Look after Caring for a newborn kitten or one in its first weeks of life can be an exciting experience, but it also comes with a great responsibility. One of the most important aspects of ensuring its proper development is to carry out the weaning correctly. This process consists of the transition from a diet based exclusively on milk to a eating more varied and solid, essential for its health and growth.
What is weaning and why is it important?
El weaning is a key stage in the development of kittens, during which they go from being completely dependent on mother's milk or formula to consuming solid foods. This process is essential, not only from a nutritional point of view, but also to foster the animal's independence, preparing it for a healthy adult life. The first weeks of a kitten's life are crucial for its development. immune system, especially thanks to the colostrum in breast milk, which provides the antibodies necessary to prevent common diseases.
When the mother is not present, the guardian must take on the task of providing an adequate diet, including specialized formula milk and subsequently Solid food specifically designed for kittens. Making sure you follow the weaning process in a gradual and structured way prevents health problems and inappropriate behavior in adulthood.
When to wean a cat?
The ideal time to start weaning is usually between the fourth and fifth week of a kitten's life. At this stage, cats begin to develop their first milk teeth and show curiosity about their surroundings, including the solid food their mother eats. However, the exact age can vary depending on the development of each kitten.
- Signs that your kitten is ready to be weaned: bottle nibbling, exploration of solid or wet food, and meowing that indicates increased hunger after milk feedings.
- Although some kittens start earlier, it is important not to force the process to ensure a smooth transition.
Typically this process extends until 8-10 weeks of life, when the digestive system It is prepared to handle denser consistencies.
How to wean a cat step by step?
El weaning It should be gradual to avoid digestive problems and ensure that the kitten gets used to both the new texture and taste of the food.
Weeks 4-5: Introduction of semi-solid foods
- Prepare a mixture of kitten food and formula to achieve a paste-like texture.
- Place the food in a shallow container for easy access for the kitten.
- Guide the kitten by dipping your finger into the mixture and bringing it close to his mouth for him to taste.
It is normal for the kitten to need tiempo to adapt. During this stage, the mother (if present) will continue to partially breastfeed.
Weeks 5-6: Wet food and moistened feed
- Start offering high-protein wet kitten food.
- Add water or formula to dry food to soften it, making it easier to chew.
- Gradually reduce the amount of milk in the mixture to get the kitten used to solid food.
Weeks 7-8: Introduction of dry food
- Gradually stop moistening the feed.
- Offer small portions for the kitten to chew without difficulty.
- Provide fresh water constantly to keep him hydrated, as the milk will be completely replaced.
If you want to know more about the specific diet for kittens in its early stages, check out our article on What should a kitten eat?.
Common mistakes during weaning
It is crucial to avoid some common mistakes that can complicate the weaning process:
- Forcing the kitten: Never force food into their mouth aggressively, as this can cause Stress and food rejection.
- Using cow's milk: Cow's milk is not suitable for cats and may cause diarrhea or digestive upset.
- Premature weaning: Separating kittens from their mother before the recommended time (around 12 weeks) can harm their emotional and physical well-being.
Tips to ensure successful weaning
In addition to following the steps indicated, there are certain recommendations that can help you facilitate the process:
- Use suitable feeders: Food bowls should be small and easily accessible for kittens.
- Offer food several times a day: Small kittens have a limited stomach, so it is best to divide the portions into 4-5 meals a day.
- Control your weight and development: Weigh them weekly to make sure they are gaining weight steadily.
With patience and good planning, weaning will be an enriching time for both you and your kitten. This is the time when the foundations for a healthy and energetic life are laid.
I just made a video for one of my cats. I was amused at how 5 kittens (from 2 other mothers who gave birth around her time) "rolled" her to suckle, since she still has milk. They have junior feed always at their disposal, plus the cold cuts / cans that I give them 3 times a day, but they also like their dose of milk.
As the kittens are already 3 months old, they are half as big as she is, and of course, the 5 above because the mother was barely seen haha.
Virtually all of my kittens have started to eat feed (tiny baby size, like half a pea) by one month of age. The first litters suckled, they drank a bottle of milk for kittens (normal milk cannot be drunk by any cat, since it causes diarrhea, I repeat it because people do not know it, it is a myth, I only see a use; cow only once, in case of having picked up the cat from the street, because since it produces diarrhea, you can easily see if it has worms or not ...), I continue, they suckled, they took a bottle, cans and baby food, all at the same time. once during the day as they wanted or I was giving them (always try to put a sufficient amount so that they leave a little food in the container and thus know if they have been hungry or not, because if they are left with hungry, after a while they will start to eat what they find, threads, paper, clothes, rubber bands, plastics, toy pens, etc. choking !!!)
The next 3 litters, which came at the same time almost in the same week, did not want a bottle, but after a month they also suckled, and ate cans (I mean canned baby cat food), ham and / or turkey / chicken cold cuts grated (from BonArea for example, which are more affordable than buying cans), and I think for babies, all throughout the day.
By the way, it is not advisable to remove all the babies at once from the mother, first because it will be distressing for her and then she must be removed from breastfeeding little by little or impressive lumps will form in her breasts.
