We love our cat. We care about him and do everything we can to make him happy. But if it is the first time that we live with one, it may we're not doing some things quite right, which is completely normal.
This incredible feline has a very special character, which has nothing to do with what the dog has, so getting to know it takes time. However, below I will explain how to improve the cat's environment, giving you many tips so that both he and you have a very pleasant coexistence.
What does my cat like?
When we want to improve our friend's environment, we have to ask ourselves this question to know what we have to do from now on. We can watch documentaries about domestic felines and we can get an idea of the general tastes that they have, but not of our own cat.
Each of them is unique and unrepeatable. Each cat has its own personality, its own needs and its own tastes, so there is no other choice but to spend some time getting to know him, to observe it. Only then can we know how to improve their environment.
Put the feeder and drinker in a quiet place
The cat likes to eat quietly, in an area as far as possible from where the family lives. The noise we make on a daily basis, such as when we go to pick up the garbage, when we start the washing machine or when we wash the dishes, can make you feel quite uncomfortable to the point that you may end up eating too fast.
To avoid it, we must place your feeder and drinker in a quiet room, as can be the bedroom, and always as far as possible from the sandbox, since otherwise it is most likely that he will not eat.
Give him a comfortable resting place
As we know, this furry can spend many hours sleeping (between 16 and 18h if he is an adult, more if he is young). During all that time, you will need to be, not only in a bed that is as comfortable as possible, but also in a room where you can rest easy.
From here, I would like to recommend that you leave it sleep in your bedroom since these are rooms that are usually only entered when they are cleaned or when they go to sleep, in such a way that the furry can sleep for hours without being disturbed.
If you don't want me to sleep in your bed, buy him one for him in a pet store. There are many models: cave type, carpet type, with cushion ... Choose the one (or the ones) that you like the most and teach your cat from the first day where it should sleep, gently picking it up, placing it on it and giving it prizes.
Improves visual and mental stimulation
If we take into account that he can live up to 20 years and that he will most likely never go outside, both visual and mental stimulation is very important for him to be healthy and happy. Thus, whenever we can, it is highly advisable improve access to shelves, shelves or hammocks next to windows so that you can see the street, putting of course wire mesh (grid) to prevent it from escaping or getting hurt.
In addition, it is convenient that at home we make some changes to keep it entertained, putting shelves at different heights for example with cat treats so you have to go up if you want to catch them; buying him one or more scrapers for him to play and, incidentally, sharpen his nails on them and / or giving him an interactive toy that we will find for sale in animal products stores.
Use his toys to keep him happy
Sometimes it happens that we buy toys for our friend thinking that he will play alone, but the reality is that he will only play with them if we play with him. If we make the mistake of believing that he will have a good time alone, we will end up having a cat that will be bored and will do nothing but eat, drink and sleep. For this reason, it is essential to buy toys that we know we will use to make our friend happy. He deserves it, and we will have a great time .
There must be at least two game sessions lasting between 10 and 15 minutes each, during which we will play with balls, feather dusters and / or stuffed animals. Of course, when they are very worn or broken, you have to replace them with new ones.
Adapt your home to your disabled or troubled cat
If the cat has a disability or if it has joint problems, it is essential that the home in which it lives is adapted to its needs. So, if for example you have pain in your pawsYour bed should be orthopedic so you can rest better, and your feeder and drinker should be close to where you sleep so you don't have to walk a lot.
In the event that it is blindIt is advisable to give him a type of food, either feed or natural, that smells a lot, since his sense of smell will have it even more developed and will be guided by it. We will put the drinker right next to your feeder so that in this way you only have to tilt your head a little.
In case you have overweight, what we can do is put the feeder on a high table and a chair next to it so that it has to climb on it, or place it on the scratching post, which is especially recommended to be one that touches the ceiling and has several posts. Thus, little by little, it will regain its ideal weight by exercising... and almost without realizing it .
Protect your cat from wires
From experience I can tell you that the cat, especially if it is young, loves to nibble on everything it finds, including the mobile charger cable, the headphone cable, the landline phone cable, the Internet cable, ... in short, any type of cable. There are some that are not dangerous if you break them, but you have to be very careful with those that are connected to the electrical network as you could be electrocuted.
So if you're going to leave him alone, even if it's just a couple of hours, put the cables right behind the furniture, and glue these as close to the wall as possible so that they are not seen. Another option is cover them with cardboard or tape and spray them once wrapped with repellent for cats.
Love it and respect it
It is the last advice I give you, but the most important. It's the basics. Loving and respecting a cat is essential so that coexistence is pleasant for everyone. Every day you have to give him many signs of affection and trust, so we will make him feel how much we care. But, beware, without overwhelming him, that in the same way that we put limits to prevent him from hurting himself, he also puts his own when he does not want us to continue caressing him.
With these tips, you and your furry will be very happy.