Selection of furniture and structures for cats

Cats sleep a lot

The furry that live with us need a series of furniture and structures for cats in order to have a good quality of life. And it is often thought that with a bed, a trough and a feeder they will have everything, but the reality is that it is not like that.

The maintenance of these animals, or rather, good maintenance, entails expenses. SoIt is important to know what to buy.

The cat is a feline, remember

Cats are felines

I know, it's obvious. But I want to start the article by talking about the wild side of cats. Be careful, by "savage" I don't mean dangerous, far from it, if not your natural instinct. We cannot and must not forget that it shares DNA with lions, tigers, cheetahs, lynxes and with all species of the feline family. (Felidae).

It doesn't look like it, does it? But when our beloved furry stalks his toy for example, we can see his wildest instincts. If we are fans of watching documentaries of felines in the wild, surely at that moment our cat reminds us of a lion stalking a zebra: with stealth movements, without making noise, with his gaze fixed on his objective. When she thinks she's close enough, she runs to him.

Personally, I think that if we love cats so much it is because they have not lost their most primitive instincts, nor their curiosity to be with us humans, who are quite noisy animals  .

What are the needs of cats?

Let's do a little review:

Drink and eat

The cats They are to drink in small sips and eat small portions throughout the day. They do not like stagnant water, or odorless food (no smell); hence they tend to prefer to drink from an automatic type sources, and to eat natural food or feed with flavors (if possible natural).

Urinate and defecate

They usually urinate an average of 3-5 times a day, depending on how much water they drink and what kind of food they are given; Y defecate they do it 1-2 times a day, also depending on their diet. In order for their entire digestive and urogenital systems to enjoy good health, it is very important to give them quality food and make sure they drink between 50 and 100ml per kilo of weight / day.


Cat grooming

They are very clean animals, so much so that bathing them is never advised unless they are very sick and have stopped doing it, or very dirty. They do it after eating, after getting up from their naps, after we give them kisses (this is to mix our body odor with theirs), after noticing that they have something - which is almost impossible to know what, because often it is impossible for human eyes to see it - it bothers them, ... well. They are obese in their personal hygiene. But beware, when licking they swallow a lot of hair, so it is essential brush them daily.

Mark territory

Y they can do it in different ways: with urine (rare if they are neutered and do not suffer harassment or stress), or more frequently with your nails and rubbing your face and body. In the wild they can also do it with their feces, but living indoors this is not usually seen (and if it is seen, it is related to some stress problem, or not liking the sandbox or the area where it is placed). The theme of feline marking It gives a lot of itself, so I recommend you click on the link to find out more.


Also called "hunting" or "playing". Cats are hunting animals, hence they are carnivores and their bodies ask for meat to feed themselves. But for that they have to spend time perfecting their hunting techniques through games, because even if they are never going to go outside, their primitive instincts still prevail.

Thus, you have to play with them for a minimum of one hour divided into short sections of about 20 minutes throughout the day. These games have to be with some subtle movements and others fast, imitating the movements of their prey. As a toy you can use a ball made with aluminum foil - it has to be the size of a golf ball more or less -, a string or whatever cat toy.


Cat lying on the bed

If there is something that characterizes felines, it is the number of hours they spend sleeping. In the case of cats, they sleep between 16 and 20 hours once they are adults, whereas if they are babies they sleep almost all day, waking up only to eat. Of course, to sleep so much, they need a bed that is comfortable, soft.


Apart from what we have talked about so far, it is necessary to bear in mind that these animals have other needs:

  • Get on the furniture: they do not feel very comfortable on the floor, so they always try to be on tables, shelves, scratchers, etc.
  • Feel free at home: They do not like closed doors, much less being locked up. Nor will they feel good if we overprotect them, if we overwhelm them, if we give them affection for as long as we want, ignoring their signals.
  • Give and receive affection: each in their own way. Some will be more expressive than others, some who want to have more physical contact than others, others who are more shy and show their trust towards you in more subtle ways (opening and closing their eyes when you look at them, meowing when you enter the house, etc. .).

Why am I telling you all this? What is there to buy from cats?

For felines that live with humans to be well, they need these humans to buy them a series of things: feeders, drinkers, toys, ... or furniture and structures for cats, such as these:

Selection of furniture and structures for cats

Sandboxes / Litter trays

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Bob martin

Plastic cat tray model

If you don't want to complicate things, it is a classic tray model without a lid and very economical for cats.

It measures 41,2 x 31 x 9,5cm and weighs 290 grams.


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Covered tray model

This covered cat tray will prevent litter from being around the house and, incidentally, the bad smell from flooding the rooms.

It measures 31 x 39 x 57cm, and weighs 1,2 kilos.


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Giant cat tray

Do you live with one or more big or giant cats? Are you tired of searching without success for large sandboxes? Well, you can stop looking.

This model measures 65 x 46 x 25,5cm and a weight of 998 grams.


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Scratching post for cats

The most homely cats will have a great time in this scratching tree, which has a house and several platforms where they can climb and rest.

It measures 30 x 50 x 80cm.


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Large cat scratcher model

Do your cats love to sleep on high surfaces? This scratching post has a hammock and several platforms, as well as a little house, thanks to which they can easily reconcile their dreams.

It measures 55 x 40 x 120cm.


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Scratching post for cats

This is a nice scratching post made up of a house and several platforms that cats will enjoy.

It measures 60 x 40 x 95cm, and its two posts are about 7,5cm thick in diameter.


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Bed to place in the window

Do you have cats that spend a lot of time looking out the window? Give them a bed that can be placed simply by exerting pressure at the desired height.

It measures 54,5 wide by 31,5cm and supports up to 14kg. Its cover can be easily washed as it is removable.


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Cat bed model

This is a beautiful and comfortable grayish-colored bed for small or medium-sized cats that is easily washable.

It has a size of 48 x 37 x 18cm.


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Large cat bed model

It is a model of bed for medium to large cats, although it is sure that the little ones will also feel very comfortable in it, since it is made of soft fabric and has a backrest all around.

It measures 55 in diameter by 15cm in height.


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Houses and little houses

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Cat house or cave model

An elegantly designed house or cat cave that will combine well with the rest of the home furnishings.

With a height of 27cm and a resting surface of 37 x 33cm, it is ideal for small to medium-sized furry.


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eye power

Cat house model

It is pretty, softly colored and, as it has two windows, the cats will be able to control their surroundings from what will quickly become their shelter.

It measures 46 x 46 x 46cm.


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Cat house model

Do you like furniture with animal shapes? Then this cat house is ideal for both your cats and you.

It is made of high quality plush, and measures 42 x 40 x 35cm, making it perfect for cats under 6kg.


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Where to buy furniture and structures for cats?

We will find them for sale in many places:


In this large online shopping center we find a wide variety of models of both furniture and structures for cats. In addition, by reading the opinions of the buyers we can choose the model that interests us the most.


At Ikea they also offer us an interesting range of products for cats: beds, caves, shelves. Without a doubt, it is highly recommended to take a look at their catalog and buy the one we like the most from their online (or physical) store.

Pet shops

In these stores we can count on the help of the person in charge of it, something that is very important to know. Likewise, they usually have one or more catalogs of different brands, so it will be easy to find those that fit the needs of cats that live at home.

And with this we finish. We hope you liked the products you saw  .

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