How much water should a cat drink

Cat drinking water

The cat is a furry one that does not usually spend a lot of time drinking. During the summer we can see that he drinks more water, but he is not one of those who swallows liters of the precious liquid as we can, since all the water he needs should be able to take it from his food.

However, nowadays what the domestic feline usually eats is dry feed, which contains 20 or 30% moisture, which is a problem, because if you do not use your drinker you could end up with diseases as serious as idiopathic cystitis . To avoid this, you need to know how much water should a cat drink so that you can take action in the event that you drink more or less than you should.

A healthy cat should drink a minimum of 50ml for every kg of weight. With this in mind, if you weigh 6kg, you will need to ingest 300ml. There are some times of the year, like summer, during which you can - and in fact, you should - drink more, but it should not exceed 100ml per kg; that is to say, following the same example, if the furry weighs 6kg, it should drink a maximum of 700ml.

In any case, it is important to know that these data are indicative. If the cat follows a wet diet, it will not need to drink as much water as another that follows a diet based on dry feed. Also, depending on how active you are, you should take more or less.

Kitten drinking water

In the event that you drink less than 50ml per kg or more than 100ml / kg we will have to take him to the vet to examine him and tell us if you suffer from any disease and how to treat it so that the furry can recover as soon as possible and can lead a normal life.

In this way, it will return to what it was before we imagined  .

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