Home Sweet Home? Yes, of course, but to be able to think and feel really comfortable, a few days have to pass. It's true: even if you adopted a furry, at first it's going to feel a little strange in what is already his home for you, as he has to get used to your routines and has to somehow "build" his own.
Therefore, I am going to tell you how long does it take for a cat to adapt to a house, and what you can do to see that you and your family can be happy from the beginning of your relationship.
The cat is an animal that does not like changes, although we are not going to fool ourselves: there are situations that displease many, if not all, for example, no one imagines living within four walls or in a cage, even if they are very clean and do everything possible to take care of you. This is how many cats live in the Shelters, which strive every day to ensure that their animals have the opportunity to have a family that loves them.
So when we make the decision to bring a cat home, we need to know that during the first days, he may be shy and / or insecure, which will be completely normal. To help you, it is important that we provide you with a room where you can relax or sleep. This room has to be a bit far from where the family makes more life; this way, it will be much easier for you to calm down.
But, although those moments of loneliness will help you understand and know that you can be calm and that no one is going to bother you, too it is very important that you spend time with human beings that they will take care of him from now on. Thus, to gain the trust of a cat as quickly as possible we can do several things:
- Surprise him from time to time with cans of wet cat food.
- Play with him, with a ball or a cane for example.
- Take advantage of those moments in which he approaches to caress him and give him affection.
- Let him explore his new home.
All in all, it is more than likely that in just a week or even less the furry has already adapted. But you should know that not all are the same, and there are some that may cost more. Be patient. Give him lots of pampering and you will see that, sooner than you think, he will begin to feel really comfortable at home.
Thanks for helping me but I have 3 gambling dens and one rolled on the floor when he felt the floor wet with detergent, we urgently bathed him, but why did he do that?
He probably did it because he wanted to give up his body odor, to mark his territory.
A greeting.
My kitten has a new home (since I can't have it, for health reasons) and she can't adapt… she's been in for a week and nothing…. he is more and more hostile ... What can I recommend to his new masters ????
Hello Julieta.
If they can achieve this, I would recommend using Feliway, which is a product that helps cats to be much calmer and to overcome stressful situations.
In case they cannot, in this article We tell you which are the natural relaxants for cats.
In addition to that, it is also important that they give him prizes from time to time, whether in the form of cat treats, cans, or games.
A greeting.
3 days ago I adopted a cat that I think is 5 months old and barely comes out of the igloo (just to relieve himself and eat) and at first he screwed me but then when he caressed him he began to purr; What I want to ask is how long it would take to get used to your new home and to get out of the igloo in our presence, I know I have to be patient, but how long would it take to just get out and explore a bit? (That is the first time that I have a cat and I do not control it)
Thank you very much in advance.
Hello Santiago.
Well, it depends on each cat. There are cats that take a week, others a month, and others need more time.
Three days is a short time anyway. Still, if you play with him and give him kitty cans from time to time, you will surely earn his trust soon.
A greeting.
Hello! About a week ago we adopted an adult cat. She only comes out at night we try to pet her and be with her for a short time. But when we go to sleep she starts meowing and getting louder. What do I do? we sleep. and on top of that he defecates off the stones even though he pees on them
Hello Nobody.
Is it neutered? Those loud meows, especially at night, are usually a sign that she is in heat. Therefore, if it is not, I recommend you take it to have it operated. A neutered cat is generally much calmer.
And if she's already operated on, give her wet cat food from time to time and take advantage of it while she's eating to pet her. Little by little he will understand that you are not going to do him any harm, and that he can be well inside the house.
And so, too, as the days go by, she will feel more comfortable and will go back to relieve herself where she should. It's just a matter of patience.
Greetings and encouragement.
Hello, I am from Rauch Province of Buenos Aires, I adopted a 12-year-old kitten, her owner died and they gave her to me 30 days ago that I have Juanita and she is very angry I cuddle and scratch me and she wants to bite me and I have an adult Persian kitten kisses
Hello Ana.
I recommend you play with them a lot, and above all give them the same affection.
Give them cans for cats (wet food) from time to time, they will surely like them.
For the rest, you have to be very patient, especially with the older cat, as it will cost her more to adapt.
Greetings and encouragement.
