How to know if my cat loves me


It is often said and thought that the cat only loves itself, but that is a serious mistake. The friendship we can have with him is very similar to the one we have with members of our own species: both are based on mutual respect and trust.

If the furry is given what he needs, he will thank us by giving us a lot of love. So if you're wondering how to know if my cat loves me, you can't miss this article  .

Signs that your cat loves you

It purrs when it is next to you, and even more when you caress it

Purring is a cat's way of telling others how good it feels. You can also purr if, on the contrary, you have suffered an accident as this helps you calm down; but If he approaches you with a tender look and you start hearing something like "purrr", "purrr", then there is no doubt that he loves you.

Lays face up

If you are playing with him or he suddenly turns on his back, it is because he trusts you. In that position he could be an easy prey for any predator, but he knows that you will not do him any harm.

Rub head against you

Cats have many ways of showing how much they love those animals, including people, that they consider to be their family, and one of them is by rubbing their heads and cheeks against them. In these parts of the body there is a high concentration of pheromones, so share their scent with you.

Nibbles and / or licks you

And it just does because he loves you. You will never see a cat grooming another if you don't trust him.

Sleep with or near you

He loves to sleep close to those he loves, and much more sleep with them. They enjoy protecting themselves from the cold by getting under blankets. Even in the summer they get close to you, and that's because they love you.

Narrow your eyes slowly

Is cat kiss. If you blink slowly and he does the same, you can be sure that he is very comfortable with your relationship with him.


The cat is an animal that can be very affectionate  .

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