That cats and dogs can't get along is a myth. It is true that, especially if the former are or will be large, many have to be watched over them so that they do not harm the felines, but it is also necessary to be aware of the latter since it would not be the first time an accident occurs.
But precisely to avoid problems I am going to give you several tips on how to raise a dog with a cat. This way, it will be much easier for you to have these two furry ones at home.
Adopt them as puppies
Whenever possible, they should be brought home as puppies, since It will be at least difficult for them to adapt and get used to the presence of the other. In addition, since they will be so young, they will be able to make friends during the first days that they live together, since no one has taught them to be alert to a dog or cat, so they will not see themselves as a threat.
Keep them separate if necessary
If the aforementioned does not convince us much, either because we have lived with a furry for a long time and we do not know how he will react or because one of the two has told us that he is nervous by nature, we can keep them apart for a few days (no more than 4). We will take one of the two to a room with water, food, bed and a sandbox. We cover both beds (the one of the animal that has been locked up and the one that has remained free) with a blanket that we will exchange from the second day.
On the third or fourth day we will meet them and see how they go. If they growl, their hair stands on end, and / or they are very tense or aggressive, we will keep them one more day apart. In case of doubt, we should consult with a canine and / or feline ethologist.
Don't leave them alone
The dog, even if it is small, has a stronger jaw than that of the cat; but this one has claws with which it can also do a lot of damage. To avoid problems it is always important that there is an adult human with them, which must interact with both: playing with them with a toy, giving them affection at the same time, and ultimately ensuring that they are well.
Use their scents
When we live with two animals of two such different breeds, you have to take advantage of something they have in common so that they get along as soon as possible, which in this case is to be guided by body odor, by pheromones. Pheromones are those that indicate to the other furry that that dog or that cat feels tense, happy, relaxed.
Each animal species has its own species, but there are some that are very similar: such as that of tranquility. So, when they are very relaxed it is highly advisable to caress one, then the other and return to the first. Doing it like this every day there will come a time when the cat's body odor will mix with that of the dog, thus creating a new smell: the one that tells them that they are friends.
We hope these tips have been helpful to you.