Yesterday we talked to you a little about the causes of lack of appetite of our little animal. On many occasions, these may not necessarily be due to illnesses or parasites, but simply to the boredom that the animal feels from always eating the same thing. Although you may not believe it, cats also get bored of always eating the same thing, so we should try to vary their menu from time to time.
However, if after taking your pet to the specialist he still doesn't want to eat, it is important that you start stimulate your cat's appetiteBut how do you do it? Below we show you several effective methods that you will find useful to get your cat eating normally again. Pay close attention and get to work.
Understanding why your cat loses its appetite
If your cat has stopped eating, you should know that there are many possible causes. Many times, loss of appetite can be a simple whim or the result of an environmental factor, but it can also be a sign that something more serious is going on.
- Stress or changes in the environment: Cats are very sensitive to change. Moving house, changing furniture, the arrival of a new pet or even a change in feeding schedule can affect their eating behaviour. Stress is a common cause of loss of appetite in cats.
- Diseases: More serious problems such as infections, dental disease, or gastrointestinal issues can cause your cat to stop eating. It is important to visit the vet to rule out medical conditions.
- Heat cycle: In the case of females, heat can cause them to temporarily lose interest in food.
Tips to stimulate your cat's appetite
Here we offer you several tricks for Helping your cat regain its appetite and maintain a healthy diet.
1. Heat the food
One of the easiest ways to make food more appealing is to warm it up slightly. By heating wet or dry food for a few seconds in the microwave, the aroma is intensified. Cats are very sensitive to smells and this will help them become attracted to their food.
2. use catnip (Nepeta Cataria)
El catnipCatnip, also known as catnip, is a natural stimulant for cats. You can use extracts of this plant to mix with their food. In specialized stores you can find it in powder or liquid form. When you smell the scent of catnip, your cat will probably be encouraged to eat its usual food.
3. Vitamin B as an appetite stimulant
Another of the best natural stimulants It is vitamin B. This vitamin helps improve the cat's sense of smell and this is directly related to its appetite. You can crush a vitamin B tablet and sprinkle it on top of its food. This will also provide it with an extra dose of energy.
4. Try wet or homemade food
If your cat primarily consumes dry food, consider switching to wet food, if only for a while. Canned wet food tends to have a stronger smell and taste more appealing to cats. You can also opt for small portions of homemade food, but always under the recommendation of a veterinarian to avoid nutritional imbalances. Some safe options include cooked meats such as chicken or fish, without seasoning or bones.
Additional tips to improve your cat's diet
Aside from the tricks mentioned above, it is essential to keep in mind some general tips that can help your cat regain its appetite.
- Make sure the food bowl is always clean and away from strong odors, since cats do not like to eat from dishes that are not clean. Also, place their dish in a quiet and safe place where there is no constant movement.
- Small and frequent meals: Instead of offering large amounts of food once or twice a day, divide the food into smaller portions and offer them 4 to 6 times a day. This can help stimulate your pet's appetite, especially if he's older and has lost some of his sense of smell or taste.
- Vary the textures and flavors: Just like humans, cats can also get bored of eating the same thing all the time. Try mixing foods with different textures (dry and wet) and flavors to see which ones your pet prefers.
- Avoid sudden changes in diet: If you decide to change your cat's diet, do so gradually. Slowly mix the new food in with the old one, gradually increasing the proportion of the new food over several days.
When to go to the vet
If after applying these tricks your cat still shows no interest in food or if you begin to notice symptoms such as pérdida peso, vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy, it is best to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. In some cases, loss of appetite may be a symptom of a more serious underlying medical condition, such as infections, immune diseases, kidney or liver problems.
Your veterinarian will examine your cat and recommend the appropriate treatment, which may include anything from vitamin supplements to more in-depth dietary changes or specific medications to stimulate appetite.
Remember that a prolonged loss of appetite In a cat, this can lead to hepatic lipidosis, a potentially fatal disease. Act quickly if you notice that your pet has not eaten for more than 24 hours.
In general, having several strategies on hand to stimulate your cat's appetite, along with monitoring his behavior and general health, will allow you to keep his well-being under control and avoid major problems.