Good night, I have a cat of approximately 2 years, always since she was little she has been elusive without letting herself be touched or carried, despite this she is very spoiled and is always where other people as I said before without letting herself be touched or approach her ...
I need some advice, I am going on vacation with everyone in my house for 52 days which is almost two months, I need to know if it is better to leave it at home with someone who comes every day to see it or to take it to someone's house for this time trusted under a feliway diffuser recommended for these types of changes.
Her advice would be very helpful since I am worried about leaving her alone at home or changing her place, I want the best for her, since the trip is long and it would be much more difficult for her.
Thank you very much.
Hello Maria Alejandra.
Yes, 52 days is too much… Too long to leave her alone.
The decision, however, must be made by you. If someone can go to see it every day, perfect, because that way you avoid the stress of the trip. Because of his character, I think he will be the best.
The feliway will come in handy to better adapt to the situation.
A greeting.
Three days ago I moved in with my 4-year-old cat and I can't get her to drink water or eat.
Just today he ate something but because I gave him Whiskas. His food does not touch it.
I don't know what to do the truth. The situation makes me nervous and worries me.
I know that for an animal accustomed to living for 4 years in the same place, three days is not enough. But how long do I have to wait? More than anything to drink water.
The first day I was very scared of everything and the next day I was already touring the new house but that was the only advance.
In this new house she has a room for herself. And before she was used to sleeping with me, which can no longer happen because I live with someone who does not want to sleep with the cat for health reasons.
Sorry for the length but I am distressed about all this and I want to know when it is wise to see the vet if he is still not drinking water or eating.
Hi Guadalupe.
It is certainly a lot of changes for her. But there is no choice but to be patient.
Now, up to a point. A cat that goes more than three days without drinking is a cat that can have serious health problems.
If Whiskas is the only thing you eat, mix it with your regular food. Put a lot of Whiskas in the beginning, and give it less as the days / weeks go by.
But I'm telling you, if more than 3 days go by and she doesn't drink, then I recommend you take her to the vet.
A greeting.
Good day,
I have many questions since I acquired a cat and she is very small but I want to raise 2 in particular, when leaving her in the apartment she hides in small places and I am afraid that something could happen to her, which is the most effective way for the cat to have more trust towards my family and avoid this behavior, and what food is the most recommended for when they are very young?
Hello Andres.
To gain the trust of a cat you have to be very patient, give it toys and wet food (cans), and of course not make noises or force it to do anything it does not want to.
To avoid problems arising, I recommend you read this article.
A greeting.
Hi! Adopt 2 little brothers who were rescued from the street when they were 90 days old. When they arrived at my house they were almost 5 months old and 2 months have passed and I still cannot caress them, and they rarely come out of hiding, what can I do? Thank you!
Hi Aldana.
Cats from the first month to the third month of life go through a very sensitive period, during which they have to have contact with humans to tolerate them.
If you caught them when they were 5 months or so, most likely yes, they will get used to you, but they will not be the kind of cats that like to be pampered.
I recommend you gain their trust with prizes (toys, cans for cats), and also that you take them to neuter since that way they will be calmer. You can use pheromone products, like Feliway, to make their life even easier 🙂
A greeting.
Wave about 3 months ago a stray kitten gave birth in an abandoned house 3 kittens two of them died and the house as people began to come to live in it and they came to me. The gate gave him food and such until the little kitten began to Being older I couldn't have them at home because my mother and my brother are allergic to them and because I had them on the terrace with their bed, food and water, the msdre left and she did not come and now 20 days ago I had to take the little one Cat that was 4 or 6 months old at the vet because they caught her leg because she was not in any house because she was on the street and I could not have her that same day she gave her to a family and it has been almost 2 weeks but she does not get used to it, I bring her food Cans bed his litter box and he wants to escape and I don't want him to be on the street and he has his paw tied up and he has to have it for a month because the vet who had broken it was punctured and such this Saturday is going 2 weeks ago, could you tell me I'm desperateI don't know what to do with her and she has a family and a new house but she's always been on the street
Hi Loida.
If you have always been a street, you must be patient, as it will take longer than 'normal' to get used to. Tell the family to love her, but without forcing or forcing her. Let him play with her, give her cat treats.
Little by little it will adapt.