Information about the eyes of cats

Green eyed cat

Cat eyes are some of the most beautiful in the world. Regardless of the color they are, these animals are capable of transmitting a lot through them. In fact, there are those who say that if the bond between the feline and her person is very strong, she has no difficulty in knowing what her furry wants to say just by looking at it.

But other than that, still there is a lot information about the eyes of cats that I want to tell.

With their eyes, they don't need to speak

Cat eyes

His body language is highly developed, so much so that depending on how open your eyes are and how dilated your pupils are, you will be transmitting one message or another. For example: if they stare at another cat it is because they feel tense and could attack them; but if they open and close them little by little it is because they trust the other being (cat, person, etc.) that they have close by.

We can »see» their genetic material

Everything is the result of genes, but in the case of cats, the color of the eyes and the coat, as well as the length of this one depends a lot on certain types of genes. Thus, while in the case of Siamese the blue color of their eyes and their short coat is the result of the Himalayan gene, which is also recessive and therefore both parents must carry it for their puppies to inherit them, in the In the case of white cats with blue eyes, experts found that they evidenced the W gene, responsible for deafness.

They are able to see in the dark (not total)

The eyes of these animals are very large in relation to their head, and that added to the fact that the cornea has a convex shape makes them able to see much better than we can in places with very little light.. What's more, if they are in a completely dark room and a little light comes in, it will be enough for them to be able to orient themselves, since they are able to dilate their pupils. But that's not all: they have more rods in their light-sensitive cells, which are located in their retina. So in night vision... they beat us by far  .

Come some colors

Did you know that cats can see the world in color? Especially the ones on the green and blue scaleas they have cones on their retina. Cones are the cells in charge of distinguishing colors, although they do not see them as clearly as humans, but rather see the world as if someone had lost their glasses.

They do not need eyelashes: they have the third eyelid

Eyelashes are very useful for all of us, since they help us lubricate our eyes. But cats don't need them: with their third eyelid, which is nothing more than a membrane that covers the eyeball, it is more than enough.

When they focus on one thing, they lose sight of the rest

The hunting cat enjoys hunting

It is something very typical of felines: when hunting for example, they become so concentrated that they literally do not see what is around them, only their possible prey. For this reason, if you see that they ignore you, it may be because a fly or another animal has caught their attention.

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