Games for cats

Kittens need to burn all the energy they accumulate during the day

Cats need to play to be really happy. From an early age they "hunt," "stalk," and play with their brothers to perfect their hunting techniques, and also for fun. The problem is that when they are brought into human homes their routines change, to the point that it often seems that their new family only cares about giving them water, food, a bed and a litter box; and those who buy toys leave these on the floor.

It is very important to keep in mind that, although there are felines that play alone sometimes, generally they will not touch a single ball, stuffed animal, cane or whatever if it is not the person who invites them to play. But, Do you know what types of cat games there are? I'll tell you below. 

I play with a ball


It can be a simple ball made of aluminum foil, which is the size of a golf ball. Show it to him and let him smell it, and then throw it as far as possible so he can go get it. Of course, he may not bring it to you, so you will have to go get it, but then throw it back as many times as necessary until you see that he is exhausted (panting, and / or lying on the ground).

Light or mouse chasing games

Cats love to chase things, so with a simple flashlight or a cloth mouse tied to a string (or better a stick about 40cm long) your furry can have a lot of fun. But beware, if you play with light, never direct it to his eyes and, from time to time, point it on something that he can take like a teddy bear.

I play with the cat cane

It is surely the most used by all of us who live with cats. A simple long pole with a string and a feather tied at the end will be very entertaining.. He shakes the stick so that the feather moves in front of him, trying not to catch it but at the same time trying to make it easy for him so that from time to time he can catch it.

I play with a leaky box

Cat inside a box

They enjoy the boxes! Get one that is large enough so that it can move in without a problem, and make several holes that it can get in and out of.. Then put some toys inside to make it more attractive to him. Then it will only be a matter of waiting for you to enter and enjoy.

If you need more information, click here to find out how to play with a cat.

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