Each cat has its own "personality", and in this regard, it will be very rare the times in which it will surprise us once we know what the character of our friend is. They are so few that we tend to worry: We think that something bad is wrong with him, and although that may be the reason, it is not always entirely true.
Today I will explain to you the reasons that can cause sudden behavior changes in cats.
These animals are generally very sociable. This is something that we see every day living with them: they like to be caressed, played with, ... in short, that we enjoy their company. Now, when we do not have some of your needs covered, it is possible that change your behavior: they may become more surly, isolate themselves or show aggressive behaviors as a result of this inattention, of that "emotional abandonment" (that is, stop giving affection).
There are cats that give much more than they receive. They are those mega-affectionate ones who like to spend all day near a person who caresses them, but who in return receives nothing more than food, water and a roof. Although fortunately it is becoming less frequent, there are those who still think that cats only need those three things, and it is not like that. A cat is a member of the family that also needs love and attention. Every day.
Why do sudden changes in cat behavior occur?
There are several possible causes:
Lack of care from your caregiver
It is often thought that these felines are independent and that they are easy animals to care for, that even with just giving them food and water they will be fine. But it's not like that. Cats need much more than that: They need to feel part of the family, and for this these humans must try to serve them, keep them company, ... in short, treat him as one more member.
In addition, there are cats that, as we said, are very affectionate, very emotionally dependent. They will have a worse time when they are left alone, so if you go on a trip the best thing you can do is ask someone you trust to be with them, or if possible, to go live at your house until that you come back.
Pain or discomfort
This is something that can happen to humans too: pain (physical and / or emotional) makes our behavior change more, or less, but it stops being the same. Since cats unfortunately do not speak like people, and it can be difficult to find out what is wrong with them, a visit to the vet does not hurt. But if you or your family are going through a bad time, almost certainly the animal is perceiving it, something that will make him feel uncomfortable.
The solution is through ... a good helping of pampering daily . It's not about overwhelming him, but rather showing him how much you love him. Give him cat treats from time to time, it will make him happy!
My cat is more affectionate than normal, what happens to him?
If it is not neutered and it is spring or summer, it is most likely that if it is a female it has gone into heat, and if it is a male it wants you to open the door to go find a partner. But if you have undergone such an operation, then most likely I tried to tell you something: may want company, or need veterinary help.
In any case, a visit to the professional will help you calm down, since if he is sick he will receive treatment, and if he does not have it, then you will know that what you have to do is dedicate more time to him.
Can an aggressive cat suddenly become?
Yes, of course, although you must bear in mind that aggressiveness is usually accompanied by fear and insecurity. In other words: there are no aggressive cats, but rather situations in which they behave like this. They do not act with premeditation, because they do not have that capacity, but by instinct.
Taking this into account, When can you suddenly become aggressive? In the following cases:
- When we bring in a second cat that is completely unknown to him.
- When we return home from the vet with his partner who has had to be treated or operated.
- When he has suffered a traumatic situation for him.
- When you feel that your life is in danger.
To calm him down first we have to know why it behaves like this. For example, in the first two cases the ideal is to present (or re-present) them; take one to a room and change the beds for 3-4 days, then put them back together under surveillance.
If you have lived or are living a time of great stress and tension, or if you feel that your life is at risk, what we will do is move you away from there only if there is real danger; that is, if you are scared by a plastic bag (for example), touching the bag and giving it treats from time to time so you see that nothing is wrong is enough.
If the danger is real (a dog or another animal or person is bothering or attacking you) we will try to get you out of that situation, scaring your attacker or potential attacker, or asking him - if human - to leave.
How to help a cat with sudden fear?
Very calmly and patiently. Cat treats can do the trick, but only in case he's not terrified. If it is an animal that remains hidden in a corner of the house, It will be better for you to speak with a cheerful, calm, and soft tone of voice. Do not make sudden movements or noise; be subtle.
