My cat vomits bile, what do I do?

Vomiting in cats is an important symptom

Cats are experts at hiding pain, but when they vomit we will have to ask ourselves why this is happening to them and what we can do to make them healthy again. And is that your furry vomiting bile is not only not normal but can also be accompanied by other symptoms.

Thus, If my cat vomits bile, what should I do? Read on to find out the answer to that question  .

Why are you vomiting?

If your cat vomits, take him to the vet

A cat can vomit from time to time and nothing happen to it at all, just like us when, for example, we put something in our mouth that has a very unpleasant taste and our body rejects it forcing us to vomit it. But on other occasions it is a sign that something is wrong, and that the animal needs help.

First of all, let's know what bile is. Well, bile is an acid produced in the liver that helps digest food. It is yellowish-greenish in color, and sometimes the feline expels it along with other liquids that are in its stomach. The question is why?

The most common cause is usually a poor meal schedule, or that you have ingested something that you should not.

How to help you avoid it?

Ideally always leave the trough full of food. Think that cats in the wild eat ... when they can, a mouse, a small bird ... and so on throughout the day. When they live with humans, they do the same thing: they eat a little early in the morning, a little at noon, a little at mid-afternoon, and a little at night (more or less).

If apart from that we give him a quality diet, that is, without cereals, and we ensure that the feeder is clean, he will not have to vomit.

When to go to the vet?

When any of these situations occur:

  • When they have been vomiting for at least two days.
  • When they vomit blood.
  • When they are losing their appetite.
  • When they have other serious symptoms: fever, apathy, or others that make us suspicious.

The ideal is to take a vomit sample to the professional, so that they can better know what is happening to them and what treatment to provide so that they improve.

Understand the different types of vomiting

Sick cats need care

If your cat vomits foam, it is likely bile. This is usually yellow or greenish in color. Bile is an acidic fluid created in the liver and stored in the gallbladder until food is ingested, when it is released into the intestine.

Bile helps cats break down food. However, it can leak into the stomach and cause vomiting. If your cat persistently vomits bile or his illness is accompanied by other health problems such as diarrhea, loss of appetite or lethargy, seek urgent advice from your veterinarian.

Not all vomiting from cats looks the same, and you can get an idea of ​​what may be causing the vomiting with a little inspection. Here are some of the different appearances of vomiting, and what the underlying cause may be:

  • Undigested food- While this may be the result of your pet eating too quickly, undigested food in the vomit can also indicate that there is a blockage in the cat's digestive system. That is a major problem, and a visit to the vet is definitely recommended if this continues.
  • Biliary or yellow / foamy appearance- This type of vomiting could be caused by a hairball, but it can also indicate a kidney problem, infection, or endocrine problem. If this type of vomiting occurs frequently, a visit to the vet is also recommended.

In general, watch for symptoms that accompany vomiting: If your cat is also lethargic, lacks appetite, has diarrhea, shows unusual behavior, or is hiding from you, visit the vet to find out the cause.

Potential treatments

If your cat vomits frequently after meals, try feeding him at the same time each day and several small meals, rather than skipping a ton of food. This can make your dining style less hectic. If you have multiple cats, give them separate food bowls and make sure each cat gets enough food. If you think vomiting is in response to your diet, visit your vet for a recommendation on an allergy-friendly diet.

If the vomiting does not appear to be related to meals or the consumption of indigestible food, you should visit your vet. They can provide a complete physical exam and assess for any diseases or conditions that are causing your cat to vomit bile. Visit your vet immediately if you notice that your cat vomits bloodas this could be a sign of a very serious illness or injury that requires immediate attention.

What else can you do if your cat vomits

Vomiting is one of the most common problems in veterinary medicine. It is the natural way to allow cats to rid their stomach of irritating substances, such as spoiled food or other foreign materials, such as hairballs or plants. But not all vomiting is due to simple irritation.

The most serious causes of vomiting are viral infections, obstructions caused by cords or other foreign objects, and diseases of the liver, pancreas, or kidneys. However, it is important to seek professional help if there are signs of bleeding, or if the cat is depressed and continues to vomit after initial control efforts have failed. If a cat is vomiting, use the following cat care tips:

Remove all food and water for at least 12 to 24 hours. If the cat's vomit contains blood or is frequent, you will need to contact your vet immediately. Otherwise, keep reading.

After 12 to 24 hours, feed the cat a mixture of small amounts of boiled, peeled and boneless chicken breasts, with rice (50/50 mix). Alternatively, you can substitute baby chicken food. If the situation persists, a transition to a regular diet should be made over the next two days by mixing up regular cat food, reducing the amounts of chicken and rice, and increasing the amounts of regular cat food.

Vomiting can be a sign of many diseases. Don't be fooled into thinking that these are only fur balls. If vomiting continues frequently, professional help should be sought.

Additional symptoms to look for

Vomiting is a symptom of health problems in cats

The vomiting of the cat and when it vomits bile can have many different causes, from something that has made it wrong to because it has ingested a foreign body or even toxic substance. Either way It is important to look for other signs in his behavior to be able to tell the vet in case you take him to know what is happening to him.

In many cases, vomiting is considered a nonspecific symptom, making it difficult to diagnose a disorder solely in the presence of vomiting. Fortunately, there are other clinical signs to look for along with cat vomit:

  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • Dehydration
  • Bloody vomit
  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Reduced appetite
  • Lethargy and weakness
  • Fluctuation in water intake

In addition, pet owners should monitor the frequency of vomiting and when it occurs (for example, after eating, being outdoors).

When to make a vet appointment without fail

If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, there are a few things to consider. How old is your cat? How is your cat's general health? Is there any chance they ingested something poisonous? How long has your cat been vomiting (several weeks, just once, etc.)?

Better safe than sorry when it comes to your beloved four-legged companion. Again, no vomiting should be considered "normal." If you have any reason to believe that your cat's vomiting is a sign of something more serious, call your vet immediately as your kitten's health and life could be at stake. Feel free to go to the professional even if it's just to ask. It is better to prevent and ask any concern than to remain in doubt and have your cat's health deteriorate too quickly.

Your cat will recover soon if you take him to the vet at the slightest symptom

I hope it has been useful to you  .

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