What are the symptoms of anxiety in cats?

Anxiety in cats

Anxiety is not just a human thing. Cats, if they live in a tense family environment or where they do not receive the attention they need, can also suffer from the symptoms of this emotional problem. However, it is not always easy to identify them in these animals.

To make it easier for you, I'm going to tell you what are the symptoms of anxiety in cats.

What is anxiety?

The anxiety it is a state of anguish that appears without a precise cause. Unlike fear, which is directed towards something in particular (for example, thunder), anxiety is a problem that sometimes occurs for no reason, such as when a storm is approaching.

What are the symptoms in cats?

The symptoms of anxiety are divided into two groups:

Physical symptoms

They are:

  • Tachycardia: is the increase in heart rate.
  • Tachypnea: is the increase in respiration.
  • Gasps: absorb air and let it out very quickly through the mouth.
  • Pupil dilation: the eyes remain attentive to any movement.
  • Sweat on the foot pads: we will see it when they walk.
  • Loose stools or diarrhea: the digestive system is one of the worst when the body is subjected to a lot of stress, either due to stress or anxiety.

Mental symptoms

They are:

  • Eat very quickly: It is typical of cats that are living in a place where there are other furry ones or people who do not leave them alone.
  • Excessive licking of one of its legs: It is a behavior that they have to try to relax.
  • Hypervigilance: they cannot rest well. They wake up many times to keep an eye on their surroundings.
  • BookmarksIf they did not do it before and now they do, and they are neutered, it may be because of anxiety.
  • Aggressive behaviors: can occur in cats that are under a lot of stress.

How is anxiety treated?

Once we suspect that our cat has anxiety, it is best to take him to the vet so that he can make a differential diagnosis since there are many symptoms that are common to other diseases. If confirmed, we recommend therapy with Bach Flowers carried out by a feline therapist specialized in it.

The pampering sessions, the cans of wet food as a reward and ensuring that the family atmosphere is calm will also be very helpful.

Adult cat

I hope it has been useful to you  .

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