Understand and use the feline body language- Blink slowly, look at it for a second, then look away. These details, although they seem small, will make the furry understand that he can feel safe at home.
How to eliminate stress in cats?
Cats tolerate stress very poorly, that's why whenever possible we have to leave the tension outside the home. Moving, parties, separations or duels are situations that affect them a lot, to the point that their behavior can change.
The way to help them is calmly, with patience. If we are moving, we will leave him in a room with his things until we are done (of course, we will be with him for as long as we can, every day); if he gets stressed out with parties or visits, we can try to socialize him with people; And if we are going through a separation or duel, it is difficult but we must try to continue with the daily routine. If it is difficult for us, we will ask for professional help.
What is the normal behavior of cats like?
That is one of the questions that do not have a single answer, because it will depend a lot on the cat, its genetics, where and how it was raised, the care it received in the passage and what it receives now, ... But if you want to have more or less an idea, tell you that kittens are generally very mischievous, nervous, playful, and outgoing, sometimes too much.
You have to be very patient with them, educate them from respect, but of course also from affection. We must leave behind impositions, pouring water on them, and hitting them. This will only serve to make them fear us.
If we talk about adult cats, they are usually shy, skittish, but sociable only with other cats or also with some humans (This will depend a lot on whether they are feral, that is, if they grew up on the street without contact with people, or on the contrary, they have lived and live with a family that cares for them with affection).
There are some special cases in which you can find cats that adore the company of anyone who wants to pet them, but they are, as I say, special. Being lucky enough to live with one like that is not easy. You have to work a lot on the human-cat relationship, you have to take time to understand his body language, respect him for what he is and how he is (that means letting him get on the furniture for example, or on the bed).
I hope it has been useful to you .
Hello, my cat has changed since I removed the carpet from my house, he does not eat and wants to be on the basement on top of some clothes, I call him and he does not want to go down. He can help me.
Hello Maria.
You can try to give him some food that he likes a lot, such as cans for cats. As it has a stronger smell, it shouldn't take a while to get off.
Or if not, attract their attention with a toy or string, and play with it.
A greeting.
Since we returned from vacation, my cat does not want to step on the ground and to move it jumps from one piece of furniture to another ... is it serious or do I let it little by little return to "normal"?
Hello Maria Inés.
Cats don't really like being on the ground very much, as this is an area where they might feel in danger.
Anyway, little by little it should return to normal.
A greeting.
Hello, my kitten has suddenly changed her behavior. She has become very scary, she hides, pees and poops everywhere, her skin and hair are fatal, and it seems that she is going blind. The vet has no idea what it might be. Please help! I am very concerned!
Hello Sofia.
I recommend you ask for a second veterinary opinion. I'm not a vet, sorry.
The only thing I can think of is that the diet may not be too good for her. I recommend you look to see if it has cereals (corn, wheat, oats, etc.), and if so, change it for another that does not lead, to see if it improves.
Much encouragement.
Hi there! I have a 6-year-old cat, we moved from an apartment to home a year ago. I made him leave the pebbles but for a few months he has been indoors as soon as he enters the house. Is it lack of affection, illness or what will it be?
Hello Marcela.
Sorry, I have not understood you well. Did you take away the litter box from your cat so that she could relieve herself outside and now she goes back to doing them at home? If so, it is probably because she is simply more comfortable relieving herself indoors.
Anyway, it would not hurt for a vet to check her, to see if she has any infection.
A greeting.
Hols… I have two kittens. One of 1 year old and castrated another of 7 months that cast her 3 weeks ago. They loved each other, they socialized and they were always together. Since I castre the smallest ... The biggest change and lives attacking and is in a bad mood ... (both are vaccinated against rabies). I don't know what to do to stop him attacking little lamas. I try to pamper them equally but there is no use .. The oldest lives angry. Help!
Hi Carla.
