Moving with cats

Moving with cats. A very wise decision, but one that they are not going to like very much. No, no, I do not mean that they do not want to go with you, but that they will not be very happy having to change their home. These animals and the changes do not get along very well, in fact, they can feel sad just because they have moved the sofa.

They like to have everything under control and a move… Well, a move is something they don't control. Humans can be stressed, and that will be noticed by the furry ones who will not know where to go or what to do so that this situation changes and everything returns to normal. How to help them?

The most important is keep them in a room of what until now was our house as far away from noise as possible. In it they have to have their beds, their feeders, and also their litter trays. Thus, they will feel calm, and the move will be easier for us since we will not have to worry about the safety of our friends by having already left them in a safe room.

Although we are very busy, it is highly recommended to give them the same pampering as always so they do not feel surprised. For this reason, if the move is going to take more than a day, the last thing you have to leave the house is the bed so that we can sleep with them. But beware, only if we are not very stressed, otherwise we could "infect" our mood to the felines, worsening the situation.

Bicolor cats

The move must be as fast and last as short as possible. The sooner we have moved everything to the new house, the better for the cats. Once we have everything (or almost) placed, then we can take them to what will be our new home, introducing them gently into the carrier. If we make sudden movements, or if we introduce them in a violent or aggressive way, the animals will associate the new house with something negative, so they will have many difficulties to adapt.

During the first few days in the new home, it is advisable to keep them in one room until they show interest in what their new home is like, which usually happens soon, after 2-3 days. In a week, after having explored everything, they will feel much better  .

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