Buying guide for a self-cleaning litter box for cats

Spherical self-cleaning sandpit

How many times a week do you say "I don't have time"? Perhaps many, not in vain, the lifestyle that we lead does not leave us many free time, and those that we have we want to spend, often, in the company of our loved ones ... including the furry ones that live with us.

Well, one of the things you can do is buy a self-cleaning litter box for cats. Unlike the manuals, and as their name suggests, they clean themselves, so while your cats can always use clean bathrooms, you can enjoy their company more.

Selection of the best models of self-cleaning sandboxes

Where to place the self-cleaning litter box?

Cats, like all other animals including humans, they need privacy when they relieve themselves. But apart from that, it is also very important for them not to have to be breathing bad smells or listening to noises.

One of the most common problems that occur with sandboxes, whatever they are, is putting them in rooms such as the kitchen or in the laundry room, often near garbage cans, without perhaps thinking that those are not good places to have them. And no, it is not right next to your feeder or drinker either.

These furries are very, very clean, and they don't like having their private bathroom next to their foodJust as we would not like to have a toilet in the dining room. It would be very unpleasant.

So, starting from this, What is the best place for a sandbox? Well, it will be the one that has these characteristics:

  • Little traffic of people
  • Shining
  • limpio
  • Spacious, especially if there are many cats living together

For example, in my case I have the two sandboxes in a spacious room with two large windows, which is only used for hanging clothes and little else (perhaps watching television, but it is not one in which we live much life).

What can happen if the site is wrongly chosen?

The answer you may not like: that they begin to relieve themselves in other areas. And they won't do it with the intention of blaming you for anything - cats never do this, mostly because they don't understand about it; It is not the way they have to relate to others - but to get your attention. To tell you, in his own way, that there is a problem related to the sandbox. Problem that, as I say, is usually having put it in a bad place.

If you want to know what the others are, say that it could be harassment between cats, that that particular animal has a disease and needs veterinary help, or that it does not like its litter box for whatever reason (bad experience in or around it , size, or any other).

How to buy a self-cleaning litter box?

CatIt Sandbox

As we have seen, there are several models on the market, each with its own characteristics. If it is the first time that you are going to acquire one, and you have many doubts, calm down. Here are a few tips:

Automatic or semi-automatic?

The automatic, that is, the self-cleaning ones, are those that, as their name indicates, clean themselves from time to time. But they work either with electricity, with batteries or with both. They are highly recommended for when you go on a trip for many days and you want your cats to have a very clean bathroom. Therefore, the price is higher.

Moreover, the semi-automatic They are those that, although they do not need batteries or electricity to function, they do require maintenance. In general, they have a removable tray that is where the feces and urine accumulate, and that of course it will be necessary to wash. The price is much cheaper.


Semi-automatic litter box for cats

Both the sandbox and the animal. There are self-cleaning litter boxes for large cats, others for small ones. If those who live with you are adults, measure them from the tip of the tail to the tip of the nose, and with that information you can choose a sandbox of the right size.

If they are still young, we recommend that you wait or, if you know their parents, ask their caregivers to measure them.


As much as you want to buy one, take time to look at the different models, to compare them. And it is that not always by spending more money you will have a high quality litter box, or not by spending little you will have a very low quality one.

Investigate, read the opinions of other buyers, and, I insist, don't be in a hurry  .

Where to buy a self-cleaning litter box for cats?


In this large online shopping center they sell a wide variety of self-cleaning and semi-automatic sandboxes. It is interesting to take a look, since as buyers can leave their opinions, it's easy to buy one without getting any unpleasant surprises later.

Pet shops

Both online and physical, although in the latter, unless they are large, they usually order them on request. Still and still it is a good idea to look at their catalogs, because in case of doubt you can consult with the manager.

We hope you have been able to find the self-cleaning litter box that best suits your needs  .

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