I recommend you submit them again. Take the youngest and take her to a room for three days. In that room you have to have your bed covered by a blanket. Cover the other cat's bed with another blanket. During the second and third day you have to exchange them, so they will re-accept the body color of the other.
On the fourth day, let the kitten out and see how they react. Caress one and immediately the other so that little by little they have the same smell, which will help them feel more calm.
And be patient. Sooner rather than later they will get along again.
A greeting.
Hello. I need help. I have a cat of almost 9 years old, she is already neutered. A few weeks ago she started vomiting a lot and I took her to the vet. They did blood tests and everything went well and an exam to rule out pancreatitis came out negative. It was concluded that they were for hairballs and they prescribed a malt. And after a few days I stop vomiting. But after that she began to breathe strangely and she no longer meows, does not preen, or wants to play, she spends most of her time lying down. It looks sad. It is not the same. Sometimes it squirms very strangely and raises its tail. What can be? What tests do you need to take to know what you have? Thanks.
Hello Cris.
The malt may not have done you well.
But that could only be known by a vet (I am not).
You can try giving it a little oil, to see if it is constipated, but I recommend more to take it again.
Much encouragement.
Hello, it turns out that I have been with my neutered male Persian cat for 3 years and the last few weeks he has been somewhat strange, as more restless than normal and scared, sometimes, suddenly, he usually stares at me without blinking and chases me as if I were a stranger who has entered his house, as if he did not recognize me, he becomes aggressive, snorts and even slaps me if I approach. There has been no change at home or anything new. What? The last time this happened to me, besides, we were playing games. It was not an aggressive cat, in fact, it was a cat stuffed animal, great. But it changed suddenly, it never attacked me before, and it seems that I am a threat to it. What happened to it? Or why does it do that? Thanks in advance.
Well, what you say is very strange. If there has been no change, I recommend taking him to the vet for a complete check-up.
Sometimes it can give us the feeling that he is in good health, but when what happens to you, no veterinary problem can be ruled out.
If everything is finally okay, earn his trust through the stomach: give him wet cat food and cat treats. Caress him like someone who does not want the thing when he is eating, so he will associate this show of affection with something positive that is food.
Invite him to play, with ropes, stuffed animals, small balls. If he scratches / bites you or intends to do so, stop the game and leave it for only a minute or two maximum.
You have to be patient, and sometimes the help of a feline ethologist may be needed, but in the end you can see improvements.
Much encouragement.
Hello, my cat started attacking my cat out of nowhere, this very territorial one is a very abrupt change and I don't know what's wrong with him.
My cat goes away and hides because she hurts and mistreats him a lot and attacks him violently and for no reason.
What happens?
Hello Natalia.
Has there been any change at home? Moving, operation, ...?
If there has been nothing, it occurs to me that perhaps the cat is in poor health. Sometimes when they are bad they act aggressively, so I would recommend taking her to the vet to take a look.
In the event that it is okay, then I advise you to spend a lot of time with them, play, and give them the same affection. Thus, little by little, both will calm down.
Much encouragement.
I have an adult cat of almost 10 years old and she was always very affectionate and lately when I cuddle her she loves it as usual and she purrs and licks me but after a while I caressed her she gets angry and growls at me when I touch her, what could it be?
Hello barbara.
It must be a change in behavior typical of age. If she leads a normal life and you don't see any more symptoms, surely she no longer likes being caressed for so long.
A greeting.
I have a 5-year-old cat, she was usually not very affectionate (especially with children, it seemed that she did not like them), she disappeared for almost 2 weeks, and now that I return she is much more affectionate and even allows herself to be caressed by children, too I have a cat that is his son, but now that he is back the cat growls at him and wants to hit him, what could it be?
Hi Elmer.
Is it neutered? If not, it is possible that she is pregnant and that, as a result of her condition, her behavior has changed.
