The cat, we all know, is an animal that rarely does what is asked. But it is like this: like this it is his character and we have to love him for it, without forcing you to change. But at certain times he can surprise us a lot, and that's when we have to reward him in some way.
So if you don't know how to reward a catThen we will give you ideas so that your friend can feel happy for having behaved well.
There are several ways to reward a cat, which are:
With food
You get home and your friend runs to greet you. You don't know if he did it because he did some mischief and wants to do everything he can to keep you from feeling bad, or because he really missed you, or because of both. After entering the house and taking a quick look to see that everything is in order, it's a good time to give him treats for cats, which you will find for sale in pet stores.
Of course, you should know that this way you will only reward for having come to you, so it is likely that the next day they will do it again.
With caresses
Cuddling is fine when you don't have food, or when you're trying to keep your friend at his ideal weight. You can give it whenever you want, but are especially helpful when he begins to learn that he cannot scratch or bite you, or if you are starting to get along with the new family member.
Squinting eyes
If you are away from your cat and he has done something that is right, can you squint. This gesture is for him a sign of friendship, trust and affection, so if he returns it to you, that is, if he also squints them, you can be sure that he loves you too.
Playing with him
After you've been alone for a few hours, you will be looking forward to playing. So take his favorite toys and reward him, because you love him. Then, or before, you can kiss him .
And you, how do you reward your cat?