Most popular cat breeds

European common cat

Thinking of living with a furry guy? If so, it may be of use to you to know what the most popular cat breedsAlthough the decision to choose one or the other is very personal, it is not always easy to make. And they are all precious.

So, to help you with this difficult task, I am going to tell you the main features one of the most popular cats.

Somali cat

Somali cat

This is a medium to large sized cat that has semi-long to long fur. Very soft to the touch, it will enjoy the caresses you give it. Of course, it is an animal that he likes to stay active, so if you live in an apartment, it is highly advisable that you prepare it for a family member who loves to run and have fun.

Siamese cat

Siamese cat

The Siamese has been and continues to be one of the most popular cat breeds. He is very affectionate, to the point that some people call him the "cat-dog", as they are much more dependent than other cats. He has a slender figure, and short fur, so you won't have to worry much about brushing, as you will only have to do it once a day.

Ragdoll cat


This cat is large in size (about 6-7kg can weigh as adults), and since it has a semi-long coat, it looks like a stuffed animal. A stuffed animal that he likes to be with the familyEspecially if you have a child friend to play with.

Persian cat

Persian cat

The Persian is one of the cats that has always been associated with the nobility. It has a very own character of its race: it is elegant, affectionate, but if it feels uncomfortable, it will let you know (with snorts, growls, or walking away). It is a cat that needs a lot of maintenance (eye cleaning, brushing, bathing), so it is appropriate for people who can spend a lot of time.

Maine Coon Cat

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is another breed of large cat. It can weigh between 7 and 8 kg, but everything that is big is affectionate. Their fur is long and smooth, which will need regular brushing to avoid knot formation. If we talk about the character, it is a very home cat, very familiar. He likes to be caressed and cuddled, and you will also enjoy with children.

European common cat

European cat

And we end up with the common European cat. It is true that it is not a breed as such, but if you are looking for a friend and do not want to spend a lot of money, then your best option will be the adoption of one of these cats. There are so many in animal shelters and Protectoras looking for a home. In addition, there are many colors: white, black, silver, brindle, bicolor, with long, short or semi-long hair ... These furry are very affectionate, and can become the best companion of any person, regardless of the age. have.

Do you already know which one you're going to take home? 

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