In the event that it is operated, what may have happened is that the cat does not recognize the body odor of its mother, that it sees her as a stranger. To solve it, you have to caress them both, first one, then another, and then return to the first. These animals are very guided by smells, so if they perceive that they all smell the same, they will gradually calm down.
It is also important to give them wet food (cans) and make the same case to both.
A greeting.
Hi, I don't know if you can help me.
I have two cats, a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old. Although they both have different personalities, they tend to get along well, and they had always cuddled and laid together without any problem. A few weeks ago we decided to take care of a one-month-old kitten for a couple of weeks, and the youngest managed to caress it, while the big one just got used to her patience.
During the time the kitten was here, we decided to take him to the vet for a checkup and he turned out to have parasites, so we took my other two cats to get checked. My oldest cat turned out to be fine, but the 2-year-old had a strong infection, so the vet decided to give her iron injections, deworming, and vitamins. He began to improve a little, and seemed saddened by the absence of the kitten, but he seemed to improve in health. Until she had a relapse in her mood, we took her again and the vet said that it was possible that she had a parasite infection, so he gave her the iron, vitamins and antibiotics treatment again. But my cat was terrified to go to the vet, and the iron injections especially hurt her a lot. Two weeks have passed since then. My cat looks totally recovered, a little nervous but in general she returned to be the affectionate kitten that she was. Everything was fine, until a cat from the street began to come to mark territory. Both cats are spayed, and the younger cat had a few complications with her recovery from spay, but everything seemed normal. Now, my cats fight and bite each other, and my biggest cat hisses at my other cat, and the little cat throws herself on him and bites and scratches her very ugly. And they have both stopped eating the food we give them, and they leave everything dirty and full of pieces of croquettes (they never used to do that). I am very sorry if my message is so long, but since I do not know which of all these events could be the cause of the change in behavior of my cats, I preferred to tell everything that has happened lately that could be the catalyst. Thank you very much for your time, and I hope you can help me what to do with my cats, I love them very much and I do not want them to be like this with each other, especially because they got along wonderfully before.
Hello Alison.
First of all, I'm sorry for the delay. The blog has been idle for a while.
How are the cats doing? I hope they have improved; and if not, I'll tell you:
I am not an expert, but from what you say the trigger for this problem could have been several things:
-the smell of the vet (cats in itself cause discomfort and tension; and sometimes those who stay at home treat those who have been there badly)
-the appearance of that street cat (are they spayed or neutered? If they are only spayed, they had a tubal ligation, but zeal and the behavior associated with it continue to have it; if they are neutered, everything was taken the reproductive system, and therefore also the possibility of having heat). If they are sterilized, it may be that what happens to them is that when they smell that other cat, they get angry with each other for being unable to get close to him.
Another possibility is that, plain and simple, they do not like that cat around, and that they pay for their anger with the other.
In any case, I recommend you pretend you don't know each other at all. As if it were the first week that they are living with you. Take one of the two (the youngest) and take her to a room with her bed, feeder, water, litter box. For three days, exchange the beds. After that time, let them come together and smell each other. Have a couple of tins of wet cat food ready. Do not make noises or speak loudly: it is much better to make soft, subtle movements… and talk to them as if they were little girls (seriously, it usually works 😉).
If they snort it is normal, and even if they kick themselves. But if you see their hair standing on end, growling at each other and, ultimately, that they are about to fight, put a broom or something between them, and try to get one of the two into a room. And try again the next day.
You have to be very patient, but over time you will see results.
Cheer up.
Hello, my cat these two days is strange, I mean that she is much less affectionate than two days ago; the cat in the sense of food and water there were no problems but some time ago she was too much of a goop, she lay on my chest, she slept with me, I managed everywhere.
but now hopefully he gets on my legs and gets off instantly he does not want to enter the house which he used to enter without thinking
Hello Monse.
You can take her to the vet to have a look at her, see if she has anything. But sometimes when it is very hot for example, or when they get older, even the most affectionate stop being so. They may even have days when they don't want as much human contact.
