How do I know if my cat is male or female?

Find out if your cat is male or female

Sometimes it is not easy at first glance to tell if a cat is male or female, especially if it is a baby. It may even happen that the family is not clear about it until the furry reaches several months of age.

How do I know if my cat is male or female? If you have any questions, we hope to answer them all here at Noti Gatos  .

If your furry is very young, the quickest way to tell is by looking at your genitals. In the case that it is male, between the anus and the penis there will be a small separation, which is where the testicles will be located (if they are not already); On the other hand, if it is female, just below the anus you will see a small vertical opening.

But besides seeing his genitals we have to look at her body and her color, since this is associated with the sex of the animal. Male cats have a more robust, muscular and tall body, protected by a coat that can be red or black, including its dilutions that are blonde, cream and gray, or bicolor. On the other hand, females can also be tricolor (turtles or hawksbills). We would still have many doubts whether the cat was white, black or orange, but if it is tricolor we could be almost completely sure that it is female.

Adult blue cat

Although it is not something with which it is highly recommended to fixate, I advise observing the cat itself, seeing how it behaves. It is true that when they are small, both males and females are whirlwinds, but there are small details that differentiate them. Females tend to be very feminine in the way they walk, when they approach you asking for pampering; they also tend to be a little more reserved and, if I may say so, more shy. Male kittens tend to be more daring.

Have you been able to find out if your kitten is male or female?

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