How to approach a fearful cat? That is a very good question, because if we do it quickly and badly, we will only get the animal to move away from us ... or to attack us. Therefore, if you do not have much experience with these furry, I recommend that you continue reading this article.
In it, I'll give you lots of tips to avoid problems (or at least minimize the chances of them happening). Don't miss it .
How to know if the cat is fearful?
Although it seems that this question has a very easy answer, in reality it is not always that simple. In fact, sometimes, in certain situations, a fearful cat can be aggressive, so it would not be unusual for us to get confused. Then, How to know true that it is fearful? Because we will see some of this behavior / s:
- He will hide under whatever (furniture, cars, etc.), or behind something that is bigger than him.
- If you are afraid of people, you will keep your distance. He will not go near them.
- When you try to get closer, it will stare at you, and may snort and / or growl.
- In extreme cases, where he feels harassed, his hair will stand on end and he may attack.
How to approach him?
The step by step that usually works very well is the following:
- First, grab a can of wet cat food and when the cat is in your field of vision, open the can and put it as close to him as you can (if you see him make a move to get up and run, take a step back and leave the can right there).
- Second, sit at a distance that the cat is comfortable with, but also away from food. The objective at this time is for the animal to associate something positive -the can- with you, hence it is important for it to see you.
- Third, go taking cans to him daily, and get closer and closer to him. Be careful, do not force the situation: always keep in mind that if he gets nervous, he will run away.
- Fourth, as the weeks and even the months go by, you will notice that he feels more and more calm with you. And that will be when you can try to stroke him from behind when he is eating. Do it like the one who does not want the thing, there will be time for you to caress it more (or not. And, you have to think that there are cats that do not like physical contact. This does not mean that they cannot love us They show their appreciation for us in other ways, such as slowly opening and closing their eyes, or lying on their backs near where we are for example).
So, little by little, with perseverance and patience, and cans , you will get results.
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