Hi, how are you?
We rescued a 2 and a half month old cat from the street and adopted her. At first she was affectionate but we discovered that she is very hunting and playful. It happens that from one day to the next she stopped wanting us to hug her. Before he was repeating with us but he stopped doing it. Besides, one day I hugged her, she bit me half ugly on the face and the truth is, I hit her out of reflex. Since then she has obviously been more sullen and angry although I try to get closer, hug her, let her go when she wants me to hug her, give her her food and some cat treats, as well as toys. I feel somewhat rejected and I don't know what to do. My daughters want to play with her but she also gets angry and sullen.
Hello Paula.
My advice is that you play with the cat, a lot, but using toys (ropes, balls, ...), and never in a rough way.
Don't force her to do anything; that is, if you don't want to be on the lap, nothing happens. Leaving him his space you will be able to regain his confidence.
Greetings and encouragement.
Hello, my cat is too affectionate and she is very heavy, she does not socialize with other cats, she only gets along with my 6-year-old dog
My kitten is going to be one year old on October 4 it will be her first heat I don't know since she has been very affectionate with me she has been with her large pupils like a very large circle as when she is afraid a few days ago she started with that behavior that she should do many Thank you
Hello Cami.
The most advisable thing is to take her to castrate. This way, you will most likely calm down and, incidentally, live longer.
However this article we talk about other options.
I have two cats Simba who are 8 months old and Oliver who is almost 3 months old.
The situation is as follows: Simba is a very outgoing little boy, he loves to play and run. As the months went by, I realized that he felt very lonely, he felt low in spirits and cried a lot, that was when we decided that he needed a little brother. We brought Oliver two weeks ago who has a very similar personality, playful, curious, adventurous. To my surprise Simba received it very well, at first we separated them into different rooms and tried to give him space. In less than a week they were already sharing sand and having a Sunday together, you could tell that they were happy playing and sharing.
They both got sick recently and Oliver is still mild cold that we are treating with the vet. He is eating normally, he drinks water, but he sleeps a lot. Also, I have noticed that his behavior has changed a lot with Simba. Ignore him and avoid total interaction with him. Simba insists on playing with him but Oliver rolls over to sleep. Simba is very frustrated, and I think he has anxiety. Do you think it is temporary while you recover or can your personality change suddenly? I'm a little curious of people who have had similar experiences.
Thank you
Hello Julieta.
Do not worry. What happens to them is totally normal. Any cat that is sick until it is fully recovered is usually to change its behavior a little towards others.
I believe that, that when Oliver recovers they will play again. Everything is a matter of patience, and pampering 🙂
Hello, how are you? My cat is eight months old and recently some dogs caught him .. He became much more affectionate than he was, and he looks for us more to get pampering when he left before if you approached .. Could it be because of the accident?
Hello Belen.
If possible. After such a situation, they can change a bit.
Hello, I have an adult cat between 8 and 10 years old, the truth is that in the beginning it has always been a stray, and not very loving, when he came home he did not like physical contact very much, he only ate and did his own thing.
recently he was diagnosed with kidney failure with good improvement of symptoms with medications. When he felt better two days ago he went to the street and now he returned home, his behavior has gone from being distant to cuddly, he seeks to be on top of me, purrs, kneads with his paws and seeks physical contact, why did that happen change? Is it because of his illness?
I wait your answer!
Hello Sarah.
Surely I missed you, you, the warmth of the home, the attentions ... Enjoy it 🙂
Hello. My cat ran away from home, she was outside for 10 days until I found her, underweight, she was very nervous, very hungry and dirty. Now that this very strange has returned the first 2 days she has slept a lot, she spends the day lying down she does not want to play, she just wants to be on her pillow, she is more affectionate, she was very surly and playful before.
Hi Karle.
See if he is in good health. You do not have to be sick, but when the change in behavior is so sudden, do not rule out anything.