The cat has been living with humans for about ten thousand years, but relatively recently we have started to have it inside the house all day, without letting it go out. By not having contact with the outside, he has to get used to and adapt to his life with us. It does well but sometimes you can become very confused since we do not always understand what he wants to tell us.
Although many people will make an effort to understand your language, there are others who do not. The latter are the ones that often end up hurting the furry, or abandoning it. Therefore, it is very important to know what are the mistakes that are made when educating a cat to avoid them so that our friend can be happy.
Mistreat him (yell and / or hit him)
It is true that sometimes you can do things that you should not do, but nothing justifies the abuse, nothing. If he is hit and / or yelled at, what will be achieved is that he grows up feeling fear for humans.
Not give affection
If you've ever heard someone say that a cat is so independent that it doesn't need anyone ... forget it. Seriously this feline needs care and affection every day, several times a day. He may be alone at home for a while with food, water and the odd litter box, but he will surely miss you.
Overprotect it
It is as unwise to not give him affection as to overprotect him. The cat must be able to enjoy its own personal space, which will give you confidence and security to learn new things and lead a pleasant life.
Using the cat as a substitute
No animal should be used as a substitute. Losing a loved one is an experience that makes us feel terrible, but the cat we bring new will not be like the one we lost.
The happiness of our friend will depend on what we do to take care of him. If we treat him with respect, patience and affection, he will know how to reward us.