So that a cat can better handle the stress that can accumulate throughout the day as a result of local festivals or family meals, it is very necessary that you can go to a room that is as far away from noise as possible. This way, you will be able to calm down much more quickly than if you didn't.
So, keeping this in mind, let's see how to decorate the cat's room.
Cat stickers for the furry room of the house
Stickers with cat motifs are ideal for the rooms of our dear friend. You can put them near the bed, or next to the scraper. The animal may be curious and investigate to see what it is.
Yes, It is important that they are not in colors that attract a lot of attention, since at the end of the day, it is a room in which you will go to rest and relax. The ideal is to opt for furniture in soft colors, such as white, pastel, pink, or light brown.
Leave him a bed
It is an animal that spends between 14 and 18 hours sleeping, so it is essential to leave him a bed so that he can rest. In the market you will find several models: carpet type, orthopedic, with backrest, ... Choose the one you like the most and give it to your friend.
Put a scraper on it
The cat needs to sharpen its nails several times a day, and may want to do this when it is feeling stressed. So that, You must give him at least one scraper so that he can use it, or choose to place shelves at different heights wrapped in raffia rope so that, in addition to taking care of his claws, he can jump and get a little exercise.
Do not forget to give him food and water
Even though I may want to be in that room temporarily, it is advisable to leave a full feeder and drinker. If you hear a lot of noise, it is likely that you will not eat or drink anything, but it is always better to anticipate what may happen.
Leave him a tray
If it's going to be many hours in a row you have to leave a litter box so that he can relieve himself. The most recommended is the cover since it prevents the smell from spreading throughout the room, but if you use a normal one, without a cover, then you have to put that one on it.
With these tips, your cat is sure to remain calm even on holidays.