Tips for cheering up a cat

Sad black and white cat

As the human cat family, we have to be aware that we are responsible for their well-being. Therefore, when we see him sad or depressed, it is our obligation to do everything in our power to make him happy again.

But we are not going to fool ourselves either: sometimes it is not easy to achieve this goal. But not impossible, and less with the tips to encourage a cat that I am going to offer you below. 

Why can a cat be depressed or sad?

The cat, in general, is an animal that if it has everything it needs, it will hardly be discouraged. But when something goes wrong, your emotional state changes. Y that "something" can be almost anything, since it is very, very sensitive:

  • Move
  • Arrival of a new member (baby for example) to the family
  • Feel harassed by a cat, dog and / or person
  • Tense family environment (arguments, shouting, ...)
  • He does not receive attention, they do not play with him or he is taken into account
  • He misses his mother and brothers
  • Is a victim of bad treatments

What symptoms can you have?

Although the cat is a furry cat that knows well how to hide its discomfort or pain, when it comes to sadness and / or depression we can see that, apart from discouragement, has lost interest in things he used to like, barely eats, stays in a corner doing nothing seemingly boring.

They may have aggressive behaviors or mood swings, spend more time than normal sleeping (more than 18h) without being sick, and / or be fearful or fearful in the presence of other animals or people or objects.

What can we do to encourage and help you?

The first and most important thing is to find out why you are sad. Only then can we find out what the cat does not like and then we will work on it. But in general, what is involved is to ensure that you have a good life at home, and if in this they do not treat him as they should, look for another in which he is taken into account and is loved.

Also, if you are being harassed, you have to try to teach the person or furry to treat the feline well, with respect, with patience. If, on the contrary, we have evidence that he is being abused, we will report the case to the police since it is a CRIME to hit an animal, leave it without food and / or keep it in a house with poor hygienic conditions.

On the other hand, If what happens is that you simply do not dedicate time to it, what we will do is start playing three times a day for 20 minutes each session, with a cat wand or a ball for example. The furry one must move, play, have fun, and we have to take care of that. Although of course, we can (and should) also give him lots of love - without overwhelming him - and treat him  .

Adult cat

I hope it has been useful to you. Remember that in the links you have more information.

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