When we get home after a day of work we find a cat who is eager to play. While it is true that we can feel very tired, it is our duty as your caregivers to spend as much time as we can because you simply need it.
To prevent him from getting bored, it is important that we play with him, but… with what? The laser pointer is becoming very popular: it allows us to keep the animal entertained while sitting on a sofa, and it seems that it loves it. Even so, if we do not use it correctly we will end up living with a frustrated cat. Let's see how to prevent this from happening.
Is the laser pointer dangerous for the cat?
Before buying anything it is very important to make sure that the object is safe for the cat. In the case of the laser pointer, we must know that the light it emits, while not exceeding 5 milliwatts, is powerful enough to cause eye damage when viewed for ten seconds. For this reason, you should never focus directly on him.
On the other hand, we have to know that the cat is a predatory animal. This means that, in reality, will try to hunt that point of light. If he can't, he gets frustrated. I do not mean to say that you should always let him get it, but that out of every ten attempts, at least five "catch" the light, one of them being the last.
How to play with the cat using the laser?
The laser pointer is a very inexpensive toy, which we can all get. For the cat to have fun, in addition to everything we have said so far, it is necessary that let's focus on something that can hunt really, like a ball, string, or stuffed animal. Also, there are to alternate this game with others, because otherwise in the long run you will end up getting bored.
So you know, use the laser pointer but responsibly .