When your cat has to have a leg amputated, or when he goes blind without being able to do anything to prevent it, he has a very bad time. We have many doubts. Questions such as: will he be able to have a good quality of life? Will he get used to it? What will become of him from now on?
Worrying about our furry beloved is something completely normal, indeed, it is something that everyone who lives with felines should do. Therefore, I will explain to you below how to care for a disabled cat.
Do not change any place
This is one of the most important things to keep in mind: your food, your drinking fountain, your bed… everything has to always be in the same place. In this way, It will be much easier for you to find what you are looking for or need at that time.
Try to leave the doors open
Except for the entrance of course. The rest of the doors of the house it is better that they are open so that the cat can go wherever it wants. Of course, you have to keep all objects that may be dangerous, such as glass and cables.
Put his bed on the floor
If you are like me who has the bed of his cats on tables, when a cat is disabled the ideal is to put it on the ground. If you think the bed model you have now is not going to protect you from the cold of the floor, you should know that in pet stores there are models that do. They are somewhat more expensive (one cost me 35 euros, while a carpet-type bed with hardly any backrest cost me 10 euros), but they are very, very comfortable.
Get a sandbox that isn't too tall
In pet stores you will find trays that are more suitable for kittens. These are fine if your cat is small, but if it is medium in size, the ideal is that you look in a bazaar for low and wide plastic trays.
Use Feliway to help you adjust
When a cat loses a paw or goes blind, it will feel very confused, and could even lose its appetite. This is completely normal; however, you can help him for example with Feliway which It is a product made with synthetic pheromones that calm the animal. In addition, it is very important not to overprotect it, but to be aware of it so that it does not hurt itself and, also, to brush it and pamper it.
Do not let it out
Under any concept. If you used to go out for a walk, now you will not be able to do it for obvious reasons: whether you are lame or blind, the chances of something VERY serious happening to you are very high. Even if you have a garden, I recommend putting a harness and a leash -for cats- to keep it under control.
I hope it has been useful to you . And, much encouragement! Cats are much more resistant than we think. Surely it ends up adapting well.