The eyes of felines have been and are still today one of the parts of the body of cats that most attract our attention. They don't see very well during the day, but at night they are able to move easily through the darkest places. This, added to the fact that they are nocturnal animals, mean that more than one human cannot fall asleep as quickly as they would like (if that is your case, in this Another item I'll explain how to make the cat sleep at night).
Going back to the point, Have you ever wondered what color cat eyes can be?
The feline is a predatory animal. This means that its body is specially designed to hunt, and also to do it at night. And this is possible thanks to its beautiful eyes, which as we know are located in front of the head, more or less separated. Thus, they cannot see what is behind them, but they can see what is very far from them. Inside the cat's eye there is a central band that helps them see a certain number of colors (blue, purple, yellow and green). The eyes also have a third eyelid called nictitating membrane, which protects them against bacteria and other problems, and they are always kept lubricated.
Among the colors that the eyes can have, we distinguish the azul, Verde and heavenly.
And now that we know a little more about eyes, what do they want to tell us with their gaze? Living with these animals can be a truly wonderful experience, but we don't always understand the message they convey to us. So how can I know what it is telling me?
- If your eyes are narrowed, it is a sign that it feels good, at ease, especially if we hear him purr.
- If you have them wide open and also show your teeth and / or have bristly hair, it is because you feel very uncomfortable and is ready to attack.
- If you have them open, but with the body in a normal position, it means that be attentive to what happens around him.
Cats' eyes are amazing, don't you think?