How to train a baby cat

Adorable tabby kitten

Do you have a baby kitten? If so, surely you already know, or will be about to discover, how tender and wonderful it can be. It is very common that, after a mischief, we give way to happiness. And, who can get angry when a little furry looks at you with such sweet eyes? But of course, for him to learn to live as a family he needs an education. You, as their caregiver, will need to provide it.

If you've never lived with a feline before, write down these tips on how to train a baby cat, and I'm sure you won't have any problem teaching him everything he needs to know  .

How to teach him to use the litter tray?

Kitten on tray

Cats are very clean, so much so that the vast majority will learn to use their tray on their own. But to make sure there are several things we have to do:

  • We will buy you a wide tray. Ideally, it should be without a lid to make it easier for you to learn. We can buy any type of tray, it does not necessarily have to be specific for cats; the only thing we have to look at is that it is low: no more than 7cm.
  • We will place it in a secluded place, quiet, away from noise and your food.
  • We will use non-aromatic sand, because cats generally do not like those that have a smell.
  • We will always keep it clean, removing stools daily and thoroughly cleaning it once a week.

Likewise, and especially if it is a very baby kitten (less than 2 months old), ten minutes after eating we have to take it to your tray. If he does not relieve himself on it, we do not have to get angry, but simply be patient and be very constant. When you do, we will give you a treat in the form of a treat and / or caresses.

How to teach him not to bite?

Cat biting

The kitten needs to bite. He is very curious, and as soon as he can, he begins to explore his entire territory. However, we should never let it bite us, otherwise it will grow and continue to harm us. Therefore, From his earliest childhood we have to teach him that he cannot play with our hands or feet. How?

The steps are very simple, but you have to be very, very constant. Simply, every time he bites us, we will walk away from him for a few minutes, or stop the game. If, for example, he has taken our hand, we will not move it; so it will end up releasing it. Then, we wait about 5 seconds and give him a treat (caress, candy, toy), so that he associates not biting with something positive.

How to teach him not to scratch?

Scratching cat

The same thing that bites, also scratches ... and quite a bit. Although it is still very small, it can cut our skin very easily. These cuts are superficial ... now, but tomorrow they could be deeper. Be careful, no cat will be "dangerous" (in reality there are no dangerous cats, but rather caregivers who have not known or have not wanted to understand them) if it receives the proper education, which is why we are offering you these tips  .

Teaching him not to scratch is also relatively simple, but it also requires constant training. Repeating the same action many times will make the kitten learn anything. So that it does not scratch us, we will do exactly the same as if we are teaching it that it cannot bite: we'll stop the game and go. At 5 seconds, when you are calmer, we will give you a prize.

More tips for raising a kitten

In addition to everything we have discussed so far, we can still do more to make the kitten a very well behaved furry, which is:

  • Always have the same reaction: When you do something we don't like, we'll use the same word so as not to confuse you.
  • Provide you with a scraper: the kitten needs to scratch, so the scraper It is an indispensable accessory for him.
  • Respect your space: if the kitten wants love, he will let us know. He will come up to us, and may climb onto our lap asking for pampering. In no case do we have to force the situation.
  • Play with him: it is very important that we dedicate time to it, every day. Three or four play sessions of about 10 minutes each will help him grow up happy.
  • We will not mistreat him: The use of force, as well as yelling or making loud noises, will only serve to diminish the trust we have with the kitten.

Lovely kitten sleeping

Do you already know how to train your furry friend? 

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