How long do you have to play with the cat?

Kitten playing with a rope

Cats really like to play, and in fact, it is something they need to do on a daily basis to keep fit. But we often think that it is enough for us to give them some toys and that's it, when the reality is that if we don't play with them ... they will hardly want to use their toys.

To create a good bond with our dear friend, it is very important that we dedicate time to him. Therefore, if you have just adopted one and are wondering how long to play with the cat, do not hesitate to continue reading.

The game is a very interesting way to strengthen the human-cat relationship, since during each session we can take the opportunity to let you know how much we love you, either with caresses, treats or saying nice words while we look at him with narrowed eyes and caress his back. He will surely love it, because we will also be transmitting security and tranquility, something that will allow us to strengthen ties with our cat.

Knowing this, How long do we have to play with it? Well, I'm sorry to tell you that there is no minimum or maximum time. Each cat is different, and he will be the one to "tell you" when he wants to play and when he wants to stop. But, if you want to have any ideas, at least three sessions of about ten minutes each are recommended, although if the furry is young or very active, he will want to play more times and / or for a longer time.

Cat playing with a toy

What to play with? Well, in pet stores we will find a great variety of toys, such as ropes or balls, but surely at home we will have a shoelace that we no longer use, boxes cardboard big enough for the feline to fit in, or aluminum foil to make balls the size of a golf ball.

With just these homemade toys, he'll have a great time. And so will we  .

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