten it in the water. Now only you should gently wipe the affected eye, from the inside out, removing the blemishes. Do it every 3-4 hours until you have fully recovered.
Physiological serum
Like the infusion, the serum will also calm the itch. It is applied in the same way as that one.
Artificial tears
In pet stores you will find artificial tears for sale that will keep your cat's eyes hydrated. Add the drops indicated by the product, and you will surely notice that little by little you can keep your eyes open longer and longer.
When you have a hairy one with conjunctivitis it is highly recommended keep it separate from other animals that we may have, otherwise they will infect each other and the treatment will be much longer. Likewise, you have to know that we can also get infected, so it will be necessary to wash our hands well with soap before and after we caress our sick cat.
Considering that eye infections can appear after the immune system is weakened, there is nothing like preventing colds. To do this, we will keep the windows closed and, if we have the air conditioning on, prevent it from hitting it directly. For this same reason, If you normally go abroad for a few days, we better not let you or your situation could get worse.
Remember that whenever you see that your furry friend has eye problems, you should take him to the vet so that he can quickly regain his health. A timely diagnosis will prevent the cat from losing vision.
Look what happens is that I have my cat with only one irritated eye and I don't know what to do to get it better. I'm going to try the tea, if it works, I'll contact you again, thank you very much
Look, that's not a problem, you can use a powder that they sell in pharmacies or drugstores called boric acid. With the tip of a knife you pick up a little and dissolve it in water that you have previously boiled and stir, let it cool and with a cotton ball you pass it through both eyes
It does not matter that the other is healthy. This remedy is excellent even for humans.
great LUZ ELENA but I would not wear it, I would take it to the vet who knows and I would not follow the advice of you who do not even know
please boric acid, but what are you thinking of poisoning it, my mother the nonsense that write in the forums and play with the health of animals
great thanks right now i do it your blog is very complete thanks
Thank you, there is no information but hey, my grandmother's cat TOTO is the one who has conjunctivitis and I had to look in NOTIGATOS because they don't take him to the vet or vaccinate my pets. arenita kisses
Hello Margatita.
I recommend cleaning his eyes with water and warm chamomile, using a clean gauze for each eye, between 3 and 4 times a day.
Of course, you have to be very patient as it may take time to heal.
Greetings, and encouragement.