Cats are animals with a special character: they are generally very calm, peaceful and also sensitive. They don't like changes at all, and in fact, they have a pretty hard time when there is a major change in their routine.
They need to feel that they have their environment controlled, but that is not easy for them in tense situations such as during a family argument, or if he has become a victim of abuse himself. Then, How to avoid stress in cats?
Before you have it, think if you can take over
It is the most important thing. A cat is an animal that needs a series of attentions (not just food and water, but also a bed and a place where you will feel safe and loved). In addition, from time to time it will be necessary to take him to the vet, so it is highly recommended to make a piggy bank to be able to assume that expense.
Give him his space
We all have our own personal space: too the cat must be able to go somewhere when he wants to be alone. Especially in times of family stress, it is very important that you are very clear that you have a room where you can relax.
Respect their decisions
Often the human who lives with a feline tends to think that he can do what he wants and when he wants; that is, you can, for example, pick him up and pamper him whenever he wants, but this is a mistake. If he doesn't want you to take it, don't force him; If he starts to get nervous, leave him alone. The basis of a good friendship begins with understanding and respecting the other: take time to interpret their body language.
Give him prizes and play with him
To be happy, It is very important that we dedicate two to three playful sessions of about 10-15 minutes each one every day. We have to make him feel like he is really part of the family, that we care about him, and that we want him to have fun. To do this, we can make a simple aluminum ball, about the size of a golf ball. From experience I can say that you will really enjoy going after her. Likewise, we must also give him treats from time to time, or cans of wet food.
This way, we can avoid stressing the cat.