Unfortunately, all cats can suffer from a parasite infestation. Either because their mother has unconsciously transmitted them to them, or because they have come into contact with these "worms" themselves, the truth is that at any moment we can see that they are not well ... unless we do something to avoid it.
Taking this into account, it is important to know which are the most common intestinal parasites in cats, the symptoms they cause and what to do to eliminate them.
Which are?
There are many intestinal parasites that affect cats; however, the most frequent are:
- Ascaris: as the toxocara cati. They are round worms between 4 and 8 cm long. They lodge in the intestine, where they multiply until they cause an obstruction. They can affect people too.
- Hookworms: As the Acylostoma tubaeforme. They are small, 1cm round worms that can cause fatal gastroenteritis in kittens.
- You had: As the Canine dipylidium and Taeniataeniaeformis, they are flatworms. The first is spread by ingestion of contaminated external parasites (fleas and lice), and the second by ingestion of rodents. They are not transmitted to people nor do they usually cause many problems for cats, since they themselves gradually expel them through the anus.
- Hydatidosis: As the Echinococcus granulosus o multilocularis. They are worms that do not cause serious symptoms either, but they can affect people by forming cysts in different organs.
How do I know if my cat has it?
The fastest and most efficient way is taking a stool sample to the vet for analysis. Now, we can also suspect if it has or not if:
- We see traces of eggs or worms in the areas they use to rest.
- They have diarrhea (especially severe in kittens).
- Hair becomes dull and dry.
- You can lose weight.
How is it treated?
The treatment of intestinal parasites in cats is quite simple: consists of giving an antiparasitic (against worms) first at three and five weeks of life, and then repeating twice a year. Once an adult, a pipette that acts against these parasites, such as Advocate or Stronghold, can be put once a month or when the veterinarian considers better.
I hope it has been useful to you.