For whatever reason, this cat had one of the breasts "obstructed", or rather the kittens took to suck on other nipples (because if we squeezed the nipple a little, milk would come out), then it began to form. like a lump in the breast. I worried because he was getting bigger and bigger. I tried to get the kittens to suck on that nipple, and luckily it worked and after a while it has become perfectly normal without doing anything special.
How do you notice that you have experience in pregnant cats and kittens hehe 🙂
Your comments are always very helpful.
By the way, I am glad that in the end the problem of the cat could be solved in the most natural way possible.
Right now I am taking care of an orphan kitten, who has just turned 5 weeks. From the third week to the fourth, giving her the bottle was quite a show, especially in the morning: she woke up, put her on my lap, put the bottle in front of her, and desperately searched for the nipple while scratching my hands and the bottle. The poor. He ate the 20ml bottles in a few minutes.
With 4 weeks we already said to give him canned food. At first it was difficult, but I put tiny pieces of food in her, forcing her to swallow it a bit, and by the end in two days she has learned to eat by herself. It was incredible.
Of course, in two days her character changed: she went from being a calm kitten, to being a very unruly kitten. It is tremendous. Very loving, but tremendous. He starts to want to climb up the legs, through the curtains, well, those little things hehehe 🙂
Oh well. Little by little you will learn to behave. He is of mischief age.
A greeting.
They are wonderful, I love them madly, each one has its own personality, there are them with a very sweet look, another wild Siberian wolf, another with huge ears that is also white and looks like a rabbit haha when he shakes them he touches one another making a sound of flap, flap, flap, another that we revived for a long time because she was not breathing at birth, I remember that she began to react by rubbing her ears, and after trying everything of course, she has become a little crossed but she is very happy and playful, another with eyes so white it looks like a ghost, etc.
And they are all so good, loving, clean and friendly, wonderful.
When they are little they are more moved, two of the previous litter did take to climb up my legs and back and get like an owl on my shoulders to look closely at everything I did. At first they had tiny fingernails and the scratches were tiny, but when they got a little older they would come running at full speed and climb up to my ears in a couple of boats. Then they weighed more and sometime they stayed hanging from my butt and I already told them not to go up more, hehe
The latter do not climb, they stay in the shoes sharpening their nails, at most they nibble at my ankles, but they do have a good run playing on the sofas one behind the other.
The first litter, which has now been a year old, continues to climb, on tables, chairs, sofas, shelves, TV ... one "accidentally" threw a medium flat TV on the floor ... and of course, it broke .... They also love to chew on headphone cables, and have already charged quite a few.
You have to watch them, with the windows, balconies, plastics, fires ... the other day another little one I saw that he was going to jump onto the plate where I make the crepes and I caught him just before he put his feet in it, if he had not fried them .
By the way, how we have adapted the balcony / terrace so that they can play there at ease, closing everything with a net. We have bought them something very practical and useful; a bench-trunk, it is made of resistant plastic and we have made a round opening / door in front, just enough for a fat cat to pass, and now during the day they lie down or run over it and at night they get inside this bench -trunk http://www.leroymerlin.es/fp/14694960/arcon-de-resina-de-265-l-garden-bench?idCatPadre=6762&pathFamilaFicha=010303
It is great to sit and as a home for them. It shelters them, they love it because it is like a cave, and easy to clean, you just have to open the trunk lid to change the blankets comfortably.
Congratulations on the kitten! You can also try giving them a small striped ham / turkey sausage, they love it and it spreads a lot.
Hahaha, what mischief they do.
I'm glad nothing happened to the little one in the end! 🙂 They give us every scare ...
That broken television has reminded me that one of my cats, who is now seven years old, also spoiled one when she was a puppy. The surprise was not pleasant at all, but apart from having a broken television, she was unharmed, so nothing bad happened.
Thanks for the advice. Today I went to buy dry feed for kittens, the cans were starting to get expensive and hehe Now I wait for him to get used to drinking water soon.
I have 3 cats. A 6-year-old, a 2-year-old and a 3-month-old. The little girl does nothing more than suck the adult's nipples all the time, they are sterilized and don't produce any milk. How can I prevent the little girl from doing it? , in addition they have already hurt
Hi Orlando.
Try mixing his usual food with cat milk (you will find it in pet stores and, surely, also in supermarkets). This will probably stop bothering them.
A greeting.
Hello, my cat had kittens 35 days ago, yesterday I put her concentrate wet with warm water, only one of the babies tasted it, the oytos did not even look at her, today I put them back, and nothing, they do not want to eat, is it normal? How much longer should I wait for them to eat?
Thank you
Hello Ana Maria.
Yes it's normal. Give the mother too, so her kittens will see that she eats and, therefore, will imitate her.
In the event that a week passes and they have not eaten a bit of solid food yet, take some with your fingers (very, very little) and carefully put it in your mouth. By instinct it will swallow.
A greeting.
I met a three-week-old kitten last week, I started weaning yesterday (it is already about 4 weeks old), it has had 4 shots of milk and one of pate with milk but it has made very soft poop. Is it better to go directly to the soaked feed? Or is the pate better to give it dry? Thanks
Hello Auxi.
It is normal for you to have loose stools; think you've been eating food like that, squishy 🙂.
The pate can be given alone without problems, but do not hesitate to soak it with the milk that he was drinking if he does not eat it.