You take your cat to the vet for treatment. You had already spent a few hours, maybe days, that you had used to make yourself aware that, yes, the little furry would need a lot of tranquility and pampering after the operation; but as you had been told or read so many times that he would recover quickly, you were more or less calm. However, the situation is complicated when the veterinarian examines the animal and realizes that one or both testicles have not descended.
This disorder, known as cryptocurrency, will be the reason why the intervention will not be as it should have been. But, What is it and how is it treated?
What is cryptorchidism?
By the age of two months, both testicles should descend into the scrotum. Sometimes one or both testicles do not go down and stay in some area of the lower abdomen, which makes a conventional castration become a more complicated operation. But this should not worry us excessively, since it is similar to the castration of cats.
What we do have to know is that if at 9 months it has not decreased, it is most likely that it will no longer do so. Even so, it is highly recommended to operate itEven if it only has one testicle, it can reproduce. Only in the case that it had both inside the abdomen, it would be a sterile cat but it would need to mate, in addition to showing the typical behavior of heat (howls, fights, marking, escapes).
How is it diagnosed?
The veterinarian will make the diagnosis by touching the scrotum to detect the presence of the testicles.. You may supplement it with a blood test to measure testosterone levels and an ultrasound to find out where to open. If he sees that he has a descended testicle, he will remove it by conventional castration, but the one inside will require additional surgery.
How is the surgery?
The type of surgery you perform it will depend on where the testicle is locatedFor example, if it's in your groin, he'll simply make a small cut and remove it; if it's in your abdomen, he'll do abdominal surgery. Fortunately, most of the time they don't extend beyond your groin, so there's no need to worry too much .
What post-operative care do you need?
The cat is an animal that we will see very sad after the operation. While the anesthesia wears off, he is going to need us to be by his side, preventing it from getting cold. Even though it's hot you have to wrap it with blanketsas you will not be able to regulate your body temperature and you may tremble. During that day, we will not force you to drink or eat; We will let him decide what he wants to do.
Starting on the second day, he may be smarter, walk, and play. But still you have to keep an eye on it, especially so that the points are not licked. In the event that it does, we can put a elizabethan necklace.
At all times, keep calm and make sure the furry is comfortable. The noises, the loud music, the tension,… all this will not do you any good. It is very important that he knows that he has us with him, and that he can count on us for whatever it is: pampering, food, toys ... the stitches ten days until the vet removes them.
If the wound opens, smells bad, and / or more than two days pass and you have not eaten anything, it will be very convenient to take it to be checked.
My Cat Bug after the intervention
As pictures and videos are often worth a thousand words, I'm leaving you with these ones that I took of my kitten Bicho after he had undergone surgery. As you can see, he recovered very quickly , and I'm sure yours will too.