How to interpret the body language of cats

Calm cat

If it is the first time that you live with one of these wonderful animals, it is likely that you have wondered how to interpret the language of cats, truth? They are very mysterious, and at first it is quite difficult to understand what they are trying to tell us, since as we know they cannot speak.

But they do have a language with which they convey a message to us. Let's see what it is.

Signs of friendship

A cat will tell you in various ways that it considers you its friend. Actually yes rubs against you it will be leaving you its smell; a scent that only he, other cats and dogs will perceive. You will also see that it approaches you with the tail raised, head a little down, ears forward, Closed mouth y without looking you straight in the eye, unless you raise your hand with the intention of petting it, of course  .

Signs of fear / insecurity

When a cat is afraid it can choose to flee or attack. Keep in mind that you are always going to try to flee, but if you feel cornered, you can hurt. So, you will see that it has the dilated pupils, ruffled back and tail hair, open mouth -showing teeth-, nails pulled, and ears back or forward. Furthermore, he will stare at his "opponent", growl and snort.

Scared cat hiding behind the sofa
Related article:
How to help a scared cat

Signs of illness

If your furry is sick, he probably has the eyes half open for the whole day. You will see down, as if it were "turned off." Will have the tail down; and, depending on the problem, you may have the mouth more or less open. In any case, if you notice that he is not feeling well, it will be necessary to make a visit to the vet to examine him.

Cat watching

We hope we have helped you understand your cat's body language. With time, you will see that it becomes even easier  .

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      Monica sanchez said

    Hi carmen.
    Cats are certainly very sensitive. When they experience stressful or uncomfortable moments, they may feel discouraged for several days.
    A greeting.

      Ruben Cruz H. said

    Thank you for your information, it has been very helpful.

         Monica sanchez said

      I'm glad it served you 🙂

      Sonia Baker Garcia said

    I had a cat, playful, but calm, I picked up a cat from the street, she is very affectionate but when the other approaches her he snorts and attacks, I punish her by the carrier and see Thor, for a while it is fine, but then she comes back to do the same… .What can I do ????

         Monica sanchez said

      Hello Sonia.

      Since you say that she is affectionate, she must have had human contact during her childhood, so you have done well to pick her up.

      But I don't recommend putting her in and locking her in a carrier, because that only confuses her. It is better that you spend time with both of them, and that you give food and affection to both, in the presence of the other and without forcing either of them to do anything. Play with them.

      And be very patient. If you can, look to get Feliway in diffuser, as this will relax them.
