Complete guide to training and educating your cat

  • Cats can be trained through positive reinforcement such as treats and petting.
  • It is essential to use deterrent techniques to avoid unwanted behavior.
  • Early socialization and clear routines are key in feline training.
  • Playing strengthens the bond and mentally stimulates the cat, supporting its learning.

Kitty cat

It has always been believed that cats are impossible to train. It is true that felines are known for their independent nature, but this does not mean that they cannot learn simple commands. In fact, training them properly can significantly improve coexistence and avoid unwanted behaviors such as scratching or biting. In this article, we offer you a detailed guide to achieve this.

Is it possible to train a cat?

Although dogs are known for their ease of training as they are group animals, cats can also be trained, although in a different way. They do not respond to criteria of authority, but to positive stimuli. This means that by using reinforcements such as petting or rewards, excellent results can be achieved.

The call

Cat training

Cats are curious animals that love to explore. However, sometimes they may hide in dangerous places or simply not come when called. Teaching them to respond to their name is crucial to ensuring their safety.

To do this, start by calling your dog by name several times a day in everyday situations. Then, add the command “come” after saying his name, for example: “Simba, come.” Use a treat as an incentive and reward every time he approaches.With repetition and patience, he will associate his name and the command with a reward.

Give me the paw

Although it is more typical to see it in dogs, cats can also learn commands such as “give me your paw.” Take advantage of moments when your cat is sitting to lightly touch his paw at the elbow. When she picks it up reflexively, grab her paw, say “paw” and give her a treat.With consistency, you will be able to associate the gesture with the command.

Stay away from the plants

Gray cat

Some plants are toxic to cats, so it is essential to teach them not to nibble on them from an early age. This can be achieved by issuing a firm and forceful “NO” every time they approach, but avoiding shouting so as not to create fear.

If you have a more difficult-to-train adult cat, you can apply cat repellent around the pots—never directly on the plant—to create an unfavorable environment. It is also advisable to place the plants in inaccessible places or provide safe alternatives such as catnip.

early socialization

The most receptive stage for learning in cats is between 2 and 7 weeks of age. During this time, it is essential to expose your kitten to different experiences, objects and people. For example, petting your kitten daily and allowing it to interact with toys can help develop confidence and a balanced behavior.

If the cat is adopted in its adult stage, Make sure you give him time to adjust to his environmentA calm and safe environment will help reduce initial stress.

Rewards and positive reinforcements

Positive reinforcement is the foundation of cat training. Whenever your feline performs a desired action, reward him with a treat, petting, or kind words. If you want to teach him to use a scratching post, for example, place his favorite toy nearby or sprinkle catnip on the surface of the scratching post.

Take care of your cat

Avoid physical or verbal punishment, as this can create fear and distrust. Instead, redirect his behaviors with more attractive alternatives. For example, if he climbs onto the table, use a stimulus such as a toy to distract his attention and guide him to an allowed place.

Avoid inappropriate behavior

To discourage behaviors like scratching furniture, use deterrent techniques like covering surfaces with aluminum foil or double-sided tape. These textures are often uncomfortable for felines. Another option is to use remote water sprayers to interrupt the behavior in the moment.

Cat and person
Related article:
Tips for educating your cat

Coexistence training: clear routines

Cats are creatures of habit, which means that establishing a clear routine can make training easier. Offer meals at the same time, play with them regularly, and spend time caring for them. This gives them stability and confidence.

The value of play in learning

Not only is playing a great way to interact with your cat, it also stimulates their mind and teaches them essential skills. Use interactive toys that simulate hunting to keep them engaged. Remember to avoid using your hands as targets, as they may learn to attack them.


Teach limits gradually

While cats often learn from experience, it is important to be consistent with our responses. For example, if you want your cat to not get on the couch, you should correct that behavior every time it does so and not allow exceptions. Consistency is key.

With patience and dedication, any cat can learn the basic rules of living together. Although their independent nature can present challenges, it is also what makes them unique and fascinating. Training a cat not only improves coexistence, but also strengthens the bond between the feline and its owner, creating a relationship based on respect and mutual understanding.

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