How to help a scared cat

Scared cat

Cats can have various reasons for being uncomfortable and / or tense. Often, even though we think we are giving them the best care, there may be something that escapes us. A new member of the family, a move, or having gone through a traumatic experience, are just some of the reasons why the furry can feel bad.

To know how to help a cat with fear, it is advisable first to know what is the origin of that feeling. Once it is known, we can treat it much better.

If your cat is afraid, it is very important that you observe it in your day to day to know what is causing that discomfort. For example, if you have suffered abuse at some point in your life, as soon as you feel that there is a little tension in the environment, or if you see that we are making sudden movements (either with a broomstick, a newspaper or even with the arm itself), it is very likely to run away. On the other hand, if it is the new family member that scares you, every time you see them you will snort and leave.

Signs of fear in a cat

The signs of fear of cats are the following:

  • Snorts and growls to that (either an object or a living being) that generates that feeling
  • Hedgehog hair
  • Crouches down a little, while holding his mouth open, showing his fangs
  • Opens good eyes

How to help a fearful cat

A cat that is afraid can do a lot of damage, so we should not pick it up and try to calm it, since what we would do would make the situation worse. In these cases, what can be done is let it go wherever you want -without leaving home- to calm you down.

If you have problems with a family member, whether they have two legs or four legs, you must work on it. You must always respect and care for the animal, but you must also teach it to be with other members of its family, following the socialization guidelines. Also, to help you you can use Feliway or similar products that will help you be calmer.

Scared cat

And if the cat is still fearful, it must be Go to the vet to find out what is happening to him, since sometimes the reactions generated by fear can be a symptom of illness.

Cheer up.

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