Hyperesthesia in cats: what is it?

Turtle cat

Feline hyperesthesia, known as the Nervous Cat Syndrome, it is a condition that many cats have. Although it does not put your life in danger, the quality of it can decrease considerably.

Let's know what the hyperesthesia in cats, what are its causes and, most importantly, how to treat it.

What is hyperesthesia?

The word hyperesthesia means "abnormal increase in skin sensitivity." It is a condition where the skin on the back of the feline curls from the shoulders to the tail. Sometimes it is not seen with the naked eye, and at other times it is not seen at all if not with the help of a veterinarian, but You will know if he has it if he suddenly starts running as if something has scared or chased him, and if he licks or bites the area very insistently.

Another thing I could do is start looking for things that are not really there, having dilated pupils during these episodes. In severe cases, harm can be done, biting, and removing hair.

What are your causes?

The main causes are:

  • Allergic dermatitis to flea bitesThese parasites can cause itching and irritation of the skin.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder- You may be obsessed with grooming.
  • Stress- When you live in a tense environment, unable to go anywhere to relax, you can start to hurt yourself.
  • Injury to the muscles of the spine- If you have damaged muscles in your spine, you are likely to end up with hyperesthesia.

How is it treated?

Siamese cat

Initial treatment consists of Reduce stress level of the cat. To do this, you have to spend every day playing with him, giving him affection (without overwhelming him), in short, keeping him company. But, in addition, it is highly recommended to give him a quality meal, which contains high levels of animal protein.

If despite this, the cat still does not improve, then you could choose to treat it with antidepressants, anticonvulsants or with medications to stop the obsessive behavior.

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      silvina said

    My cat changed the stones for removed soil to use for bathing, especially, when the soil around plants is chopped, I have surrounded them with strong aromatic plants, rue, thyme, lavender, (so I read it in a publication) and it has not result a lot. Urine on indoor plants, it has dried them, I no longer know what to do. They also told me to put some broken peppercorns around the plants, he does not care, he continues to use them as a bathroom and cover with that soil. I am very distressed, no I know what to do with it. The vet tells me that there is nothing to do, and that when these little animals take those sensations in their tracks, when they are very young, there is nothing to do. He spends a lot in the garden, for reasons of family occupation .

         Monica sanchez said

      Hi Silvina.
      Test to use Feliway or some similar product. This should help you calm down.
      Anyway, are you sure you're in good health? This behavior is usually - it is not always the case - caused by a urinary infection, or by stress.
      Cheer up.